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Showing posts with label phillips phenomenology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phillips phenomenology. Show all posts

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Should the U.S. legalize hard drugs?

So, let's see here. The Washington Post runs a piece by George Will asking the above question - and - pointing out the same absurdity of the drug war that EVERYONE but the WP has known for 30 years. To boot, the ONLY candidate who supports such an approach - Ron Paul - is routinely grilled as if he's nuts for suggesting such. Talk about a worthless media. Anyway, if you wish to read the Barf Stew from George Will's sudden realization here you go - Worthless Pundit Wakes Up Decades Late - thanks for F-ing nothing George.
As the people continue to fight back - a new billboard in Colorado:
I love the use of a soccer looking mom type for the demographic. This is indeed the exact type of billboard that every worthless politician in America needs to answer to. The real question is really - should those that have pushed the worthless drug war face punishment when the people eventually win? Who the F thinks that adults do NOT own their own body OTHER THAN THE POLITICIANS and the worthless mouthpiece of a MSM we all endure?

The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization - My New Kindle E-Book Has Arrived - 99 Cents To Blow Your Mind ---- BARFSTERS LOVE PARANORMAL. Please consider purchasing this product to support Barf Stew's efforts.

So, that takes care of the politics and the paranormal - must be time for the sexy pictures. On this picture you will need to hit the green tab to prove you are over 18 to see a very sexy non-nude (never nude on Barf Stew) picture of two Teen Girls In Bikini's (notice the length of the one girls fingers?). Digging deeper reveals a picture of three young ladies in even less garb - Slightly Perverse - Almost. Oh my, control your thoughts.
You are now a Barfster - you might as well bookmark the page.
How about a BS Sunday Video? Man bets his life savings on the Roulette Wheel - you need to see his face on the outcome:

The Archive has over 700 posts this good - all for Barfsters.
Gag Gift

Gave this as a little Xmas gift to some clients and they LOVED it and haven't stopped
talking about it. HILARIOUS. Be sure to check out all the different versions.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Timeless Stew Recipes - New `John Lennon' `Time Travel' Shorpy?

As regular Barfsters know (that would be you, the BS reader) Barf Stew is more than willing to be irrelevant for a good headline - and since BS recently deleved into the word Barf and all the websites associated with that (still gets lots of hits - - I thought, hey, why not a Stew lead story. And, what better lead for Stew than 10 recipes for stew- this quote from the link:
Now that this fall weather outside feels downright wintry, a piping hot chunky stew seems like the only dinnertime remedy that will do. When you're debating which stew to...stew up for dinner, why not think outside the beef stew box, and opt instead for one of these recipes containing everything from potatoes and cod to edamame and Kalamata olives. Find international influences (like Eyptian, Peruvian and Greek stews, to name a few), and enough spices, herbs and hearty vegetables to comfort the coldest, emptiest belly.

Read more: - Stewable, of course.
470 Delicious Desserts, Appetizers, Soups & Stews, and More! - 470 SLOW COOKER Crock Pot RECIPES Cookbook - Be A Crock Pot Cookbook Master Today...
The Big Book of Soups and Stews: 262 Recipes for Serious Comfort Food

Halo Spot's Stew for Cats Lamb Recipe - 3.5 oz.

Mulligan Stew's CannedDog Food, Chicken Recipe (3/13oz cans)

Easy Beef Stew Recipes. Best Hearty Low Calorie Recipe. Crock Pot (crockpot), Slow Cooker Receipes and much more

Again, regular Barfsters know that Barf Stew pulled a ruse of sorts on Sept. 2nd when BS featured a `time traveling mohawk punk' on a banana pier in 1905 from a picture on the awesome website - which I monitor daily and bring the best to BS readers. So, today, in that same type of `spirit' - let me draw your attention, once again, to the near center of the picture for an `out of place male' - yes, the one dressed in White, with head bowed, in what appears to be a Neru Jacket, who somehow seems to be kneeling or in some sort of different body posture compared to others in the picture: take a look yourself and click the picture to enlarge.
The man in white almost looks like a short haired John Lennon.
(cropped image - see the women behind him seemingly pointing in his way - and - who is the mysterious guy in the derby who is turned around in the lower right corner of this close-up)

Again, Barfsters know that BS often features the writers from the blog called The C Influence - who run some of the internets best paranormal and thinking man websites. Anyway, here's an example of such - - by Erich Kuersten called 100 year long MP3 - stewable.

