The first example below is simply someone who wants to encourage the whole movement... who understands that THIS is the time to get in on a new currency standard. (BTW... at Bluetrade's chat box yesterday I again read the 1 bitcoin worth 50,000 idea by NEXT year.... if crypto took over just a small fraction of world commerce. - Something I'm simply repeating here, as you know, some say a million a coin is possible ultimately.) It's from an Indian familiar with this groundswell.... listen to how sincere his anticipation and desire is.
IF such an urgency translates to the masses and overcomes the built in inertia of folks in 2015... the revolution is at hand.
But, the real gem of a video today is again from the Maza Coin team... again lead publicly it seems by Payu Kimitsu (goes by Payu Harris too) who almost single-handedly is leading the efforts to bring MAZA Coin to the masses for usage via real business transactions.
In the video below you see Payu talking with a local developer in South Dakota.... a developer who didn't really know what the question direction was going to be (you can see him begin to squirm at the 14 second mark) ... who had VERY little awareness of Crypto's (let alone bitcoin or Maza Coin)... and who all of a sudden was answering a question about WHETHER he would take Crypto Currencies for a property.... You will LOVE his answer at 21 seconds as he simply lumps crypto currencies in with all TRADe-ABLE CURRENCIES.
Then, as Payu tells the developer that he'd be the FIRST DEVELOPER to do something like this, (take crypto for building properties).. you can almost sense the guys pride and fear at being so positioned.
"..we feel good about being in a global market... with currencies that are tradable and movable"
Published on Jan 2, 2014
Maza Coin Project Founder Payu Harris talking with Hanni Chaffi about the future of Dream Designs acceptance of Bitcoin and the upcoming Mazacoin crypto currencies
The guy being interviewed is the kind that is the future of certain cryptos.
While the shake out is happening every single day - the huge shakeout and consolidation of bitcoin brands is coming IMO.
And, one can assume that Payu is behind this too:
The Designators Designated driver service in Rapid city SD signed on today as the FIRST driving service in the midwest to accept Mazacoi as a payment option, if not the entire US. Designators owner John said..."Im happy to accept Mazacoin, it costs me nothing to have a mzc wallet so why not accept it and help support this new tech?" you can find them on FB @
How much MAZA Coin do you have in your wallet?
So, I assume you noticed the ADULT screen I've placed on this blog at least for now in response to Google getting WEIRD about censorship again. While this blog prior to being a Bitcoin blog was known for being VERY controversial .... and was literally BANNED by GOOGLE for over 100 days.... my feeling was that it was the political edge that got the ban... but... this blog also featured pretty girls and women in photos... never ever nude but sexy often.... and that along with the LURID side links and Sexy Sunday and Sexy YouTube... leads me to believe that it's possible that Google may make this blog private on March 24 (against my will) - and restrict access to ONLY those who have been invited by myself the moderator/webmaster.
I'll explain more as this evolves - but - if you want to visit this blog after 3/23 - then you may have to give me a working e-mail. Sucks I know.
More on this soon.
A few more bitcoin related links and thoughts.
This is how Payu responded..... as I said, coins will be dependent upon PR in this upcoming phase. Payu on top of his game.
Keep your bucks I mean Bitcoin in America is never a bad thought.
For Example
the MYCoin saga.
Great Articles
the store has an onsite Bitcoin ATM and offers a discount to Amazon Prices if you pay in Bitcoin. And, is Bitjam the tip of the iceberg for a new peer to peer world?
The Future Continues Its Slow Advance

Various Analysis OF Bitcoin Marketplace
The bottom line is that it looks like BTC is headed to at least 300.
thanks for your support