Showing posts with label future pole dancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future pole dancer. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2013

New Millennium Housing - A Home Without Equity IS Renting With Debt

This report from 2001 - yes 2001 - identified the possible problems of what was going to be known as the `housing bubble' and crash. And, of course, the eventual outcome of which has Homeowners Under Water would be nearly the norm.
261857_1111_vampire_BR_300x250Va Va Voom
The BS - In Your Face
Today's Sexy Photos
The NEW BS Does Look For The Positive Too
Smog Eating Concrete? Yes - It's Real!
a solution for China's smog?
Seeking PHD at 16 - Girl Blazes New Intellectual Territory
Tesca Fitzgerald
the glimmer of hope category
Below The Fold Photo

A Worthy Blow-Up Of The Above
the BS features shamelessness
Visuals Make It Easier
a per-capita of the above would also be of interest
Shouldn't (countries) people who make bombs and weapons `get a real job'?
The BS - Does Politics
Does The BS - Stand For Borderline Sleaze?

Find your Russian Lady
Entertained Yet?
the above ladies DO entertain
And, Finally
The Campaign To Have THE PEOPLE Raise 200K For Snowden To Exit To Asylum
spread the BS

purchases support the barf

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Big Next Step for Bitcoin: Meeting the Regulators

Yeah, Bitcoin. You've heard about it here at BS since 2011 - and our initial viewpoint was that the `authorities better arrest everyone' involved or something wild might be occurring. ..... Well, fast forward til today - and on Dutch Tulip ride later and lo and behold --- DO we have a new currency? Anyway, some beyond choice words in this CNBC link - Legitimate Currency?

"They are not there yet," said Peter Dugas, director of government affairs at the Clark Hill law firm and a former deputy assistant Treasury secretary.
"What would probably trigger that would be some sort of significant outflow, whether it's currency or transactions abroad and they start to see patterns of people trying to hide finances abroad," he added.
(Watch: Ron Paul: Bitcoin Is No Money)
In the worst-case scenario for bitcoin, that type of malfeasance would bring in regulators who then would enact the toughest measure of all: shutting down the whole operation. (barf stew emphasis)
Short of that, U.S. bitcoin regulation would have to start in Congress, and then would spill over into the global currency market and its $4 trillion a day of action.
A number of agencies would be involved, including the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the National Futures Association and the Financial Services Authority.
That would take bitcoin out of the murky world of online creators and dealers and into the public markets.
When that would happen, though, would likely be a far cry from the current $1.4 billion world in which bitcoin currently exists.

Sexy Sunday Means Some hot ladies? Sure..... Sexily Dressed Innocent ..... `Little Big Girls' Play Dress Up ..... Rural Pickup..... Beautiful Girl, Beautiful Small Bikini - sexy Sunday at BS.
Some get a little desperate to prove a conspiracy IMO ... especially when incompetence and violence are being sandbagged......BS Does Politics get the attitude.
Bring Pot and Politicians together and what do you get? Lying Worthless Politicians.... surprised?
Terrorist.... or..... Cop..... one of them you are EIGHT times more likely to end up Dead Around...... (CATO link)
BS does Politics. With a viewpoint you will not find touted by any MSM channel.
Is the best of Barf Stew - The EBook - coming?
Sexy Sunday means more sets of ..... Jailbait Braces - you know, simple searches of Google with the filter ON! .... Future Pole Dancers showing off for the older men...... Pert ,,,,,
Danger.... slippery slopes.
This could be the most beyond belief video ever run on The BS - beautiful and amazing. 
I've bookmarked the above girls name - you will be seeing more of this young woman.
One last go around? Hot Twins ..... Slutwear ..... That Gap (look for it) .... 
The only book review I've ever written on Amazon.... For my favorite Book Of All Time four out of four found my review helpful.
And, here it is:

Entertained yet? Final Hottie
And finally, a great read is included in this E-bay listing -- before you open it - how much would YOU pay for a Haunted Wine Box? Would It Be More Than This? (not 4 figures)
Protect Your Home w/ TASER® X3™ Home Defender

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is Strip Club Business Thriving? Workers Unsure!

