If you want to really blow your mind, take out a U.S. twenty dollar bill dated anytime before 2002. Then compare the back side with a bill dated 2004 or after.... you will see a clear sky over the White House on the earlier bills, and on the 2004 and later bills you will see wispy clouds over the white house. I find it interesting that throughout the history of Federal Reserve Notes, never were there clouds of any type until about 2004, when suddenly they started to put cloudy skies on the reverse side of the notes, over the picture of the White House. This is just another example of what this article is talking about.
Sometimes I worry that I'm the only one who notices the abnormality of the constant Chemtrail spraying, which goes on pretty much nonstop over head here in Los Angeles.
Nobody looks up anymore, and when they do, they don't see anything unusual because of the programing they've been subjected to.
It took me a few weeks of watching the chemtrails before I finally came to accept the fact that this was an unnatural activity, which could not be explained as normal jet contrails.
What convinced me was the flight paths. Someone told me that these planes were simply coming and going from LAX, and other local airports. I realized that these planes are far too high to either be on approach, or climbing out after take-off. I could clearly identify the planes coming and going from the local airports, because they are clearly climbing, or descending, and always much, much lower.
The planes that are emitting the chemtrails, if they were indeed just normal air traffic, would have to be on a flight pattern that just happened to take them overhead of my house. Since flight paths are always straight lines from departure to destination, it's very easy to plot every possible flight pattern in the U.S., and to plot these courses. There are very few fight paths that take aircraft directly over Los Angeles at cruising altitude. There are a few North South routes, but there are NO east-west flight paths. I plane heading due west over L.A. would have a destination somewhere in the Pacific, or South Pacific. There are no destinations there. Destinations in the Far East utilize a flight path that goes due north from any airport in the continental U.S. Even flights to hawaii depart on a Northernly course. Yet we have chemtrail emitting planes flying east to west, all day long. Sometimes, when they are especially bolt, they will fly figure 8's, or even large circles over the L.A. basin.
I haven't figured out much about the Strategic Aerosol Program, or any of the other "research" aerosol programs, which are responsible for the daily blocking out of the sun, as the security on these programs is very effective in keeping any leaks contained.
I know that much of the computer modeling used to direct the aircraft, and used to determine where to spray, are run out of Lawerence Livermore Laboratories in N. California.
I also know that the program began in earnest after The Open Skies Treaty was ratified by most countries, which allows for these planes to operate unhindered over so many different countries.
Those involved in the program obviously must believe there is some beneficial reason for doing this, otherwise I believe there would be leaks, or whistle blowers. The program is so large, there must be thousands of people involved on many levels. Keeping them all quiet must involve some scheme of indoctrination, made affective through the reasoning that it's a necessary program.
The reasoning must go beyond global warming. There must be some other beneficial result, or belief in such, which keeps all of the operatives in the program from letting any information out.
The writer of the above opinion left out two other possibilities - one - the Chemtrail planes aren't planes at all and - two - Colin Bennett's theory that the `Planes' may be Fortean in nature.
This one is a year old but worth recycling - Scientists say dolphins should be treated as 'non-human persons' - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/science/article6973994.ece
no Stewing allowed.
So, I found this cool website that shows you how many times a page on a website has been liked by Facebook - here's the Barf Stewdown -
Barf Stew Gallery - Barf Stew Entertains - Two Hotties, http://i.imgur.com/Ezwug.jpg; Outdoors, http://i.imgur.com/rNDvX.jpg; Braces, http://i.imgur.com/u46UJ.jpg!
And this from Christwire.Org - Pot Smoking Radicals Are Using the Internet to Turn America Into a Socialist Sex Utopia - http://christwire.org/2010/10/pot-smoking-radicals-are-using-the-internet-to-turn-america-into-a-socialist-sex-utopia/ - with the comments below the post being even more illuminating. Barfstew. (Ok, I used this for the `Pot Smoking Radicals' in the headline - I admit it.)
The 4 Hundred and 20 Assassins of Emir Abdullah-Harazins
How to Quit Marijuana - How I Quit Smoking Weed in 1 Single Day!
Part of the take over by the Pot Smoking Radicals is certainly Booty Dancing - Barf Stew Entertains.
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