Barf Stew Does Politics
Survey Says: Consumer Confidence Hits New LOW and is all part of The Obama Recovery the MSM has been touting for the last two years. The Jobless Recovery the president talks about with a huge smile on his face.
Did you hear the story about the girl who's sexy pictures ended up online?
Stewable. BS brings both sides.
And, here is the other one - girls that want to be seen: http://i.imgur.com/kuwfw.jpg - BS Entertains.
Politics, check. Sexy Picture, check. Must be time for some UFO stuff - 2 UFO videos and Budd Hopkins Death
My Newsblog, updated today - great links.
Here's a blog I ran across yesterday that is much like BS in that it has a mix of politics and very occasional consciousness stuff - and it's Worth Your Click - go explore. I wouldn't be surprised if this blog monitors here as it also JUST covered the BITCOIN that BS covered recently.
IS a revolution coming?
And, for the first time being mentioned Like In The Depression - Banks May Need To Forgive Debt to get customers spending again. BS. Which moments after being posted had this comment:
If I can get my mortage principle reduced 50% and my wife's credit card and school loan debt reduced, I promise I'll go out and buy a bunch of Chinese made junk I don't really need!The Debt-Deflation Theory of Great Depressions
The Great Depression of Debt: Survival Techniques for Every Investor
The Great Depression Ahead: How to Prosper in the Debt Crisis of 2010 - 2012
Are gold prices An absurdity? Or, are they going to 13K to back the worlds money supply?
And, finally on gold - in one of the most underplayed reasons for the recent run up of gold - Chavez Demands Gold Return, Nationalizes Gold Industry
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