Showing posts with label heavy art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heavy art. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Can CryptoCurrencies Still Increase 1000 Fold?

Lots of Bit-Stew here in this two minute read which even features Buterin being misquoted or interpreted. (I recently heard Buterin...he speaks evidently...perfect english without any accent I could detect.) 1000 Times Your Money? - You can invest in crypto on this very page....look for the links at the top and bottom of the page.
How about a fun read? Congratulations On Your Promotion To The Position Of My Boyfriend - all about relationship expectations... very humorous.

It's You
Heavy Art
Find the Archive
Never Return

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Bitcoin With Debit Card?

Read All About It
The Sunday Edition Of The BS 
has arrived

Has potentially the last barrier to Bitcoin going mass market just been breached? All with Bitcoin hovering near the lowest prices since the spike upward? ..... Here's the article about buying Bitcoins with your debit card and turning Bitcoins into cash with ease. Anyway those in the know are calling this move The Next Big Thing. Will you be left behind? (Have You Heard This On The Local News? - Of Course Not - That Is Why You Have THE BS.)
So, let's go through this once again.... you need to buy bitcoin and IF you don't join Circle above - the next best place to go is to Coinbase.... the one that PayPal will be working with (two others too)... and you can bet that Coinbase will respond and link debit cards soon or something similar via PayPal. So, go buy some Bitcoin while it is at 375.00 a coin. You can buy ANY amount of a Bitcoin - you can buy one penny worth for about 4.00....... buy a dime worth for 38 bucks etc. You DO have to link bank accounts at Coinbase... this is real money. So, the choice is clear, use `money' by governments that are guaranteed to lose value or possibly use something different. Will your money be worth more tomorrow?
What Level Of Risk Will You Take?
Now the above crappola, supplied by yours truly, is not without saying that some claim it could crash right back to Earth in value (Bitcoin that is) - so, IF that is true - IF money is `shifting around' in the `virtual currencies' market - going to lesser known or used names - like Dogecoin (Up over 100% in 30 days) - then you will want to TRADE in those coins - either as an investment or hedge possibly. You can do that too. You can play it like the ULTIMATE penny stocks. For a few twentys (or 100's)  you can have the time of your life.
And, you can do that At Coins-E (dot com) - hit the link and look around. Then buy some Bitcoin at Coinbase - and come on over. The party will still be going next week. (Confirmation on bank accounts with deposits can take up to a week.)
You Can Take Things Into Your Own Hands

You Are Aware That Bitcoin Is A 5 BILLION dollar marketcap as of now, right? The real question is will they be the only game or not?
Finally, what is the use of having virtual currency if it can't `do things' like Gamble? Yes, you can use several of the virtual currencies I've mentioned at Satoshibet - Dogecoin, Bitcoin and others too. The place says they are provably fair - I've linked to their pluses and minuses before - click it and play the 1000 FREE chips to get into the groove. Or, deposit some of the Bitcoin you bought and have a riot on 5 bucks.
I know, I know, you are here for The BS - just imagine IF you got involved with Bitcoin in 2011 when The BS started talking about this --- it's news now - you need to listen.
(always non-nude)
The BS Gallery
(why you really are here, right?)
Body Paint Art
does BS mean be sexy?
The BS Entertains
upskirt warning
What Drunk Girls Do In Germany?
priceless comments at the link below too
more BS like this again soon, for sure - there's a slew of videos like this one.
Crusted Bits Of  American BS
truth Washington Post style - bigger markets and riskier products pose more risk is the obvious BS not said
jokes about it with others - some say with the way the Fed is running the money supply - that of course he was turned down
Giant chickens with dates

another BS blogfind
does BS mean Blogs Sunday
Heavy BS Art
more human images from the 2000's
While Others Scream Differently
Lots of Fun Here On Sunday's Right? Even Comics.
You Should Dig Into The Archive Of Over 1000 Posts This Good
The BS Does Paranormal
Amazon FREE Today

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Bitcoin Touches 400 Dollars Per Coin

In the past 96 hours Bitcoin has dipped below 400 dollars a few times - lots of analysis from the powers that be (the suckout of the Alibaba effect, the rising number of merchants taking it who immediately turn it in for dollars,  the rising competitive landscape in virtual currency too - Apple Pay etc, Alibaba's method.) But, the BS would like to point something out - the shakeout in the virtual currencies hasn't even occurred... when it does the best placed will, once any of the HUGE e-commerce sites offer to take it - which could be soonish.... the need for a MUCH larger `market cap' than 5 BILLION or so will be needed for world retail trade (one would think). The low, very low transaction costs will make the virtual currencies competitive.  Additionally, the move with ApplePay and such will make folks more and more comfortable with cashless deals. Etc..... So, how much more of a market cap is needed beyond 5-6 billion? 10 times that? 100 times that? 1000 times that? - Are those the final realistic potential values once the transistion is made? Could a TODAY investment in ONE Bitcoin, even at 400.00 - result in a value to the coin in excess of 4,000,000.00? Could even a 4.00 investment in Bitcoin be worth 40K someday?

