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The BS. Tell a friend.
Interestingly perhaps, as I listened in to the beyond belief coverage yesterday on the MSM, I was struck at how much the 2nd suspect sounded like a `Redditor' - `pot smoking, government hating' - and of course, Reddit and 4Chan were the internet `talking boards' taking a serious look at the available data without the MSM influence. Something the MSM is definitely threatened by of course. So, it was of no time lost to find articles like this about how `wrong' those two websites were about the identity of the bombers - they let the UK Press Do This First - but, immediately this AM I heard an FBI spokesman say the more data the better.
BS does politics.
BUT, all that hardly matters - you are here for the pictures of Scantily Clad Young Women - you have voted in the poll right? And, Smoking Hot Beach Babes - literally...... Doing The Splits - The BS likes to feature the fit.
Every once and a while The BS recycles some of it's previous best material that has been retired to the BS pages on Squidoo.Com as part of the AnomalyMan pages. (My identity on Squidoo). So with that in mind and to fulfill the BS about our connection to the paraNormal side of the internet - I present - Skinny Gollumlike Creature Killed - Photographed and you can find another 15 this good at least where I pulled this one from The AnomalyMan Archive. Then, tell a friend about this amazing webpage resource.
The sleazy sexy side of YouTube:
The BS delivers again.
IS the BS about to go private?
BTW, have you heard that Google is pulling the GAN (G affiliate network) - you know the ads the BS runs for various affiliates like Second Life and such (many of you have joined Second Life via the links on the BS). Wonder if it has to do with how few clicks seemed to convert in the network? And, that what therefore amounted to free advertising....... Even more reason for REAL surfers who understand their real role in supporting sites they visit often to step up to the plate and check out real G ads to support blogging efforts. So, expect to see all affiliate ads gone on current pages soon.