Barf Stew does Politics
Ready for a compelling UFO video from 2007 in Bogota Columbia? Multiple Orbs - tv report.
Politics, check. UFOs, check. Must be time for some pictures of sexy women - Ready To Skinny Dip? - BS Entertains.
Did you know that employees can't be fired for facebook comments? Part of the news right Here - Stewable.
Did someone say - where's my ParaNormal? Well, how about this Squidoo Page Website about the Scariest Places On Earth - lots of content to explore. And, since it is the start of the weekend - here's some late summer reading - all kinds of content - including some of the best links to Barf Stew too - Top Links Enjoy.
Have you seen the `stripper video' that was shown on TV in the very early days of television that you simply will not believe? The link is in the sidebar as is other fine content.
Thanks for Barfing Today