This headline of a CNBC link is about how good it is for a couple owners of upscale strip clubs in the UK - especially good are Americans closing deals and willing to spend 3-4 thousand pounds to do so.... gotta love that good boy network, right? Anyway, read about how the actual `girls' are exploited in a classic shakedown for their Own SHAKEDOWN Cash Tips; sleazy slippery stuff, the exact thing you love in your barf stew.
32 year old Russian tycoon wants investments in making mankind Immortal Via Robot Avatars by 2045.... almost seems likely to be available by that time... don't you think? Barfsters love this kind of stuff. Barf or Stew.
As you can see by the Barf Stew poll - some folks come for the attitude of BS.... like the BS Politics we are all forced to Endure. BS makes you think and brings you the BS the hopeless MSM is less likely to think is NEWS.
But, you are here for the Female Non-Nude Body, right? And, to see the future Pole Dancers as they blossom into womanhood.... Or, this self-shooting teenie that wants to have her sexy cleavage Seen, right?
One of our BS UK `UFO' friends is John Wall - he recently shared with me his front page of his UFO website and it has LOTS of interest to Barfsters. I especially like that JW is NOT a fan of the BS the exo-politics folks put out there. Bravo. Alien Descendant.
We dig MILF Bikini - how about you?
You say that you think that you are in charge of your mind?


Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Economic Charade Continues

One of the more amusing things about watching the mainstream media faithfully repeat the governments BS line about the economic recovery is the new `upturn from the bottom of the housing mess' talk. Yeah, right. With MILLIONS of empty homes they uptalk a few extra NEW homes for those that refuse to live in the venom of the leftovers of the destroyed American housing dream. Worthless media, worthless politicians - all BS.
Now to the slippery slope stuff - such as our focus on wasting your time with the beautiful female form - They Look Like D's - but, is that paint? Chicks Tease and men please by looking. Future Pole Dancer? Wow. Mardi Gras Girl Downblouse - strong bead count. Erotic Hotties - oh, BTW, IF this blog has the HUGE blank areas it is because of the big G thinking the content is a bit too racy for their advertisers. Please support BS as best you can to ensure the continuation of the slippery slope.
Here's the answer to WHO is `buried' in  outer space (happened in 1997) - Timothy Leary is More Than Dead see who else. Win some trivia with this one.
Timothy Leary Books
Now, you'd NEVER know it IF you only listened to the government sponsored lines on the MSM - but the `anonymous' message on a Government Hacked website last week said the below:
Could anonymous continue the good will by following thru? Find the internet only and censored msm story Here on BS. When will the power players EVER get the idea about the real disgust in the people? BS does Politics.
Speaking of which ---- as more and more old people work to pay endless `interest' on borrowed money to `the fraudster banks' - isn't it interesting to see how those stories are portrayed by folks like CNBC - that the economy FEEDS on those delaying retirement. What a farce.
How about another side glance of the female form? - College guys, are you doing your part to spread the libertarian word of bS?
BS blogfinds -- it's been awhile since I found one I really wanted to share with Barfsters - incredible time wasting content - such as this Optical Illusion of red circles on a house. Groovy.
The blog above has cool images such as the below - called a watercolor method with life:
And here is Erich Kuensten with his best blogfind of literally Trippy Monster Pictures - high minded Barfsters will enjoy this one - and will probably consume seconds.
Today's BS video is was taken on JULY 3rd - which probably says a lot - but, the video certainly is sincere IMO and what is caught -- of a WHITE light emerging from a Red light - is interesting: 20-1 Positive to Negative ratings.

312155_Personal Checks 120x240 Banner

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Without Manipulation The REAL Unemployment Rate Is 11.2%

As nearly always happens, Rick Santelli nails more truth in one minute, than you will find watching a month of the evening news:

Sickening, right?
Ever notice how Sexting is not a big topic anymore? Wonder why? Could it be that the `retail censors' that everyone used to have to use for film development simply do NOT exist anymore, and that took a few years for that fact to sink into the consciousness of the world? 

Isn't it logical that when the proliferation of cameras happened and that the pictures no longer had to go anywhere to be `developed' would indeed `cause' a new breed of `pictures' to become available? Especially when it involves teenagers?

