32 year old Russian tycoon wants investments in making mankind Immortal Via Robot Avatars by 2045.... almost seems likely to be available by that time... don't you think? Barfsters love this kind of stuff. Barf or Stew.
As you can see by the Barf Stew poll - some folks come for the attitude of BS.... like the BS Politics we are all forced to Endure. BS makes you think and brings you the BS the hopeless MSM is less likely to think is NEWS.
But, you are here for the Female Non-Nude Body, right? And, to see the future Pole Dancers as they blossom into womanhood.... Or, this self-shooting teenie that wants to have her sexy cleavage Seen, right?
One of our BS UK `UFO' friends is John Wall - he recently shared with me his front page of his UFO website and it has LOTS of interest to Barfsters. I especially like that JW is NOT a fan of the BS the exo-politics folks put out there. Bravo. Alien Descendant.

We dig MILF Bikini - how about you?
You say that you think that you are in charge of your mind?