So, I read through the latest saga - and here's my paraphrasing of the `facts' as I understand them without an additional read. SUPPOSEDLY in 2010 - some Bigfoots were SHOT DEAD in Washington state. A part of those Bigfoots was used for a DNA analysis. The analysis shows a human crossbred with a NON-apelineage of Earth and that it is 20% `angel DNA'. (It gets complicated.)
Oh, did I mention that someone supposedly has TWO Bigfoot bodies stashed away?
So, here's the links you need to read to know MUCH MUCH more about the politics of Bigfoot DNA, 200,000 in cash and more. Here's Robert Lindsay's Total Review - A Must Read - Oh, did I forget to mention the fly in the ointment of the story? - It is that nearly all of these involved in this entire affair are a bit on the heavy duty `Christian' mode. I'll let you sort that out when you read the link. And, as some more fodder - Here's the PR release and here's the actual website of the folks that Supposedly Tested The DNA. Loren Coleman's site says `this isn't going to end well' - I believe him.
Now, BS has already, on a couple of occasions tried to lay out the BS positioning on Bigfoots - be thinking Temporary Phenomena. Oh, and since it may indeed exist in a temporary state - it's DNA perhaps could be extracted from things that it touched while phenomenologically real - so to speak. Indeed, BS already did a legendary post on why EVEN DNA proof would NOT PROVE a real creature permanently on the ground and living among us all. Why EVEN DNA Proof Is Not Enough.
Speaking of animals - have you heard of the guy who after catching a fish with his buddies - acted spontaneously stupid and said he could hold the fish between his lips for one minute? NO - well, the BS outcome was that the fish Swam Down His Throat And Choked Him To Death - classic example of Darwinism hopefully.
We've just had a 550 million dollar lotto in the USA - but, how about this video below - where a guy wins a quarter million LIVE ON TV?
But, you are actually here for the Sexy Shots, right? Even classy black and white Glamour Shots - that you don't even have to feel guilty about, right? Such as this Nipply Shot - that has to be known about to be appreciated.
When you ask yourself - just how crazy was the `cold war' - was one of your responses that it would be a good idea to scare the Russians by Nuking The MOON? BS.
Now to the other extreme - the urban `camper' - the hobo of today - yet, seemingly Doing It In Style, why even have an address is this guys take on things. The ultimate alternative lifestyle. Purposely homeless.
A circle graph that explains why Cannabis is UNIQUE - not BS.
Now, back to the ladies. Blue Pantie Upskirt - Sexy Sluts? and Gorgeous Downblouse. Tons of pictures this good in the archive.
Trippy Art for your monitor screen:

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