While I'm sure some folks are still serious in their pursuit of "Bigfoot"...it's days of belief...IMO...are shrinking...no proof in this era of unlimited video everywhere...puts one down the rabbit hole to suspend disbelief much longer... Is bigfoot headed the way of the Loch Ness Monster?
In the past 6 months Barfstew has been gathering quite a load of links ...varied...interesting stuff...bitcoin stuff too. So...enjoy.
What do BS readers want....?... reading about SEX...that's what... so..today's question is,
now...you can't tell me that you are or aren't until you read ....so..here's a teaser from the article.
"A survey last year of 600,000 OkCupid users found that 62 percent of women say they like rough sex (and 75 percent of men). As for what sort of stuff that entails: having their hair pulled, being bitten,...."
You get the idea..now read the link.
Or read this...BarfStew Classic
Oh..the Barfstew of the "justice" system...seems the DA got off pretty light...all he was doing was helping female drug dealers if they provided sexual favors. Just imagine how many females have been similarly used by police late night on a country road?
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Sexy Girl In Public
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Males Dominate Barfstew Readers And Love
Sexy Girl In Public
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