Or, is it that teenage girls are simply that much more sleazy than in yesteryear? (Unlikely) Nonetheless, the removal of needing to `develop' film has developed a slippery slope, with developing women, as they and their friends are seemingly the source of each of these photos for your enjoyment. Busty Braces and Hot Sexy Teens. Need some more? Wet Panties Upskirt. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone. (there is never nudity on BS)
Title this one - Bongs in Prison. With a 7/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion. Oh, he had murdered a cop.

I don't think you will forget this Sexy White Top and might even bookmark it. Like the pictures on BS? You could spend the rest of the day looking at them via the archives. How about 5 young teens looking like future Pole Dancers? Why do I have a feeling these are all MOM approved.
NASA scientist finds that 6% of drivers are Sadists? (All kinds of logic flaws here but it is an interesting read.)
As you can tell, you win when BS clears out its files. Like this Cameltoe Beauty and on this one you will have to swear to be over 18 before they will allow you to see a non-nude Downblouse Photo or the Sexy Legs of this chick.
You might want to bookmark and return don't you think? - become a Barfster today.
Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2008 Stephenville UFO Events (The Heavy Stuff)

The 14% UFO Myth And Other UFOlogy Essays

Important UFO Sightings Of The 2000s - The 2006 O'Hare UFO Airport Incident (The Heavy Stuff)

Shaman Lujan Matus Has Answers

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Entity `Flash' Visits Mall

This seems like a VERY valid `anomalous' video from a security camera in a mall. But, if you trace the `sourcing' it goes back to a `gathering site' with all kinds of crappola. So, Barfsters can decide for themselves.

It sure seems as if this is a temporary phenomena with a `being' inside, doesn't it? Also, check out this more than intelligent comment at the above vid:

Look into Greg Braden's research proving the correlation of emotion affecting DNA, DNA affecting reality. The proof that emotion is a frequency, fear being slow, love being fast. (Increasing your frequencies to become enlightened through love.) this will also demonstrate the effect emotion plays over evolution and development. Science understands that all matter is made up of consciousness, this is what we know as God. Wouldn't you like to know him/her aswell?

Got another HOT picture for you - Maneating MILF'S? (Bet you bookmark this one.)
As you know, Barf Stew strives to bring great content and entertainment for body and mind to these pages - and, you know we like to poke fun at things like The Endtimers and at the link, dated 10/29/11, you can almost feel the end-a' coming.
As  Barfsters know, there is NEVER any nudity on BS - never. Why would there be, right? Porn is all over the internet, you can fill up elsewhere on that - but at BS, the edge of sexy near R pictures is well part of the program. So, to that end, a very sexy girl awaits at this link, but first you will have to X the browser popup (asking you to download Chrome and such) and then you will have to click that you are over 18 to see this NON Nude Picture. Or, to see this growing up too fast Future Pole Dancer.
Occupy wall street? --- The MSM tells us it's dead? BS Gets Political - Do You?
Meanwhile...... Married Couple In Same Picture Decades Earlier - what a fun read. Stewable.
So, yesterday, Ron Paul ran out of money and stopped spending it - what a politician. Anyway, before you are tempted to vote for any incumbent, either Republinut Or Democrap - take this economic analysis of how the parties have done at handling our money over the Last 40 Years. A tease:
On several occasions, I have glibly referred to how it now takes two spouses working to equal the wages of a one-income family of 40 years ago. Unfortunately, that is now an understatement. In fact, Western wages have plummeted so low that a two-income family is now (on average) 15% poorer than a one-income family of 40 years ago
Yes, this is a super post today - as all bins are overflowing.
MORE beauty. Sexy Teen and Transparent Dress - Oh those Russians.
Haven't touched on UFOs yet - how about a book on the 2006 O'Hare Airport UFO Incident? - Pretty good read.
Here's some encouraging news - 22% Of USA thinks World Will End Within Their Lifetime. Only 6% of the French do.
Interesting read. Barf or Stew?
Let's say it doesn't END, but that the food supply and world commerce crashes - do you want to be tagged to line up for your ration? OR, do you want to be eating gourmet while the system gets up and running again?
398164_Food Insurance

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Obama Recovery - Mothers Becoming Phone Sex Whores

Around here at TBS - we've been highlighting those wonderful changes to our society ever since the MSM declared an END to the `recession' in mid-2009. Despite EVERYONE knowing it is complete BS. Indeed, in the tags below this post you will see `the Obama Recovery' if you want more to read more Lurid Examples Of The Obama Recovery - just hit the tag or search the site in the google box. And, I bet you will want to read more after this tease of the story:
Thousands of mothers in the United States are currently earning extra income by working as phone sex operators and a rapidly increasingly number of moms are following in their footsteps, earning between $10 and $50 per hour to entertain the sexual needs of men over the phone, Good Morning America reported in a segment on working moms in the phone sex business.

