Physics for Future Presidents: The Science Behind the Headlines
Meanwhile, - Catholic Church Issues Guide on How to Convert Witches - http://www.aolnews.com/2011/02/04/catholic-church-issues-guide-on-how-to-convert-witches/ - some strange stuff on AOL today for sure -- anyway -- a tease from this link:
"Whether spellwork is effective or not," writes Dodd, according to The Telegraph, "has no bearing on the psychological damage that can be done to a young person who is convinced that they have summoned the dead, or have performed a spell that has hurt or injured another."
More important, Dodd adds that the simple act of experimenting with spellcraft is an insult to the Almighty. "The use of magic, the practice of witchcraft, offends God because it is rooted in our sinful and fallen nature," she writes. "It attempts to usurp God."
BS wonders if when the answer was burned at the stake ---- Barf Stew.
Witchcraft: Theory and Practice
Highly unlikely that the Catholic Church would approve of these tempting women (they seem to lean the other way, right?) in the BS Sexy Gallery - #1 Cutie, http://i.imgur.com/cMoRG.jpg #2 Cuties, http://i.imgur.com/mtycF.jpg #3 CLASSIC B&W Marilyn Monroe, http://i.imgur.com/T3Pmi.jpg #4 Another B&W, http://i.min.us/idWpU8.jpg #5 Whoops, http://slutcapades.com/img/761C1DA4-578B-F3F3-F6D0-CDE1D385C955.png #6 Stare at these a bit, http://i.imgur.com/N7cXt.jpg #7 Smile for the camera, http://i.imgur.com/YKtVl.jpg #8 Today's Oh My Topper, http://i.imgur.com/eAZ9O.jpg Barf Stew Entertains.
School Girl Lingerie Costume
Women's Secret Wishes Princess Leia Slave Costume, Brown, M (6/8)
Sexy Adult Costumes Office Secretary Teacher Costume M Womens US M (Dress 10-12)
BS Today - Religion, check; Sexy Stuff, check; - How about some Politics (to complete the things you shouldn't talk about):
This video suggests that the Underwear Bomber was almost forced onto the plane by Federal Folks. Hmmm. BS.
Here's a post that IMO leans --- to the Barfy side --- Close Encounters with Reptilians - http://beforeitsnews.com/story/378/683/Close_Encounters_with_Reptilians.html - that said, what do you think - are folks that look out their left eye and most post office supervisors Reptilians? Flying Serpents and Dragons: The Story of Mankind's Reptilian Past
Children of the Matrix: How an Interdimensional Race has Controlled the World for Thousands of Years-and Still Does
Here's a BS website worth checking out for `fringey' - http://logicbible.blogspot.com/ -- thinks their is evidence of WAR on the surface of planets and moons in our Solar System. BS.
CAN'T Get Enough of those Jerusalem UFO Vids? - http://ufodisclosurecountdownclock.blogspot.com/2011/02/todays-jerusalem-israel-ufo-video-full.html - yesterday's newest.
Even more handpicked UFO stuff here of interest - http://www.squidoo.com/AnomalyManArchive#module24423592
Barf Stew's 400th Post Tomorrow - YouTube And Sexy Sunday!
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