Speaking of Slippery Slopes - The Book Below Is Mine - It's FREE ON Kindle - today Sunday November 11th. Give it a read - the heaviest eight pages on the internet - perhaps.
Here's the Link to the Slippery Slope and below is the book cover: (not a link)

And, speaking of slippery slopes on BS can only mean one thing - the slippery slopes that are part of the sexy female positioning at BS (of course) - so, enjoy sexy photo one - Ridiculously Hot Sweetie - a slippery slope for sure. Or, this Edible Blonde Morsel perhaps? And, you know that BS has a soft spot for the Hard Pokies of the street ladies. Right?
REAL or BS, you decide:
BS Entertains:
Speaking of beautiful - Here's an Oh My picture for your enjoyment. MORE? Sure - Young And Blonde.
Are you in the 1%? Got an extra mil or two lying around? (Well, really two.) Then you can own your own Personal Two Person Sub that dives to 1000 feet. Under the water. (Not THAT kind of sub that dives to feet - you sicko.) Great read about how you can explore shipwrecks in your spare time. Yes, it's climate controlled and all clear glass. A must see picture.
From the more of this needed category - The People's Rebellion Against The Pot War Continues - once again in the courthouse via nullification.
Do you know what Fortean means? Did you know that many states have a Society Of Forteans? - This link is the state directors of such. Barf Stew connects.
BS does paranormal.
Hey, why not!
When one monitors the slippery slope - it's always a good idea to know what is NOT over the edge on YouTube: (Barfsters remember the old Sexy Sunday's around here on BS right?)
Yes, you should bookmark BS. The archive has about 800 posts this good btw.
The fight of the people is often a feature of the Barf Stew. In that tradition here's a deep Political Rant worthy of your Sunday time today. Or, perhaps this Political Picture will strike your fancy enough to bookmark.
BS does politics - as you know.
Click the above for more info! Will you be ready for the escalating emergencies of the late 2010's? Or, is roving gangs more your style? -------------- Share today's post on Facebook with the share buttons below - thanks - see you again soon.
Barf Stew - Your next serving is in the archives!