IF you check my tweets recently - you can see that I've begun to purchase bits of Bitcoin to build up to ONE coin (you can buy any amount of Bitcoin you want to - a `penny' of Bitcoin at 400 dollars per Bitcoin is of course - four bucks) - My Twitter Account. So, I bring to you the company most situated to be THE processor of choice for one of the big retailers - Coinbase.
(if you buy 100 dollars worth we each get 5 dollars worth of Bitcoin too)
My August 2011 Post About Bitcoin (1st post by the BS was three months before)
The BS Entertains - Especially On The Weekends
Sexy Sunday Gallery
Sexy Retro Ad
About 100,000 A Year Enjoy The Below
The BS Entertains
Now, for something a bit more meaty!
What's up with Ohio? And Montana?
The BS.... Entertains.
What Finding A Snake Can Do
Crusted Bits Of BS
so, let's get tough on football players
so, let's glorify the over power abuse of SWAT teams
make way for the pot patch
i doubt much surprise to anyone - can only grow
Lets get this to press by noon

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Media Incapable Of Finding ONE Libertarian Opposed To New War

So, TPTB chose the anniversary eve to declare their latest war for the good old USA to fight for others - this time the dreaded ISIS - who do things like kill to prove a political point..... HMM. Anyway, as most folks know, the Libertarians in general have the policy of `stay out of others business' which extends all the way up to nations and borders.... lofty idea right? Well, those who think in such a manner, generally dislike both political parties - and often don't vote at all or vote for Libertarians.... so, you'd think that our so-called Free Press would delight in finding Americans disgusted with each party with an alternative point of view about the coming WAR.... or an alternative viewpoint on nearly anything.... but, alas... the MSM could NOT find even ONE Libertarian to interview with another point of view....welcome to America. The BS style.
The bS Does Politics
simply too messy to deal with before a commercial break
Heavy Art
In other unmentioned news in any state with Pot in control of the police prison system of authorities:
in states where the police/lawyers control the pot for the expanding prison system
Dare we say... words that you might hear coming out of a dangerous Libertarians mouth I bet.
Did you buy your Libertarian Bumper Sticker From The Sidebar of This Page?
Your actions, either way, will determine how YOU support the BS.
The BS Gallery
Hey, guess what - the archive has 1000's of pictures and posts as good as this one - take a few minutes,, hours,.....days and explore to your hearts content - at least until the BS is banned once more.
Or goes private.
Crusted Bits Of BS
cough cough, six years late and a dollar short
billions skimmed and scammed by USA contractors, of course
The ParaNormal Side Of The BS

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

1000+ Protest 3 LAPD Killings THIS MONTH - National Media Refuses To Cover

So, is this what Jesse Jackson was referring to about `spilling over' the Ferguson activity? Here is the detailing of a series of marches that happened on Sunday.... two days ago.
1000's Take To Streets - Many In Anonymous Masks
View image on Twitter
Or does the MSM NOT cover it until someone gets violent with the cops?
Protests against the cops - something new for America to ponder.... all brought to you by the ATT `Hey Marcel' New America.
Indeed, The Below Sums Up Normal Americans Feelings
The BS Entertains
Crusted Bits Of BS
put some law into his hands
oh yeah, THAT was OWS
THE BS Does The Heavy Stuff
buy bitcoin via the above click from one of the largest dealers in bitcoin
buy as little as .01 bitcoin or about 5 dollars worth, you can slowly build up your bitcoin wallet
(my first bitcoin purchase recently was for .05 bitcoin (at @591.46 - today's price is a bargain around 499.00) or for about 30 bucks.
IT'S NOT Too Late To Get In
you've waited patiently
THE BS Gallery

Have You Donated?
remember, donate 5 dollars or more and pick one of the bumper stickers on this page
The BS's Heavy Art
Birth by TGHarrison
On So Many Levels
The BS
Alien Lights In Texas?
i was contacted by this person via my State UFO blog series

40 views in 2 days.