Indeed, TCI (The C Influence) is a different kind of blog - it has seed posts and then the bevy of esoteric bloggers take a whack at the seed ideas - here's the latest on that front - - click on over to the C influence school.

Lest you think BS takes itself seriously:

Still waiting for BS's sexy picture of the day? -- It has arrived - - Barf Stew Entertains.

I believe that the Web Bot changed its prediction on a tipping point to NOV. 14th - don't let the wave catch you - Barfable.

One final BIG read for your Sunday - Stewable.

Thanks for visiting - look around the sidebar for more great stuff to enjoy.
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Why Murdered Grandfather `Time Paradox' Being Solved - Doesn't Matter

Just two days ago here at Barf Stew - I blasted the idea of Time Travelers - presenting many reasons why it was impossible. Not only that I didn't even use the ONE REASON the simple thinkers always trot out - the one that says - IF you could go back in time you could end up killing off your ancestry (ie:killing your father, or grandfather - why is it never your mother?) and therefore making one's own existence impossible to occur.

Well, it seems the mathematicians have finally, possibly, figured out a way for their `time equations' to filter actions like that out of the equations. Time travel theory avoids grandfather paradox - (my thanks to Bruce Duensing for sending me this link yesterday). And, if you go to the link - you can see the equations and hear the convoluted logic employed to justify the mathematical possibility.

But, I am here to say this - IT DOESN'T MATTER - that math provides such a scenario. And, the reason is tangled up in two of the reasons I presented two days ago: 1) we live on a planet 2) actualization provides realness as Phenomenology overrides `math potentials'. ---------- Let me explain the best I can.

First, let me say that IF we didn't live ON a planet - that I'd probably be willing to accept `math answers' to the time-traveler saga - but we do live on a planet. OUR space (body) is directly tied to this other object - our planet. But, if it didn't - if somehow we were a `freely occurring space' (maybe like we will be AFTER we are DEAD) - with NO TIES to outside phenomena (the entire motion of our galaxy in our particular location) - then, and only then, perhaps `time' wouldn't matter.

But, Phenomenology provides a basis for actualization of space - a determinism to spaces - turning our local reality for a singular observer (like a human) into a `not-able-to-not-be' AS the moment of NOW. Indeed, EVERY actualized space-moment is `not-able-to-not-be'. And that `not-able-to-not-be' is what `provides realness' to our experience; and to even the `sperm' of  our grandfathers.

We simply - CAN'T GO BACK - to realness. Realness IS ONLY an attribute of the NOW; of the `not-able-to-not-be' for the observer-experiencer. The not-able-to-not-be's of the past EXISTED but DO NOT EXIST (to return to). `Closed time-like curves' - do not reverse the Earth's motion in some sort of `running the film backwards'. Earth's motion is in a `frame of reference' to `other spaces' and ONLY has NOW as it's attribute.

The `Earth', and placement of that Earth to our grandfather, is not only NOT HERE - it is NOT NOW. That here and that now - RAN OFF the structure of phenomenology as it provided `realness' to existence. And, the fact that mathematicians can use equations to show that the past has/had areas that prohibit CHANGING THE REAL is hardly surprising to a Phenomenologist as myself - as the actualized, determined, past WAS the real.

So, I will end today's post the same way I ended the post two days ago - It is good that the past can't be changed - because - IF it could - it wouldn't have been real. And, since REAL is only an attribute of NOW - the fact that mathematicians have solved the Grandfather Paradox - Doesn't Matter.

More Phenomenology here -

Deeper Links:

Introduction to Phenomenology
Phenomenology of Perception (Routledge Classics)
Understanding Phenomenology
A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy)
The Basic Problems of Phenomenology, Revised Edition (Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

My `What Bigfoot IS - Theories' - In Reply To Lon Strickler's Request

Hello, welcome to Barf Stew (BS) - thanks for visiting or hitting the link. Today's lead post will be a reply to Phantom and Monsters request for Bigfoot Theories - and, as you can see at the link - Lon has chosen to go with the `interdimensional being concept' (possibly tainting the comments as the `bigfoot has a reproducing population folks' will probably blow the request  off) - a reasonable concept that I think is growing in popularity do to the lack of a specimen. (I had these takes recently here at BS about Bigfoot a subject I don't like to link to too often -,  )

