For those of you wondering - here's the take in Georgia of the above:
In that sense, the grainy 55-second video has been a raging success, generating more than 1 million hits on YouTube by tweaking liberal outrage at the taboo cigarette habit -- and libertarian delight in liberal outrage.
Cain has said there is no "hidden message" in the ad, which focuses on staffer (and cigarette-puffer) Mark Block extolling Cain for running a "campaign like nobody's ever seen," and urging listeners to "take back America."
But veteran political operatives aren't buying it. The use of the cigarette was a calculated ploy, said Marty Kaplan, a professor of entertainment, media and society at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.
"Smoking is a dog-whistle to libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, people mad at the ‘nanny state,' " said Kaplan, who was deputy campaign manager for presidential candidate Walter Mondale in 1984.
The full article is Right Here --- and just what is TBS's point of view on the ad? ---- HEADLINE worthy! Brilliant Marketing.
Herman Cain, like the OWS and Ron Paul folks, is something the MSM is simply incapable of dealing with as defenders of the status quo and the mouthpiece for BOTH parties. (Obviously, the parties are among the biggest advertisers for a good part of every year.)
Oh, meanwhile in Georgia comes this OVER THE TOP blowing smoke story about sightings of BIGFOOT in the north Georgia mountains, oh say about 70 miles from my home in the exo-suburbs of Atlanta. bruce-barraclough-eyewitness-account of bigfoot sightings - and here's a tease:
They took pics headed back to camp ate lunch then split into 2 teams. Two members stayed at base camp and the other 2 groups split up. Bruce’s team headed towards the area with the tree formations, the other group stayed on the trail. About a mile down the road the other team did tree knocks. Silence. Bruce did tree knocks, again, silence. They did a rock knock then and they got a loud response. On the hike they noticed what appeared to be mountain lion tracks. Bruce being sick with the flu realized he couldn’t descend the hill any further. He stayed behind with a 45 mm weapon as the others continued down the trail. They realized there was heavy movement in the canyon below. Bruce continued on back to base camp. He then heard something heavy being thrown. He then experienced violent tree shaking. He quickened his pace. He felt and heard footsteps assuming he was being followed.
Not being embarrassed he then began talking to his guest. He offered a drink from his canteen to the unknown stalker and left his canteen on the middle of the trail.
He radioed the other group and asked them to retrieve his canteen when they returned. A while later they radioed him and asked him if he had left a turtle shell on top of the canteen!
He joined them to see for himself and discovered the canteen had a turtle shell on top of the emptied canteen!
He believes that the forest visitor left him a gift.
Seriously, this is just a PORTION of what occurred. A must read story to understand the strange state of Georgia and what happens when one beckons the Unknown.
And, you might have thoughts about other types of stuffing when viewing these two hotties who are TBS's daily sexy picture Ball Headstone Classic - future pole dancers? - And, why not a weekend Double D's Shot. ---- Want more pics? Go into the archive for many more. Barf Stew is like a treasure waiting to be found.
Politics, check. Sexy, check. ParaNormal, check. The Barf Stew Mix.
Double shot of ParaNormal? -- The Art Shaman on Squidoo Trippy Girl With Some Cool Ideas - even sympathetic magic.
According to this website I'm the 75,857,923,338th person to have lived since the beginning of history and the day I was born I was the 2,614,154,543rd person on Earth. Find your
Birthtime Order Number Here.
More people realize daily that the MSM is worthless and only is in the pocket of the politicians they serve and collect ad money from as part of their business plan.
TBS does politics.
You can't tell me that you'd wait THIS LONG for the SLEAZE? Well, let that patience be rewarded immediately:
Sunday Moyo, Zimbabwe Man, Caught Having Sex With Donkey, Claims Animal Was A Prostitute - A True `Sunday' Story - other gems in this story include the fact that 20 states have no laws against animal ...... intimacy.
Oh, and http://asia.cnet.com/blogs/beware-of-the-camera-phone-62116398.htm:

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