The data suggests that the headline is correct? Or, just BS with a 1000 other factors as to why someone might want to move from a state......

Such as the general feeling of independence within a state. As Barfsters know, the BS predicts Texas to pull out of the standard USA state agreements soon.
The BS Entertains With Worthless Data Too
Such as the government logic of MORE folks dropping out of the labor force as hiring ACCELERATES?
Is that new feeling I'm now sensing the Old Normal...... or is it the fleeting final moments before the next bubble bursts.
But, Bubbles Or Not
The BS Gallery
Bikini Beach Blonde
Use To Be Hip-Huggers - Now It's More Like Thigh Huggers
Crusted BS Bits
Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind - Hawking
The BS Entertains With Worthless Data Too
Such as the government logic of MORE folks dropping out of the labor force as hiring ACCELERATES?
Is that new feeling I'm now sensing the Old Normal...... or is it the fleeting final moments before the next bubble bursts.
But, Bubbles Or Not
The BS Gallery
Bikini Beach Blonde
Use To Be Hip-Huggers - Now It's More Like Thigh Huggers
Crusted BS Bits
Artificial Intelligence Could End Mankind - Hawking
With lyrics such as `you're sweet but you're just four feet'
you'll know most of these songs by the way
By The Way Barfsters - The BS will cover the `Hey Marcel' ad once again this week - as no one has before. You can see the new placement of the New Hard America `Hey Marcel' ad on this page below in the left sidebar. BTW, the branding and images by the largest of the largest brands and companies is NEVER an accident.
The BS Entertains
Only once before have I ever seen the above in person.
The BS - Lots Worth Clicking