Barf Stew Entertains with this Chilean Child Wizard who also sites music influences in his works. --- This hattip to - I will be adding Freshpics to my blogspot blogfinds in the sidebar - my link list featuring Blogspot; make sure to visit them all. Anyway, enjoy a few pics:
(click picture to enlarge)
Next up - a YouTube offering that I found the other day while searching for `Kentucky UFO' -- supposedly shot in Kentucky - a Bigfoot -- six seconds of probable Barf Stew Entertainment:
Meanwhile - Bombshell: FEMA Camps Confirmed - - Barf Stew or Not - you decide. Enemy of the State: Camp FEMA Part 2
Welcome To Hell: FEMA Camps, Martial Law, and the Collapse of American Civil Liberties Under the New World Order
That's probably enough fear for today - how about some beauty? - <-- sexy mom and daughter --------- and here, a reason to bookmark this site forever If you bookmark you can see all these sexy pictures daily as part of BS's Entertainment. Go to the archive via the sidebar too.
And, talk about an entertaining read - Bruceleeeowe strikes again with More Speculation about Intelligent Self Replicating Exploration Probes -
with lines like these within this article:
Oliver has pointed out that the number of intelligent races that have existed in the pant may be significantly greater than those presently in existence. Specifically, at this time there may exist perhaps only 10% of the alien civilizations that have ever lived in the Galaxy – the remaining 90% having become extinct. If this is true, then 9 of every 10 replicating machines we might find in the Solar System could be emissaries from long-dead cultures.
Wow. Stewable. Oh, Bruce is also a writer at that cool blog called The C Influence. - you can find its ICON in the sidebar too.
Kinematic Self-Replicating Machines
Artificial Life: Clanking Replicator, Langton's Ant, Self-Replication, Flocking, Autocatalytic Set, Self-Replicating Machine
Oh, heck, one more fear link - Trading Expert: Market Vulnerable to Another Flash Crash -
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