And, don't wait for the media to feature this data either: (other than the 1/2 of 1% reading the NYT)
as the above data represents just how much employment has been lost in this recession and how it compares to previous recessions. Barf Stew for sure - - more disturbing graphs at this link too.
Meanwhile, the people of California are about to tell the Feds to F off - Yes on Prop 19 Winning 52%-36%; Majority Supports Legalizing Marijuana - Barf Stew.
IF citizens actually had a REAL congress, with real people, wouldn't being MAD like this also happen ALL THE TIME instead of once a month and making news?
Here's a strange little story about `alien abduction' Come Down To Earth With Wood Betony - - Barf Stew.
The latest `wow' signal - are the aliens sending `light' signals? Stewable.
Meanwhile, Gold Prices May Suffer as Scam Complaints Rise - - and, just wait until the concept that of all the `paper gold' in the world - that only 1% is actually available if demanded. Barf Stew.
Newest, sexy virtual girl - Barf Stew Entertains.
How about a double shot of sexy?
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