Anyone that can read between the lines knows that TPTB were VERY concerned in 2008 that their little apple cart was about to upend. The `rich' were about to find out if their `money' did in fact HAVE ANY VALUE. And, we all know the result of course - TRILLIONS of fake dollars to keep the TPTB afloat and return to the very wealthy THEIR MONEY. (Note the word THEIR.)
After all, if the difference between McDonald's or any of these big boys paying a living wage - is simply that the SHAREHOLDERS MAKE LESS MONEY (shareholders in general means the rich and the pension funds) - then perhaps the inequality means a new era is dawning to at least a few on the short end of the stick.

The BS View - Quite A Bit Different Than What The MSM Portrays
The Smaller Worker Monkeys Want Justice?
The Smaller Worker Monkeys Want Justice?
The BS Entertains
art exhibit BS

THE BS is on So Many Levels

The BS Does Politics
And, Sexy Pictures!

You'll Kick Yourself If You Don't See The Blow Up Of This One
Online Ad Placement - Still A Few Kinks To Work Out
The BS Entertains
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BS's ParaNormal Side

SHC - Spontaneous Human Combustion - wow, talk about a skeptic.... who could be right, perhaps.
And, how much did you hear our oh so hard working MSM tell everyone about this bit of information from the Snowden leaks - that the black budget for spying and such is over 52 Billion Dollars. Not much? Boy that's a surprise.
Politics, Sleaze (almost NSFW) and ParaNormal - The BS
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There's Usually 2 Sexy Pictures Each BS, Right?
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Pauleen Luna Subtle CT
The Archives Have Over 900 Posts This Good - Find Some Of The Best In The Sidebar With The `Labels' Tab!
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See Ya Tomorrow
And, Sexy Pictures!

You'll Kick Yourself If You Don't See The Blow Up Of This One
Online Ad Placement - Still A Few Kinks To Work Out
The BS Entertains
Wow, looks like The BS has climbed into the top 8 million (websites in the world) on Alexa - please check out our sidebar for MORE info.
BS's ParaNormal Side

SHC - Spontaneous Human Combustion - wow, talk about a skeptic.... who could be right, perhaps.
And, how much did you hear our oh so hard working MSM tell everyone about this bit of information from the Snowden leaks - that the black budget for spying and such is over 52 Billion Dollars. Not much? Boy that's a surprise.
Politics, Sleaze (almost NSFW) and ParaNormal - The BS
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There's Usually 2 Sexy Pictures Each BS, Right?
below and in the fold
Pauleen Luna Subtle CT
The Archives Have Over 900 Posts This Good - Find Some Of The Best In The Sidebar With The `Labels' Tab!
Go Ahead - No One Is Looking
See Ya Tomorrow
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