Hello Barfsters, is this the last YT and SP? IF you want it to continue - all you have to do to vote yes is use the Chip-IN button in the sidebar. ---------- Ready for the BS Sexy Gallery? Thought so. 1) Sexy Picture, http://slutcapades.com/img/3F66EC90-BD96-E97B-05DB-080F85900F46.png 2) Busty Teen, http://i.imgur.com/Otl8y.jpg 3) Model Photos, http://arrayplay.com/S/1024x768/GGpaOVdp.jpg 4) Sexy Pink, http://i.imgur.com/NjF3l.jpg 5) Repost CT Classic, http://www.titantalk.com/forums/attachments/off-topic-discussion/104450d1275480709-camel-toe-thread-86bd78.jpg 6) Baby Got Back, http://i.imgur.com/zdSjF.jpg First Topper, an Upper, http://i.imgur.com/Ae9Nt.jpg Barf Stew Entertains.
Sexy Spanish YT videos of Booty Dancing - http://www.youtube.com/user/bombadogostoso213#p/u/11/TAqWaOU0QCc Entertainment for allday. You will bookmark this link.
BS Sexy Gallery Two - 1) Ready For Initiation, http://www.tuesdays.home.ro/IMG_006.JPG 2) Bouncing Breasts, http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/1269032067220.gif 3) Model Pose, http://i.imgur.com/NWrDK.jpg 4) HB Hottie, http://i.imgur.com/JpUvd.jpg 5) All Woman, http://i.imgur.com/8wiwz.jpg 6) Wears A Cross, http://i.imgur.com/1Qqwc.jpg 7) Teen Hottie, http://i.imgur.com/ThsAl.jpg 8) Keeley Hazell, Ultimate Sport Team Virtualhttp://1.bp.blogspot.com/-kqBQqNp_1nE/TXRbgifEvRI/AAAAAAAACD8/xbWGWlakYGo/s1600/Keeley-Hazell-Sexy-Wallpaper-94.jpg Today's Topper, Bad Asses, - http://i.imgur.com/SRitM.jpg Barf Stew Entertains.
SEXY Indian Beach Party In Miami Beach: Unique.
Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips
School Is in Session. Public School Girl Costume - Size: XL
Jerry Springer: I Refuse to Wear Clothes [VHS]
On a more serious note - the headlines your hometown paper somehow forgot to include - http://morningredditheadlines.blogspot.com/ - great Humpday reads.
You've got time for the BS Archive, take a look. You will be entertained. Is tomorrow a re-launched BS?