The BS would like to point out the the MSM - network style - really has all kinds of sleaze that they could market for titillation and ratings - such as the unwanted dry hump - seen and performed by one of Americas slippery slope entertainment industries for the young single male in general.... so, how long before the `dry hump' (DH) moves mainstream... in ads on ESPN for example? On MSNBC this would bring cries for prosecution I bet. Nice smile by the reporter....
speaking of prosectuing sleaze
The BS Sleaze Fix
I wonder if he could be identified in a lineup?
The BS Unique Humor
But Then
The BS Entertains
wait for it
David, Iggy, Lou (RIP)
I once saw IP do a live show in a skirt.
Hottie In Mini
I know the above will be hard to beat...... but, the below will do the same perhaps - except in reverse
The BS Gallery
And, finally for today - some Military Zippos
More Found Here Even


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