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Showing posts with label worthless msm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label worthless msm. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2014

Americans `Cranky' With Political System - Media Can't Find Even ONE Libertarian To Interview

Seriously, do you really believe a MSM that claims to represent the peoples views? Seriously.... do you have a brain? Survey says 70% of country puts USA on wrong track (and that was BEFORE we starting bombing Iraq again.)
Perhaps The BS Gallery Can Take Your Mind Off It
Just When You Thought, WTF?
Entertained Yet?

Crusted Bits Of BS
this is NOT BS
Darwinism At Work

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Survey Says - USA Overestimates `Self Opinion Worldwide' Nearly Universally

It's a bit of a tricky question - how is the USA viewed worldwide - NOT, how is the USA viewed by your country. It's a subtle but important difference... as the results show IMO, which countries MSM paints the most positive picture about the USA as viewed by the world. Well, 44% of USA citizens think the USA is viewed `Very Favorably' around the world..... compared to less than 5% of those in countries like Russia, Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan - one helluva difference and in countries quite important, so we say, to us and our safety. But, it's not only them who think the USA is viewed so favorably around the world.... only 4% of GERMANS think so... only 6% in Japan, 8% in Brazil..... you get the drift...    Obviously, these folks on THEIR news, is seeing the USA in a different light than one that permits 44% of Americans to THINK we are viewed VERY Favorably around the world..... To the point that perhaps our `news' that WE are FED - is The BS? Don't you think?.... And, as you see below - the only countries out of 44 countries whose citizens think we are viewed very favorably around the world... citizens who get an even more slanted view of the USA.... Kenya and Ghana and Senegal....known places for independent journalism, right?
The BS Does Real Political Analysis
The BS Sunday Gallery
Texas Tech Swim Team
Retro Sexy - What`ll Have Sailor?

Needs A Timely Ride

Retro Upskirt
Modern Upskirt
BS Humor

Worried Mom To Be
Barfstew - Bookmark And Return Again Soon
More Retro Sexy Is On This Link Too
Gamblers Can Support The BS Here

Friday, November 15, 2013

Can the Victoria's Secret Fantasy Bra predict the market?

Got 10 MILLION for the fantasy bra? Did you know that the stated price on the bra (evidently an annual affair) largely tracks the Stock Market (hence the headline)? Think over 4,200 precious gems:
THE BS does The BS Politics Our MSM Totally Avoids
Like This EXAMPLE of the Disgusting Drug War On Citizens
and the lengths the growing worthless cops are becoming to adopt.
Shows Politics
For Example A Simple Chart That Should Be Flashed On All TV Screens Once A Month While The FCC Mandated Warning Is Run

Good Amazon Read

a reader recently purchased this book
Perhaps you've heard that Teenagers are leaving Facebook ? - Well here's the BS why - 5 reasons, well thought out IMO. The BS loves how every single feature once loved about FB is now better done at another website.
More Social Media Problems?
Are YOU one of the ones - like the BS - who HATE the whole Google+ crappola?.... You are not alone... the comments on this forum to let Google know how much you hate G+ are Hilarious And VERY Angry - perhaps you should pitch in?
Wait For It

BS Humor
continue your smiling below
Sexy NonNude Continues

BS's ParaNormal Side
Is this Creature In South Carolina?
newly released Amazon book
The BS Gallery
The BS Entertains
You Never Know What You Will Find On Amazon
Yes, That's The Book Cover
Simply Click For More

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Obamacare BS

The absurdity of suggesting that insurers, previous to Obamacare, were selling `sub-standard' insurance to people who DIDN'T HAVE TO BUY IT AND WERE SATISFIED with their coverage - (let alone the idea that the insurers themselves were NOT making money on the plans) is total BS -- The Barfstew. Obviously there was a market and demand for the product.... just another part of the rhetoric unchallenged by our beyond worthless MSM.
Want to rant? Write an editorial for the BS on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays? Send it in and see it here. Or, simply comment on any post - all comments are monitored.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


As some barfsters may have discerned - the BS has adopted a Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday publishing pattern for FULL BS posts (which publishes at 12:30 AM). On Tuesday the BS ran a poem by fringe society poet j.s. flower - and today I will opine about something. Most likely, that pattern, of opinion pieces on Tues, Thursday - will probably also be pretty standard. If you have something you'd like to see as a Tues, or Thursday posting feel free to bring it on.

Today's headline - ABSURD - was my reaction to The Today Show this morning featuring the pending release of one of the Kennedy's in jail for murder for the last decade (BTW, 27 years after the event - and at least once turned down by the Supreme Court for review) - who was released by some obviously pressured judge (what secrets does he hide) due to his attorney being totally incompetent. Yes, you read that right - a KENNEDY hired a totally incompetent group of lawyers for his defense in a MURDER case.

