`Crime against nature' - What the H is that right? Polluting our waters or atmosphere? Bombing unsuspecting humans? Building Nuke Plants On Fault Lines? Well, as this sleazy Huffington Post article states - it's associated with making Dog Porn. The lovely lassie was filmed by her military hubby - both F and M were 23 - dogs age not released. 5 pets confiscated. Names and faces included at link.
Speaking Of Using Nature============================
Eagle POV
Speaking Of Using Nature============================
Eagle POV
The BS Entertains
BS does Politics
a near worthless media

banners have power
11-5-13 is coming
The BS's Hottie

The BS Gallery
How About One More?

Today's ParaNormal
A blog and book looking at the UFO Jester James W. Moseley - who died in 2012. Always enjoyed encountering his opinions and jabs at those who KNEW one thing or another about UFO's.
read a sample here
A blog and book looking at the UFO Jester James W. Moseley - who died in 2012. Always enjoyed encountering his opinions and jabs at those who KNEW one thing or another about UFO's.
read a sample here
Fed Just Announced The Continuation Of 85 Billion A Month Of Money For The 1% BTW

trickle up some cash for yourself