Now, first, I'd like to say that Lon didn't go into detail about what he meant by `interdimensional' being - but - the link I had just a day or two ago had this quote at the website Weird Sciences :alien being could be from higher dimensions. Well, I would like tell UFOlogists that a hyperdimensional entity would never be perceptible to us. Here are some bad words used by paranormal investigators and ufologists:

1.Interdimensional being: well, concept of multiuniverse was presented as solution to Schroedinger’s hypothetical cat paradox. Later devised by Kaluja-Klein and he gave a theoretical possibility of tiny wrapped dimensions. Nothing much than that. Such thing hasn’t been observed(practically evident) yet, it is one of the most favourite term of ufologists.

Ok, enough of all that BS above (barf stew of course) - Lon's request was for readers theories (and I am an avid reader of Lon's posts). And, as you might expect, if you are a fan of my writings,  on my blog called The Heavy Stuff - the first time I coded for Bigfoot was this post on Oct. 17th, 2007 a post titled - Tulpas, ZooForms and Orbs - The Connection - at the link are these words from Wikipedia :These are not animals at all, but entities or apparitions which adopt or seem to have (quasi)animal form. This is where we (at least to some extent) enter science fictionterritory. In many ways, these elusive and contentious entities have plagued cryptozoology since its inception, and tend to be dismissed by mainstream science as thoroughly unworthy of consideration. Zooform phenomena seem to be a strange blend of paranormal manifestation and mythology…However, Jonathan Downeswho first coined the term in 1990, maintains that many zooform phenomena result from complex psychosocial and sociological phenomena, and suggests that to classify all such phenomena as “paranormal” in origin is counterproductive…Thoughtform may be understood as a ‘psychospiritual’ complex of energy or consciousness manifested either consciously or unconsciously, by an individual or a group. Thoughtform are understood differently and take on different forms

Now, if you go to the above link - you will also first wade thru a brief description of what I call the Phillips Phenomenology (my personal esoteric idea) which assigns a `group of words' to define what `space' can be and what `time' can be. I won't bog you down at this moment with the details unless I need them later to bring this Bigfoot Theory home (which is probable).

So, `thoughtform' is one of my theories about `bigfoot' (but in the Phillips Phenomenology a thoughtform is simply a `different type of space' with ties to human consciousness - my other bigfoot theories will stand on the same basis).

Then, on Dec. 29th 2007 - I had this link - - where I first declared:

 "THS’s positioning on Bigfoot’s is that they are `temporary creature/events’. Only this could account for lack of ` a body’ after this length of time and interest. At least that is what `common sense’ says. LOL.

Then here on 3-26-08 - at a post called Does `Strange Highness’ Overlap High Strangeness? - I postulated that some `beings' (like the praying mantis beings seen in some chemical states, or people with the DT's feeling and seeing bugs on their skin) might also be a possibility about Bigfoot perceptions - meaning induced by some unique balance of drug/body relationship.

On May 24th 2008 - I said - "Don’t Bigfoot creatures seem to be in the able-to-not-be?" - Ok, the `able-to-not-be' would have `spaces' that lack a direct anchor to our reality. This is my Phillips Phenomenology.

But, it was on July 11th, 2008 - when I compared Bigfoots and Doppelgangers directly that remains my closest theory as to what a Bigfoot Perception means to a singular observer or multiple observers within the same perceptual field. - It was in this post, while talking of one of Husserl's most important concepts for understanding the Phenomenology we all exist within - the concept called - The Transformation of Ideas Through Temporal Characters* -

(copy and paste)This blog spends many posts talking about `the wonderous’ - including words spent describing such things as the reality experienced during mutual hypnosis between two subjects - and - even - `real subjectivity’ in our talks about the Pilots of Eastern Flight 401; who appeared in the flesh as themselves on flights that included the parts of their failed plane.

As you know, they appeared, as doppelgangers nearly identical to themselves, but `disappeared’ when their `realness’ was forced to confront the common human consensus idea of what was/is possible - after all, that is all that could happen - they were dead.

But, the IDEA of the pilots - the idea they had of themselves - as personally watching over L1011’s (the type of jet they crashed) - was not dead. And, was, in some manner -able to actualize - into a temporal `character’ — character in our meaning - the transformation into a space that `looked like’ the `information’ that represented what the pilots - looked like. Literally.

