Anyway, here's a cool blog that came up with this somewhat goofy price by looking at government Sources From 80+ years ago and an Inflation Calculator - worth your read, good comments too.
In Other Pot News
Seems in Georgia you can find a cop in uniform who is not only willing to sell you pot out of his patrol car - he will identify himself as being On Your Side - oh, he was selling to undercover FBI. Yes, it is that ridiculous.
Amazing Beauty At Gold Beach Oregon

BUT, you are here for the sexy pictures of scantily clan women after all.....
The BS Entertains
Forest Swastikas?
Grown With Over 100 Trees In Germany and Then A New One Discovered - Read More ... not paranormal but a non-normal Wikipedia read.
Please make sure to support The BS by checking out the ads that marketers are reaching out with in the sidebar and elsewhere on this page. Thanks.
The BS Gallery
Brazil Beauty
Sand Volleyball
Hugging Hotties
Couple of Honeys
Yes, the BS is Blonde Partial
In case you were wondering where Shit Creek Was:
The BS does Politics - Where Will You Be 11-5?
South Africa
Where you take your shoes off to walk into a 30 Foot Vagina
slippery when wet
Hat Tip For Vagina Picture
The BS Entertains
And finally for Today's BS - a story from the ParaNormal SubReddit - about a little girl in a tent in a daycare facility - who screams when the tent is also seemingly Occupied By..... (read to find out more)
The Cash For Your Old Books GravyTrain Starts Right Below Simply Click
The BS Entertains
Forest Swastikas?
Grown With Over 100 Trees In Germany and Then A New One Discovered - Read More ... not paranormal but a non-normal Wikipedia read.
Please make sure to support The BS by checking out the ads that marketers are reaching out with in the sidebar and elsewhere on this page. Thanks.
The BS Gallery
Brazil Beauty
Sand Volleyball
Hugging Hotties
Couple of Honeys
Yes, the BS is Blonde Partial
In case you were wondering where Shit Creek Was:
The BS does Politics - Where Will You Be 11-5?
South Africa
Where you take your shoes off to walk into a 30 Foot Vagina
slippery when wet
Hat Tip For Vagina Picture
The BS Entertains
And finally for Today's BS - a story from the ParaNormal SubReddit - about a little girl in a tent in a daycare facility - who screams when the tent is also seemingly Occupied By..... (read to find out more)
The Cash For Your Old Books GravyTrain Starts Right Below Simply Click
very easy to do