Or, Would You Rather The Insect Alternative In The Future? .............. Pretty Barfy, don't you think?
The BS Returns
Vibrating Panties For The Bride To Be
Entertained Yet?
ya gotta share The BS with a buddy - don't you?
Got a bride you'd be interested in having wear these?
The Slippery Slope
Yes, he may have picked the wrong career - as a `breast feeding therapist' - as it seems that men don't want to pay another man to Massage Their Wives Breasts For 90 Minutes to increase milk flow...... male equality.... right?
Only In America

BS Entertains
But You Are Probably Here For The Sexy Photos, Right?

the slippery slope of non-nude
And the new abilities of fabric makers

The BS Sexy Photo Gallery
Yes, The BS - does Politics

Own The Movie Version
In Case You Were Wondering

The BS is all over the place - watch your step!
And, Finally......

from a father to be booklet?
The NEW BS - Same As The OLD BS!
tell your mama
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