Now, this 911 Barf Stew - is probably largely Barf - but has comments like this:
As I write these words almost nine years have passed since the epoch-making event universally known as "9/11." I say "epoch-making" because its impact on the collective psyche of the human race has been out of all proportion to the scale of the tragedy. For example, we now use the terms "pre-9/11" and "post-9/11" in much the same way as we use "BC" and "AD" (or the rather bland "BCE" and "CE"), in recognition of the fact that 9/11 has changed our world forever.
Who was really responsible for this horrifically audacious, breathtakingly successful act of terror? What is presented here is not another "9/11 hypothesis" -- rather, it is my interpretation of what appears to be a communication about 9/11 that has been placed within the event itself, insisting that the ultimate perpetrator was not any group of people but an intelligence which created 9/11 to mark a watershed moment in history. The communication is written in a symbolic language utilising words, numbers and geometric figures and is translated by means of an esoteric science known as gematria - Here's this link -
And, here is an incredible read - 9/11 and Collective Consciousness - with over the top comments too -
and finally - 9/11 and America's Three Poisons -
Please read the three links above before another September passes.
Interestingly, I ran across this link on 9-11 - on Fringe Science at Bruceleeeowe's blog - (another writer at The C Influence) - Interstellar Transportation: How?[Part-I] - - Stewable Barf for sure.
In other fringe science - Labyrinths offer a new path to health - Barf Stew.
Fun Hippo YouTube Video - Because Barf Stew Entertains:
Hungry Hungry Hippos
You won't find any hippo's here in this Sexy Tease picture (as with nearly all BS pictures - probably nsfw but never X rated either) OR this one - (we do sexy pics like this nearly daily at BS - look around or bookmark and return)
Meanwhile, Did Sarah Palin Get Booed on 'Dancing With the Stars'? (VIDEO) - - the answer is yes - appropriately. (con and pro shirts)
Barf or Stew? - Early ‘alien’ art discovered in Australia, exact location being kept secret - with picture.
And, speaking of 911 today - Alfred Webre Interviews California Alien - yes, a 6 foot 9 alien - brought to earth on an UFO for the betterment of Earth -- watch video for more BS -
More speaking about UFO's - this one stewable - Your Potential Impact On Ufology -
Let's end today with a Shorpy and real Time Travel to the year 1900 - when folks didn't have anything `cool' to do at the beach - oh, wait......
(click pic to enlarge - or -