As some barfsters may have discerned - the BS has adopted a Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday publishing pattern for FULL BS posts (which publishes at 12:30 AM). On Tuesday the BS ran a poem by fringe society poet j.s. flower - and today I will opine about something. Most likely, that pattern, of opinion pieces on Tues, Thursday - will probably also be pretty standard. If you have something you'd like to see as a Tues, or Thursday posting feel free to bring it on.
Today's headline - ABSURD - was my reaction to The Today Show this morning featuring the pending release of one of the Kennedy's in jail for murder for the last decade (BTW, 27 years after the event - and at least once turned down by the Supreme Court for review) - who was released by some obviously pressured judge (what secrets does he hide) due to his attorney being totally incompetent. Yes, you read that right - a KENNEDY hired a totally incompetent group of lawyers for his defense in a MURDER case.
You believe that right?
And, yet, judge shopping or judges on the take - didn't once enter into any discussion on air.
But, typical food for the sheeple to consume.
the BS continues.

is the BS going private?
details soon