The Basics of Oil Spill Cleanup, Second Edition
Indoor Flying Helicopters - under 30.00 save 100.00 - Stewable.
The kid on your Christmas List would love this.
Update on Mohawk Punk Time Traveler Picture !
On September 2nd here at Barf Stew - I ran a full post about a picture on Shorpy near the end of August that caught my eye for it being unusual; unusual in that at the very center of the picture was a man who seemed out of place and time (perhaps). And, when I saw it - it reminded me of a similar `oldtime' photo that just this year was proclaimed to have a time-traveler in a 1941 photo - followed no more than two weeks later by the claim of an man that HE is found in a grainy civil war photo.
To me, the Civil War claim was complete Barf - while the other 1941 picture - known as the hipster - seemed almost Stewable until `disproven' by the website Forgetomori. So, I used the new Shorpy picture here at Barf Stew and proclaimed that the man in the photo had too many dissimilarities to the rest of the men in the photo to be of the era. I said and did the post tongue in cheek - and in the post even said - do you want seconds of this Barf Stew?
Regardless of that - some thought that I was serious and others thought that the picture was doctored or shopped. Perhaps, a person or two even believed it - that said, I just did a post on my Squidoo Page to review the whole saga with some of the best comments that were in other forums and here - and all at this link - Seeing Time-Travelers In Oldtime Photos - The Aftermath - Stewable.
Bloody Mohawk: The French and Indian War & American Revolution on New York's Frontier
Halloween is just around the corner.
Here's some amazing news about a star that seems just too amazing to be anything but Barf: from the link:Twinkling in the sky is a diamond star of 10 billion trillion trillion carats,- find out the connection to The Beatles too.
The 4 Complete Ed Sullivan Shows Starring The Beatles
Today's top paranormal read - Would an Alien Invasion Really be a Hostile Threat? - - is it possible that mankind is being `managed'? Barf or Stew - You Decide.
Meanwhile - Cedar Point named best U.S. amusement park - - more `best parks' at the link.
And, at any fun park are the pretty women - Barf Stew Entertains -
Or Fantasy women -
So, you see a `light' going across the nighttime sky and wonder - is that a UFO? OR - one of 13,000 - yes - 13K satellites.