The BS does Politics

Our Sworn Enemy
Simply Inappropriate
That's what happens when you poke your nose into the entire world I guess.
Perhaps We Should Arrest The 1% Who Cause The Wars?
Seems that Putin has some of his own words of wisdom for the USA
More that's Inappropriate
Today's BS Pictures

Our Sworn Enemy
Simply Inappropriate
That's what happens when you poke your nose into the entire world I guess.
Perhaps We Should Arrest The 1% Who Cause The Wars?
Seems that Putin has some of his own words of wisdom for the USA
the former KGB spy has also now hit back in comments referring ironically to Obama as a Nobel Peace laureate and portraying U.S. global policy as a failure.
"We need to remember what's happened in the last decade, the number of times the United States has initiated armed conflicts in various parts of the world. Has it solved a single problem?" Putin asked reporters on Saturday in the city of Vladivostok.
"Afghanistan, as I said, Iraq ... After all, there is no peace there, no democracy, which our partners allegedly sought," he said during a tour of Russia's far east. More At The CNBC Link
More that's Inappropriate

Found The Wood

The BS Sexy Gallery
Sweet Young Sexy
Car Show Girl
Rollerblade Chicks

Simply Inappropriate
Holiday Sexy - Happy Labor Day Readers!
Sweet Young Sexy
Car Show Girl
Rollerblade Chicks

Simply Inappropriate
Holiday Sexy - Happy Labor Day Readers!
And finally on this Labor Day
IF you believe it's true - please buy my Chemtrail Bumper Sticker to show support for The BS!