You believe that right?

And, yet, judge shopping or judges on the take - didn't once enter into any discussion on air.

But, typical food for the sheeple to consume.
the BS continues.

Sell textbooks online at
is the BS going private?
details soon

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Worthless MSM Pushes Romney Female Voter Gap - Never Mentions Obama's Male Voter Gap

In example 5,678 of media manipulation. Oh, and DON'T be looking for ANY surveys to show you the results by race - cause then, we'd have to talk ab
out Obama's WHITE person voter gap. 

Just sayin.
And, you KNOW that BS loves to entertain that male audience too:
Mighty cool vid - don't you think?
Now, how about why you're here in the first place - sexy images of females - even if they are Virtual - Or near alien looking - or have Impossibly Big Boobs - right?
Entertained yet? Why not check out the archives with over 700 posts this good?
Finally for today - do you want to read a great Science Story with Anomalous Overtones?.
Enjoy my latest Kindle Book Today

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Judge Rules That Advocating Jury Nullification Is Not a Crime

Another ever so slight Glimmer of Hope (until overruled). Most folks couldn't even tell you what JN is - and it certainly is hated by the MSM who NEVER mention it as an alternative OR when it actually occurs. Barfsters - make sure to forward this one to those that actually give two crappolas about Justice.
Oh, have you heard that their is a new sonar `blip' that resembles the Loch Ness Monster? With Picture. I remember the `real' picture of the fin back in the 70's - that was somewhat convincing indeed.
And, certainly, just the title of this YouTube Video will be enough for Intellectual Barfsters - A TEDx video about what has happened to the male brain since the introduction of internet Porn. The Great Porn Experiment

The above vid has about 145K views and over a 10-1 positive to negative rating.
Porn, ParaNormal and Politics so far - having fun?
I bet someone is gonna have fun with this hot chick, right? Sexy Blonde In Bikini - yowser. 
You have been challenged to read about The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real.
Oh, did you know that you can turn in a VALID winning big lotto ticket minutes before it expires and that UNLESS you can or will explain how you got it - You Might NOT Get Paid - yes, you have to explain how you got it. Strange.
As Barfsters know - I am a Kindle Author of UFO books and `heavy books' - I OFTEN have some that are FREE on my author page. Please take a look at my Kindle Author Page For UFO Books And Heavy Books
Thanks for visiting today, I hope you were entertained. Please bookmark Barf Stew and return again soon. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Should the U.S. legalize hard drugs?

So, let's see here. The Washington Post runs a piece by George Will asking the above question - and - pointing out the same absurdity of the drug war that EVERYONE but the WP has known for 30 years. To boot, the ONLY candidate who supports such an approach - Ron Paul - is routinely grilled as if he's nuts for suggesting such. Talk about a worthless media. Anyway, if you wish to read the Barf Stew from George Will's sudden realization here you go - Worthless Pundit Wakes Up Decades Late - thanks for F-ing nothing George.
As the people continue to fight back - a new billboard in Colorado:
I love the use of a soccer looking mom type for the demographic. This is indeed the exact type of billboard that every worthless politician in America needs to answer to. The real question is really - should those that have pushed the worthless drug war face punishment when the people eventually win? Who the F thinks that adults do NOT own their own body OTHER THAN THE POLITICIANS and the worthless mouthpiece of a MSM we all endure?

The Slippery Slope Of Now And Real - The Phenomenology Of Actualization - My New Kindle E-Book Has Arrived - 99 Cents To Blow Your Mind ---- BARFSTERS LOVE PARANORMAL. Please consider purchasing this product to support Barf Stew's efforts.

So, that takes care of the politics and the paranormal - must be time for the sexy pictures. On this picture you will need to hit the green tab to prove you are over 18 to see a very sexy non-nude (never nude on Barf Stew) picture of two Teen Girls In Bikini's (notice the length of the one girls fingers?). Digging deeper reveals a picture of three young ladies in even less garb - Slightly Perverse - Almost. Oh my, control your thoughts.
You are now a Barfster - you might as well bookmark the page.
How about a BS Sunday Video? Man bets his life savings on the Roulette Wheel - you need to see his face on the outcome:

The Archive has over 700 posts this good - all for Barfsters.
Gag Gift

Gave this as a little Xmas gift to some clients and they LOVED it and haven't stopped
talking about it. HILARIOUS. Be sure to check out all the different versions.

