The BS gets Buzzed
The People Are Getting Eaten By TPTB

sometimes only graphic images get a message across
Snorri Thorfinnsson - Do you know Snorri? What if the BS told you that Snorri was the first `European' born in America.
The Background BS (Wikipedia Link)
Recently a Bigfoot photo emerged from a trialcam in Virginia - most folks think it is a bear that is either thin or with a disease, others think chimpanzee that escaped or a Photoshop picture. The 88 comments and background to the story is Here. The BS picture, below:

at least it is clear
Politics, ParaNormal.... what does that leave?
BS Humor, that's what

It's Gotta Be The BS, Right?
NOPE - And It Can Be Yours For Under 15 Bucks!
click the book cover for more info
click the book cover for more info
The BS has the OMG Stuff
For All Of Those The MSM Is Scaring and Scarring with Clown Photos - The BS thought it would do its part too!

Today's BS Hottie

sssshhhhhsssshhhhhh don't tell the censors - they think underaged can't find harder porn than this on the internet
In other news the MSM somehow missed!
The Science Of Pot - Why Potheads Love It! a Salon article, good all around. BTW, evidently the `receptors' for the chemical to get high are..... over....... 580 million years old.
Below and In The Fold
yes, it's a BS favorite and re-post

public attire requested by employer
Where's the BS Gallery?
How many books did you sell?
How many books did you sell?