The bottom of the pyramid - the worker. Outside labor perceived the lowest level. Indoor factory next, followed by office workers. Top level, independents - and perhaps the scariest.
Regardless, today's extended working stiffs edition is for you.
You will be entertained

Crusted Bits Of BS
IF you have never went to these public meetings they drip in religion IMO
a somewhat simplistic look at the problem IMO
predicted in Jan 14 that by the end of the year Bitcoin would be worth ten bucks
the rumor is E-Bay .......
if that is possible?

Heavy And Scary
(as Halloween Season Begins)

Let's All Work Together

Entertained Yet?
why not donate to the BS now and get your fall donation out of the way?
Lest We Forget - Again, 2007 - The Robotic Insect

A Barfster Thanks To All The Workers
A Barfster Thanks To All The Workers