I see some blinking orb lights... a bit unusual but not totally uncommon for callers. These more ground level IMO are not the of the  same overall structure as the luminous skyward ones.
The BS Does ParaNormal
ads, click'em if interested

Monday, August 4, 2014

Man Locks Himself In Hot Car - Comedy Results

Here's a BS video making the rounds at Reddit right now - and the comments are a treasure too..... true BS humor

The BS Entertains
When The Statue Of Liberty Was In France
Before The Bubble Burst
IF you are a Libertarian, or, are just a prick about Politics - make sure to purchase the bumper sticker on the top of the left sidebar.
Crusted Bits Of BS
Have you ever wondered who is still smoking tobacco?  Well the highest incidence would be a Multi-Racial Male With A GED Who Is 25-44.
no data to indicate if that is a new description or not
a website called slutty girl problems, you know, like slut shaming
Have the 1960's returned? (Remember believing one was a bird and leaping to death on LSD?) Seems one 21 year old chick got a bit too high after toking Skunk Weed for FOUR hours - See Story And Multiple Pictures Here
Out of her mind: The intoxicated 21-year-old clings to electricity cables after climbing the pylon in the belief that it was a bridge
she thought it was a bridge
BS Humor
play in the honest online casino - play for Free OR for REAL virtual currencies - you gotta try the one green ZERO roulette board (European Style)
And Finally.....
The BS Gallery
There's a thousand posts this good in the archive - you could be here allday (yesterday one person did 90 pageviews) are you in?
Are You The Fun Dad In The Neighborhood?

under 100 bucks from Amazon

Thursday, July 10, 2014

The BS - Alien Structure On An Asteroid

The above IS really strange and worth your time.
The BS - Does ParaNormal Too
The above is from the Subreddit called `no sleep' - which has stories NOT always true (this one is).... it's about a brother that goes missing while sending SUPER strange texts to his mom, brother and girlfriend. I became sucked in and eventually wrote This - yeah, real heavy. And Here.
The BS Gallery
Crusted Bits Of BS
Sissy ATT US Cops Fired 90 Into One Person, Oh, 1/2 of the German Police shots were WARNING shots.
Make sure to shove this up someones ass the next time they say the words `jobs will be lost' with minimum wage hikes. Of course, the BS would also point out that the states likely to raise the minimum would most likely be doing better.
A lot depends on how long it takes to get the `vision' thing down with Robots - and, it's close. (think of the Google Car)
The BS Entertains
As Barfsters Know, The Chance To Gamble For Free or For Virtual Currencies Is Available On This Website By Clicking The Link Below:
(or the coin in the sidebars)
What you may not know is that anonymous internet gambling has arrived - and below you can see a list of the `best' 100 internet gambling sites with virtual currencies and indeed Satoshibet.Com is on it.
And, finally, while it is EASY to look on the internet and find some who are less than thrilled with Satoshibet (mostly delays in the early days with withdrawls of large wins) - you can also find the website (someone from Satoshibet) very involved in a forum about them
The bottom line is - if you like to gamble and have an interest in trying the internet side of things - yet, like the cryptocurrency aspect of it too - then, why not try it for free first and then give it a go? FOUR folks have used my top link to join already and are trying it for free.
now using the most popular virtual currencies
(more than bitcoin)
I want to thank the newest Satoshibet Player


Thursday, June 19, 2014

MUSK - Human Boots On Mars By 2026

The guy is F'ing amazing for sure and is one of the few glimmers of hope on this sorry MSM blue planet..... With the goal of a self sustaining society on Mars as an escape plan for humanity this is worth your next two minutes.
The BS Entertains
The BS Does Politics
That's The BS - Crusted Bits
to be alive at age two compared to non using mothers

The BS Sexy Gallery
tough decision right
more like this?
The Heavy Stuff
Did you bookmark Barfstew yet?
And, finally for your entertainment
Finally, an Amazon product below called `Frame A Patent' - this one for a spanking machine
click the pic for more info
Amazon MUSIC
1999 release

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Raging Hockey Fans Destroyed An LAPD Drone

drone lapd kings
The BS Entertains
Crusted BS Bits
might it be because Texas could do the same?
the love of the cat and mouse game
part of a `reach the aliens with mantra chants' posting
could be dead on - could be BS
Heavy BS Art
Sexy Sunday?
more? you glutton
1000+ posts this good in the archive, where have you been?
Sunday Evening Amazon Read?



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