The post below was one of THREE posts that I had already finished back in November when The BS was booted off the internet....... All three posts, which could have been seen by censors at Blogger - are very edgey and probably pushed the sensors buttons even more. Indeed, it's possible that post this HARD will not be in the continuation of THE BS, or will they?
Anyway, enjoy the BS attitude below - feel free to say, welcome back. If you dare.
(the november 2013 post)
Somehow the BS missed this at the time (I think?) but wants to make sure it sees the light of .... The BS. Seems Robin Pagoria has been a lifelong spanking fan and took it all a bit too far for the law while pleasing an internet boyfriend by torturing two girls at least one of which was a minor. Interestingly, the relationship of the girls is not revealed in the Cops Gone Bad link. The comments are priceless about `military girls' like Robin.
The More Things Change

mildly interesting is a new Subreddit I subscribe to
Nothing Changes
Rich Wallstreet Person Buys 30 Month Sentence In Billion Dollar Scheme
On The Other Hand
Nothing Changes
Rich Wallstreet Person Buys 30 Month Sentence In Billion Dollar Scheme
On The Other Hand
Oh Those 50's

might be arrested for such talk today
And, once again back to the things are hard to change department...... seems the young folks who go `vegan' after reading a certain book - One year later - tended to be eating Meat Again. The BS.
BS Humor
THE BS - Simply Irresponsible Cheap Trills
our changing skies
UFO or Chemtrail Phenomena?

BS Humor
THE BS - Simply Irresponsible Cheap Trills
our changing skies
UFO or Chemtrail Phenomena?
Below The Fold
The BS Gallery

Slippery Slopes Of The BS
(upon further examination I removed two links from here today 3/25 as perhaps the BS was pushing the edge too hard.)
Revealing Russian Women

Going Glitzy

Sports Bar Bikini Contest
The BS Entertains
And, finally, the BS is known for a good paraNormal read... so... are you ready for what sounds like:
I Saw A Humanoid Creature Crawling On The Floor
And, from Amazon