They were transformed - formed - into - temporal characters (spaces). BUT - as temporal characters - they lacked what we normally consider `solid space’ - which is rooted in a different `area’ of space.

Along the same lines - might other anomalies and paranormal entities fall into the same category. Temporary beings. Temporal characters that represent ideas. Such as the Bigfoot type entities that were reported on the Skinwalker ranch - or - for that matter - any type of Bigfoot or mothman or chupacabra. Could these entities be IDEAS? Could they be ideas that transform into temporal characters - like memes?

Could ghosts be the same thing? Could ghosts be the remaining `idea’ that one has of oneself after ones demise? Could UFO’s be an idea that is transforming into a temporal character? Is it the `temporal nature’ of these `things’ `ideas’ `entities’ that makes an objective `specimen’ impossible?

Could even evolution, consciousness, or intelligence manifest in the same manner? Is everything an idea that shows only its temporal character - is this a description of reality?

Nothing like - The Heavy Stuff.

*(Title stolen from Husserl)

Now, after all that - I'm not sure that others, such as you, a reader of BS,  would not describe what I just wrote and referred to as the same as an `interdimensional being' -- but - interdimensional is NOT what I really am trying to say above.

My belief in a bigfoot theory is much more dry - and perhaps boring. It has to do with how `space' is defined - and what `gives' space the definition it has. And, IMO, it is much more related to how consciousness interacts with the `space perceptual field/structure' available `near' to it -  then with `dimensions' unseen.

Finally, using the words of my Phillips Phenomenology - Bigfoot would be an `entity' who is composed of `space' that is in an opposite `mode' from our common consensus space (that a human would be or a table) - the `space' of the bigfoot would have the `attribute' of `able-to-not-be' (ness) - whereas, normal space - like you and I - are `composed' of space that is defined as `not-able-to-be'.

And, the reason why NO Bigfoots are anything BUT temporary beings - is that their `space' (eventually) `runs off' the ontology of the `normal consensus of space' in a manner that does not permit them to remain. Much like `solid' doppelgangers.

How's that for Barf Stew?

(Exits stage right, not taking questions from the audience.)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

My Space `Shows' To The World - After - It Occurs

Hello everyone, thanks for visiting Barf Stew again today. Today's post could easily be in my blog called The Heavy Stuff - but - I decided to bring it to my BS readers instead. What this post is - is a copy and paste of a comment I left to a VERY HEAVY POST by Micheal Prescott awhile back. His post is here and involves consciousness and being - - indeed, the comments below his post are incredibly intense reading if you are ready to exercise your mind this weekend. ----------- And, here is my comment:


The space that represents my matter loves a good conversation about consciousness. My space `shows' to the world - after - it occurs. This `showing' happens to all spaces via lights bounce and forms into an on-going phenomenology best described as ---------- What is not able to not be IS ------
Spaces, and the `location' of spaces - regardless if embedded with consciousness - have `a phase of now'.
Part of the phase is totally determined, part of the phase, seems to have freewill. All of the phase is the same space.
All those spaces have a constitution to the subatomic level - a connection to their `macro' space (previous actualization's of their space) and - a connection to the `total space' (the spaces on Earth all move with the Solar System, and Milky Way motions for example).
In an instantaneous manner, for a human consciousness, it is a simulation of the most recent previous moments, that human spaces catch as `real'.
But, MIND, as positioned in your article - IMO, does not create reality -- reality is spaces. All with a location and momentum. And each space is as real as ours and existing with relationships to other real spaces all involved in a phenomenology of space.
Time seems only a way of counting space(s).
Finally, in the Phillips Phenomenology (find thru google)--- the foundation of space is 4 words ----- NOT ABLE TO BE.
Posted by: rick phillips
May 04, 2008 at 05:15 AM

I'd love to hear your comments on this main post!

And, finally, for your weekend entertainment - Do you remember the MAN Show - that began each show with Girls jumping on a trampoline? Well, here's the extended promotion for the show (I've maintained that a cable channel could get a real rating number with nothing more than Girls Jumping On Trampolines - what do you think?)

Man Show: Girls on Trampolines (Dol)

See you tomorrow - how about taking a bite of Barf Stews Sidebar?

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