Meanwhile.... Economy Faces a Jolt as Benefit Checks Run Out - of course worthless politicians will have a different spin - http://www.cnbc.com/id/43710397 - Stewable.
Ready for a good, spooky Ouija Board story for BS's ParaNormal stuff? http://mylifewiththeparanormal.blogspot.com/2009/04/ouija-boards.html - Stewable. Scary. Strange.
Mothman in North Georgia? - http://naturalplane.blogspot.com/2011/07/witness-north-georgia-mothman.html - as someone who lives in N.Georgia this was of interest - somewhat compelling. Lon Strickler delivers again. Stewable.
The Silver Bridge: The Classic Mothman Tale
Ready to Think BIG? Like a
More, lookin for Bigfoot in the Ohio woods -
Here for the UFO stuff? How about a CLOSEUP - shot from an airplane - of a SKY ORB? - Holy Crap - http://northcarolinaufo.blogspot.com/2011/07/closeup-of-orb-shot-from-small-plane.html - BS.
Here for the BS Gallery of sexy girls? - Here's a 10 http://www.hoseteens.com/models/olya3/samples/sample2.jpg BS Entertains.
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