Monday, December 19, 2011

BS's Predictions For The Iowa Republican Caucus Outcome

As you know, the worthless MSM has been making sure you have little to no desire to vote for any of the republinuts running for President of the United States; literally bashing one after another as they acquire the `who gives a crap anyway' support from the most previously bashed. Or self imploded of course. Which has left us in the current state of FLUX as the media attempts to manipulate the outcome thru `venting of the candidates'.

The implied message, of course, is that NONE of these candidates are worthy of throwing the current bum in the White House out of power. That is until 2016 when it would be `obvious' that the Republinut is who to vote for that time. It really is shameful. But, predictable; indeed so predictable that BS will now provide you with the outcome of the Iowa Caucuses (plus or minus a percentage or two):
Romney 23%
Paul 22%
Gingrich 20%
Perry 12%
Bachmann 9%
Others/Field 14%

The story will be that Romney beat Gingrich and had even more organization to get out the vote than the diehard Paul supporters. They will point out Newt's horrible showing with women voters. It will be wondered if Perry's FOURTH place finish will mean he is dropping out - same for Bachman and the others. Blah Blah Blah....... They will NOT ask if the 16% of ELIGIBLE Iowans who had a chance to caucas voting is a good percentage or not - or if that system works in any manner in weeding out candidates for President. And, of course, even the caucus goers get to elect only a percentage of those at the convention,  as many spots are held for delegates selected by insider politicians.
But, the result could turn out like the below numbers with just that swing in my guess on the plus or minus side of things - so let's say it comes out like this:
Paul - 24%
Newt - 22%
Romney 21%
Bachmann 11%
Perry 10%
OTHERS - 12%

That would be a totally different read by the MSM. REPUBLICANS have NO LEADER would be the shout. Paul would barely be mentioned as his total was do to `diehard core' voters. He would be seen as having NO chance at the nomination........ Romney and Gingrich and the MSM would declare it a TWO man race and `let the others decide when it is best for them to step out'. Bachman would somehow describe her finish as a `top tier' finish, and the true `conservative voice' remaining with a chance. Perry will decide its really not for him and drop out just before the NH primary. Yes, that is a BS prediction.
However, IF somehow Gingrich wins in Iowa - the MSM will say it all depends on him carrying his momentum into NH (where they know he has no chance) so that when he doesn't do well there - they can declare no front runner exists.
Bet you wish the weather was this predictable, right?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

American public to Congress: Get out. All of you - GET OUT!

It's been nearly two decades since I voted for any incumbent on any ballot - that is how strongly I feel about term limits and what `public service' is supposed to mean. To me, folks can simply wait a term and run again OR run for a new position to serve the public. --- So, `throwing out the worthless bums' is hardly news to me - especially with such a worthless structure of politics controlled by only these two parties - which I consider, with a few exceptions - such as Ron Paul - two sides of the very same coin. Also, IMO, when `the parties' (or congress) rate so low - and yet the media DOESN'T LIFT A FINGER TO HELP THIRD PARTIES - it's obvious to anyone with a brain that the media is JUST a mouthpiece for these career government slimy power grabbers called `politicians' in America.

So, while it does little good for even the WP to print this story about just how disgusted the people are with the current crop of folks - how about a little help to those who seek to end this worthless two party game? Anyway, here's the Post's Article, See Just How Mad `Independents' Are For The First Time.
BS Politics.
Must be time for the Today's B.S. sexy girl picture - right?

How about a Ben Newman VIRTUAL Sexy Girl?

That said, one has to wonder if the politics were any better in 1903 - Is this the thriving downtown scene many would like to see return? Time Travel Pictures - A TBS Standard Entertainment Feature at Barf Stew. (with comments and current view from location)
Barf Stew Entertains
As Barfsters know, on occasion BS runs into one of those incredible stories that must be shared. You must hit this link if you have not heard of the rescue of two guys in a rowing marathon in the middle of nowhere when they get capsized by a HUGE wave -- you have to read how their Day Ended. This is a story in the news today.
Since it's Sunday, here's another leisurely read article with 10 pictures of a particular passion in Artic Circle Russia - one town in focus - and the passion is what MEN HAVE outside of the home so to speak Find out more here.
You are probably waiting for Sunday's YouTube Feature?
And, for some UFO video stuff? The BSy kind?

The strange part of the video above is the `Orbish' thing that comes into the frame near the end of this video.
IF you have been entertained today - please stay a bit longer and look around. This page and the sidebar has lots to explore - you have found your next 15 minutes of entertainment by landing on Barf Stew today. The BS mix, bookmark and return again soon .

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Top Barfable Stories Of 2011 - And, Why You Feel Like Puking About The Politics In America!

