Here's Barf Stew's Feelings About The Recent Elections!
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The Promise of American Life
Meanwhile, Man Who Stayed Awake for 40 Days Looks Back With Open Eyes - - Barfy.
Barf Stew loves Mammoth stories about them emerging from the melting Tundra - like this one:
Barf Stew Entertains with daily sexy pictures - like this amusement park mature upskirt - - and this sweet blonde - and this 40DD at least - look around BS for more to enjoy.
Amusement Park Physics: A Teacher's Guide
Here's a Barf Stew Study of 3,000 folks - Superstitious Beliefs Getting More Common: with lines like these:
The numbers also showed that different types of paranormal entities appeal to different demographics. Women, for instance, are most likely to believe they live in haunted houses. College graduates are most likely to have out-of-body experiences. Unmarried white men are most likely to believe in UFOs.
Bigfoot hunters were perhaps the most surprising group, Bader said. They defied all stereotypes of paranormal pursuers who wear flowing clothes and commune with spirits.
Instead, they were very serious, extremely conventional and often highly professional. In fact, their beliefs contradicted their lifestyles so much that many of them were plagued by anxiety, which drove them even further to stick to their beliefs.
"Their friends and family consider them kooky," Much more Stew at the link.
Folk Lore - Superstitious Beliefs in the West of Scotland within This Century
History's Mysteries - Superstitions [VHS]
Lancashire Folk-lore Illustrative of the Superstitious Beliefs and Practices, Local Customs
Fantasy Fest - The Limits Of YouTube Sexy Stuff - Pasties.
Finally, your FEAR link of the day - Dare to Prepare: Collapse of Civilization Now Guaranteed - Barf Stew.
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