“I think crypto-currencies could be the new buffalo. Once, it was everything for our survival. We used it for food, for clothes, for everything. It was our economy. I think MazaCoin could serve the same purpose.
The BS has other crypto currencies in the wings to cover - be here or be square.
But, you are here probably to see teen girls acting .... slutty.
The BS - Nothing Like It
Female Team Athletes

The BS Entertains
Speaking of Sports And Entertainment

Hmm.... interesting that DC's team has such a high price... oh, that's right... some of the richest folk in America live there.
And, speaking of BS.... has your browser been locked by the FBI scam? ..... Here's supposedly a way to remove the virus. Click only if needed.
The BS Gallery
And, finally Today's ParaNormal BS - or is it - a great story about being followed home by a breathing black mass - here's the link to the Reddit Story which at the end of the story comes complete with the PICTURE of the entity.... or is it. YOU MUST read the comments for the full story... THE BS or not.
From the category Data Is Beautiful
The Masturbation Exploits of One 18-19 Year Old American Male
- Longest session time: 150 minutes
- Shortest session time: 5 minutes
- Average time: 44 minutes, 29 seconds
- Average time without a session: 1 day, 16 hours, 37 minutes
- I have spent 1.83% of the past year (in seconds) masturbating
- Then, assuming 8 hours of sleep a night, I have spent 3% of waking time (in seconds) masturbating.======================================================
and, clicking this link gives you access to special graphs showing the length of each session ETC...
The BS Entertains