The number of mothers pursuing sex work has increased by 400 percent over the past 18 months alone, according to Rat Race Rebellion, an organization that specializes in finding jobs for mothers who need to work from home
Makes you just feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesn't it?
Economics and Sleaze - Important Ingredients In The B Stew.
And, yes, BS's pictures are another reason to visit the New Barf Stew (do you like the new design?) - Such as this Future Pole Dancer - Yowser.
Oh, if you liked the above - the daily Sexy Picture is ..... well, almost daily -- so, dig into the archive for more if you wish - second helpings are free around here.
Meanwhile.... did you catch the `strange' story about a 'Space ball' drops on Namibia - and that these `hallow space balls' have been known to drop in Africa before? Space Ball Picture and Story. --- More Strange `Sky' Phenomena?
How about a touch of nefarious? Could Chemtrail-like substances be used for A Blue Beam Scenario? - (with interesting links and MUFON UFO report too).
Speaking of GREAT MUFON Reports - The UFO Disclosure Clock yesterday had some to knock Your Socks Off - Including Government Orb Explanation - great stuff.
Do you believe that the SHTF in 2012? (or soon after?) Then this is a great Overview Site and link to what a ONE week disruption to commerce in the world would do.
Please visit the sponsers you see on this blog - thanks. Support free blogs in 2012.
Half a Dozen Of You Have Visited The Below In The Past week - thanks. Oh, they buy much more than Textbooks.
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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

HOT NEWS - The RAPTURE INDEX Backs Off Highest Readings Ever?

For those of you waiting for the big return/big moment - your number guide for such an event has backed off the August 8th alltime high reading of 184 - And Is Now 180 (out of maximum 225) getting downgraded by two points on Dec. 5th (or upgraded based on your point of view) for `improvement of the unemployment rate to 8.6% (you know, all those discouraged workers, who now have no benefits, and are ready to chuck it all in and have given up even looking for work - they are reason to rejoice evidently) and the other `downgrade' was to Famine (from the maximum of Five to a Four) - seems it hasn't been in the news at a level to warrant the maximum. --------------- Guess that Jesus has ascended a bit further up into the clouds for now?

Looking for today's hottie? Your wait is over - check out this Future Pole Grinder with great legs and hose. Russian chick, so you know she's hot.
Meanwhile..... Billionaire investor George Soros says that the global financial system is on the brink of collapse. - Crap Is Hitting The Fan Message.
Billionaires Write Books?

 Here's what he says about 08's Economic Collapse
Today's ParaNormal Link? How about the BEST test online for PSI skills? Got PSI? Careful, addictive.
Here's something you will forward I bet. An interactive software program that scans peoples faces in Berlin - then, evaluates whether the consensus face shown to the city is Happy or Sad - Trippy City Smiley - cool story with video if desired. Unique.
Well... how about a second helping of the paraNormal today? Writer/experiencer Dan Mitchell, who is now allowing comments on his blog even, writes up a recent possible contact with an Alien Technology - fun read at the least.
As Barfsters know TBS loves TIME Travel stuff. So, here is a video of 1921 and how to make a Bra out of two hankies: Under 4K views. You'll forward this too I bet:

Sexy Virtual Girl? Yep! Barf Stew Entertains! (for full sized picture)
For those who come to BS for disgusting videos that are slightly perverted - this fits the bill:

Please SHARE BS with your friends via the Twitter and Facebook buttons below. Do your part to promote independent blogs that you visit. Thanks.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Risking life for America... at OWS?

It's been about a week since Scott Olsen was shot by police in Oakland at the OWS stuff there. The MSM keeps this as low profile as possible; indeed, GIVING AIR TIME TO the Madoff family yesterday on NBC - looking for sympathy. Amazing.

