Here's the link - Ypsilanti Slide Pooper. Copycats feared.
The BS Does Politics
And, it seems the hunt is also on for the missing SIX BILLION DOLLARS that the State Department is conveniently missing.... shucks. The BS.... as only The BS emphasizes. This story... which broke yesterday... will not even be mentioned again by our watchdog media.===========================================
But, most likely, you are here to see and hunt for

Speaking of hunting.
Speaking of hunting.
IF you have been a fan of the BS you know that the `paranormal' is also a focus - and the slippery slope of what passes for paranormal - such as this link by a Brazil paranormal website to coverage of the 2011 Brazil Creature:

the Video itself
The BS Entertains
Because The BS operates on so many levels ... here's a look at the field of `research' that took a big hit in 2012 - Remote Viewing - that said, I bet you could be feeding on this BS for hours without even being aware of it. Warning - Fattening.
That's right - there's Nothing Like The BS!
Old Time Hotties

oN So Many Levels
Quick BS
A CNBC link above BTW.
you know the munchie BS the media loves of push
what kind of BS do you think?
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