I see that someone beat me to this story by 3 hours --- I assure you - that I looked up the name given supposedly of a SETI employee about objects streaming towards Earth that would arrive in December 2012. Using the search on the SETI site I found this yesterday:
Search SETI.org
No results found for Craig Kasnov http://www.seti.org/page.aspx?pid=226&txtSearch=Craig%2bKasnov -- seems the story was picked up or promoted by The Examiner website by a Andrew Wozny - http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-canada/3-very-large-objects-space-flying-to-earth (I believe I read the same garbage about a month ago on Beforeitsnews.com - a site with a mix of real and unreal stories).
Anyway, Barf Stew was all ready to say we were first to expose the BS hoax --- but - this website had it up three hours ago - http://paranormalutopia.com/2010/12/craig-kasnov010/ - yes, NO Craig Kasnov exists at SETI - I even E-Mailed them the story and asked if it was TRUE -- and got - not an answer. A minute of legwork proves the gig Barf Stew.
Here's a good BS story for you -
First, Mystery BOOMS hit the Atlanta area - then this - Mystery object streaks across the sky - http://www.ajc.com/news/dekalb/mystery-object-streaks-across-768562.html - with story and picture.
Oh, here's the above strange video of the Atlanta event above:
(BTW, the original video on YouTube has already been removed for some reason.)