Today's B.S. sexy picture - No, HS isn't like you remember it! as you can tell from this leggy upshorts picture.
Meanwhile.... World Heading for Jobs Recession, Unrest: ILO - We have reached a moment of truth - MSM article of disturbing implications. Will you become a prepper?
Just to make sure that the college males have hung around this far --- a second pic - Pole Dancing In Tight Dress.
As you may know, the MSM has been making a HUGE deal about humanity crossing the 7 BILLION person mark; so, what do you make of this FACT - Overpopulation Isn't The Problem: It's Too Few Babies - Even MORE Women are deciding to have NO babies! -- REASONS?
Whether it’s because men are seen as weak, or children too problematical, traditional families could erode further in the decades ahead.

The chidlessness phenomenon stems largely from such things as urbanization, high housing prices, intense competition over jobs and the rising prospects for women. The secularization of society — essentially embracing a self-oriented prospective — may also be a factor.
Very interesting read.
And yes, the nations NUMBER ONE party school - largely due to its legendary Halloween Party did NOT disappoint -
Finally, you say - where's the SLEAZE? How about an out of control brat who pulls down his babysitters short skirt in public?

Thanks For Barfing Today
Click to purchase, under 16 bucks.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Georgian Herman Cain Ad Catches Fire -- Or -- Blows Smoke?

For those of you wondering - here's the take in Georgia of the above:
In that sense, the grainy 55-second video has been a raging success, generating more than 1 million hits on YouTube by tweaking liberal outrage at the taboo cigarette habit -- and libertarian delight in liberal outrage.

Cain has said there is no "hidden message" in the ad, which focuses on staffer (and cigarette-puffer) Mark Block extolling Cain for running a "campaign like nobody's ever seen," and urging listeners to "take back America."
But veteran political operatives aren't buying it. The use of the cigarette was a calculated ploy, said Marty Kaplan, a professor of entertainment, media and society at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.

"Smoking is a dog-whistle to libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, people mad at the ‘nanny state,' " said Kaplan, who was deputy campaign manager for presidential candidate Walter Mondale in 1984.
The full article is Right Here --- and just what is TBS's point of view on the ad? ---- HEADLINE worthy! Brilliant Marketing.
Herman Cain, like the OWS and Ron Paul folks, is something the MSM is simply incapable of dealing with as defenders of the status quo and the mouthpiece for BOTH parties. (Obviously, the parties are among the biggest advertisers for a good part of every year.)
Oh, meanwhile in Georgia comes this OVER THE TOP blowing smoke story about sightings of BIGFOOT in the north Georgia mountains, oh say about 70 miles from my home in the exo-suburbs of Atlanta. bruce-barraclough-eyewitness-account of bigfoot sightings - and here's a tease:
They took pics headed back to camp ate lunch then split into 2 teams. Two members stayed at base camp and the other 2 groups split up. Bruce’s team headed towards the area with the tree formations, the other group stayed on the trail. About a mile down the road the other team did tree knocks. Silence. Bruce did tree knocks, again, silence. They did a rock knock then and they got a loud response. On the hike they noticed what appeared to be mountain lion tracks. Bruce being sick with the flu realized he couldn’t descend the hill any further. He stayed behind with a 45 mm weapon as the others continued down the trail. They realized there was heavy movement in the canyon below. Bruce continued on back to base camp. He then heard something heavy being thrown. He then experienced violent tree shaking. He quickened his pace. He felt and heard footsteps assuming he was being followed.

Not being embarrassed he then began talking to his guest. He offered a drink from his canteen to the unknown stalker and left his canteen on the middle of the trail.
He radioed the other group and asked them to retrieve his canteen when they returned. A while later they radioed him and asked him if he had left a turtle shell on top of the canteen!
He joined them to see for himself and discovered the canteen had a turtle shell on top of the emptied canteen!
He believes that the forest visitor left him a gift.
Seriously, this is just a PORTION of what occurred. A must read story to understand the strange state of Georgia and what happens when one beckons the Unknown.

