Here's an interesting insight into excessive Student Debt - indeed, you will note the nations lack of interest in the `plan' offered last year during the elections - to have `students' pay a percentage of their income for 20 years and then have the rest forgiven. The BS continues to grease the slope of justice.
BUT, you are here to see the Sexy Dorm Girls In Tiny Outfits, right?
As Barfsters know, BS is all about agitating the mixture of the powers that be (TPTB) - one of which is the Police (who have the insane job of backing up the worthless politicians) - who have their so-called `brotherhood'. Indeed, when one speaks out against power players anywhere - the general outcome is being targeted. .................. Now, to bring all of this line of thought together, I present the info you didn't hear on the MSM about
chris jordan dorner
Yea, that LA cop who they eventually burned out in that mountain cabin for murders of cops and others out of revenge. So, did you ever wonder what HIS side of the story was? Here's his manifesto as found on another website CJD Manifesto - it's quite a read as to what happens when a cop steps out of the brotherhood.
BS covers the crappola.
Hey, how about going back up to the top of this page and voting in the little poll that is asking why you are here today at BS. Yes, scroll back up and do that survey - thanks.
MILF Bikini - BS Delivers

Last post I brought you a time waster - BLOGFIND - and today I find a Blogfind with under 3,000 page views ever - about Ghosts. Indeed, give it a whirl to read the story about the picture you see below:

BS does ParaNormal.