And, you might have thoughts about other types of stuffing when viewing these two hotties who are TBS's daily sexy picture Ball Headstone Classic - future pole dancers? - And, why not a weekend Double D's Shot. ---- Want more pics? Go into the archive for many more. Barf Stew is like a treasure waiting to be found.
Politics, check. Sexy, check. ParaNormal, check. The Barf Stew Mix.
Double shot of ParaNormal? -- The Art Shaman on Squidoo Trippy Girl With Some Cool Ideas - even sympathetic magic.
According to this website I'm the 75,857,923,338th person to have lived since the beginning of history and the day I was born I was the 2,614,154,543rd person on Earth. Find your

 Birthtime Order Number Here.
More people realize daily that the MSM is worthless and only is in the pocket of the politicians they serve and collect ad money from as part of their business plan.
TBS does politics.
You can't tell me that you'd wait THIS LONG for the SLEAZE? Well, let that patience be rewarded immediately:
Sunday Moyo, Zimbabwe Man, Caught Having Sex With Donkey, Claims Animal Was A Prostitute - A True `Sunday' Story - other gems in this story include the fact that 20 states have no laws against animal ...... intimacy.
Oh, and
 this is the 2000's.
Today's B.S., hardly another website like it - bookmark and return for more entertainment. Please support independent blogs when you search the internet.
here's your hot read for the coming cold winter months.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Trending - Home Invasions, Rural Ohio, Bondage and Hair Removal For Victims

Fake story? Think again. An unbelievable special consensus of religious thought gone amok and certainly Today's B.S. lead story. Violent Amish Sect.
The Politics of Love: The New Testament and Non-Violent Revolution
The Ultimate Pothead Halloween Costume - Unacceptable Drug Humor.

 More Costumes.
Oh, BTW:

Waiting for some Sexy Pictures for the weekend pleasure zone? Here you go - `Spread' Pole Dancer? --- wow, huh? And, this one is sure to please too - New HS Dress Code? - yeah, a bit different than you remember.
And, here's Today's B.S. sleazy story - 18 Year Old Female Uses Doggy Door For Robbery - Blames Addiction To Porno - lurid details just a click away.
DEEP ParaNormal of interest - a feature of Today's B.S. - Charles Tart - And Away YouGo - you may want to bookmark this webpage.
And, finally, over 100 DEEP posts about Aspects of the Event Horizon - and more. lol.
The Sidebar Beckons.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Barf Stew's - YouTube And Sexy Sunday

YouTube's Sexy Limits 1 (Between 2011 and 2018, 2 videos below became labeled ADULT...only this one escaped)

The BS Sunday Sexy Gallery - 1) In Here?, 2) Cuties, 3) Mirror Self-Shot, 4) Busty Braces, Barf Stew Entertains.
BTW, is this the second last Sexy Sunday? It will be determined by the loyal viewers of the Gallery and the total in the Chip-In button in the sidebar. IF you want SS to continue, contribute a dollar or two via the secure PayPal Chip-In Button. Thanks.
The BS Sexy Sunday Gallery Two - 1) YOWSER, 2) Prom Expectations, 3) Trade SHOW Girls, 4) Soft Sweetie, Short SKIRTS Topper, Barf Stew Entertains.
IF the BS Gallery vanishes due to lack of support - I expect that Politics will replace it. MUCH more politics. Want that instead of pictures? Up to you. (Since this is my blog and I love politics AND bringing you these pics, it is really up to the BS readership. Oh, IF you Really want to see the POLITICS -- those 10.00 Chip-In's will be recognized as such. One dollar and two dollar donations will be assumed to be BS Gallery Supporters. Don't want to give a buck, start your own blog for entertainment like the BS Gallery.

BS Sunday Sexy Gallery Three - 1) OMG, 2) Booty Shorts, 3) Sweet Smile, 4) Shuffle Girl?, Numbers Matter, Today's BS Topper - Barf Stew Entertains.
The Erotic Photography of Tom Porta: Fetish Files
The Erotic Photography of Tom Porta: Fetish Files
Perverse Titillation: The Exploitation Cinema of Italy, Spain and France, 1960-1980
Perverse Titillation: The Exploitation Cinema of Italy, Spain and France, 1960-1980
Collectors Item
Emanuelle Around the World (Italian Version with English Audio) (very expensive)
All the above links are AMAZON. Explore the sexy limits of Amazon today.
Barfsters are taking big time to the new NEWS link that BS offers nearly daily -
IF you liked the above sexy BS stuff - explore the archive of posts here at BS. Thanks for your visit today.



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