When you run a website dedicated to bringing the Barfiest material - all to one location - you have a lot to stew about, really. And, Today's B.S. collection of the top posts of 2011 will easily illustrate why you need to bookmark this list for future reference, as many of these stories were reported once by the MSM and quickly `forgotten'. This list will be a resource for you.

Indeed, many, if not the majority of these stories tell quite a different story than the one you hear nightly on the local 6PM newsline. Most are indeed American stories - and a very few of the links below are even ORIGINAL in nature - meaning originated here on Barf Stew. `Finding `TimeTravlers' In Photos' for example.
So, let's see if this `year end best of' list stirs your memories - ready? No, not a top 10 list - a near chronological list of the barf you have had to endure in just the past calendar year:

First up - how much have you heard about that `border fence issue' lately? Not much? Could the reason be that on January 3rd - Barf Stew featured a video of two girls scrambling over the fence in literally seconds? - Yet the MSM lets the BS candidates ramble on about border security. When, playing the publicly available video would shut them up in seconds. And, could any of the border issues of drugs and money involve the US Banking System? Seems so, you mean the BILLIONS go somewhere?  (How stupid does the MSM think we all are?) On the 13th day of 11 BS covered how the people within the government use their own Stats To Coverup The Fact We Are In A Depression. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside right? Makes you want to stand in line to vote for a republinut or democrap in 2012, right?

Think that manipulating stats or that the major banks are knowingly laundering drug money or that the country has no real border security despite the windbag politicians saying elsewise is a BIG Deal? The BS hasn't even started folks - get the barf bag out of the seatback in front of you and be ready to do some projectile vomiting about the crap of 2011.
Because,  hellbent on the `no government is too big' scenario continued to be played out on the 18th day of 11 as the TSA thinks Patdowns Of Three Year Olds Keep Us `Safer'. And the beginnings of the 1% rebellion can be seen here on just the 26th day of 11 with The Fact Of One Trillion Dollars Of The Economy Go To Top 1%.  Can they really spend it that quick? A year. Each and Every Year? ------------ Then, the calendar turned the page to February, and BS was one of the few covering the lack of Security in Scratch Off Lottery Tickets and how tracking the lottery winner figures indicates that some folks have figured out how to scam the system (of course) - you will never look at scratch off tickets the same after this read. For some reason, the MSM doesn't seem much interested in these stories -- oh, that's right, TV stations and newspapers get lots of ad money from state budgets for the lottery systems.

But, perhaps the best ex-politician BS answer of the Year, went to Donald Rumsfeld who said these words in answer to a question - What Is :Building 7? -- Hey, it's the same guy who on Sept. 10th, 2001 admitted to the Defense Department not being able to put their hands on a couple Trillion from the so-called budget. BUT, why would the MSM bother with ever reminding us about that? Right? And, as Barfsters know - a billion here and a billion there and it starts to add up - as a couple DOZEN hedgefund managers Earn That Much Every Year - in public companies. Jobs that literally could be done by a computer for zilch. But, why would the MSM be interested in something as mundane as that, right? Oh, that's right - they advertise on networks.

So, in April, when this survey revealed that the MAJORITY of Americans wouldn't pay ONE DOLLAR to have their `congressman be of the party of their choice' - meaning, of course, that the people are beyond disgust with the `two parties' - which have obviously outlived their usefulness - and need to BOTH BE REPLACED; -- why would the media be interested in something like that?

Oh, that's right - the MSM has to pretend that the politicians matter - after all the MSM depends on those advertising dollars from the `political parties'. Replacing the outdated political parties makes sense to everyone, except, to those collecting those ad bucks. And, they wonder why folks look at the MSM as being as worthless as the politicians they cover? Unbelievable.

But, in addition to not being willing to pay a dollar to have their preferred party in power, Americans also started to `strike back'  at the system in 2011 - such as at the worthless failed `Drug War' of the politicians and supported by the MSM. (Remember the money connections above.) - Indeed, in this spring story citizens organized Sending URINE To the Government in protest to easily beatable yet easy to give false positives too Drug Testing Programs.

Just another way for the government to say that YOU do not own your body. And, that adults can't make decisions as to what drugs to put into their body unless they are approved and part of the Health Care System (one of the biggest lobbies in WashingtonDC). Perhaps the OWS movement is best symbolized by these Florida Piss protesters in 2011?

You are probably pretty queasy by now I assume - but - the barf is still only lukewarm.

Another of the MSM favorite `dismissals' is of the southern states - still somehow associated and portrayed in the MSM's eyes as backward and segregated - --- after all - the power needs to stay in the Washington-Boston corridor, right? So, when the US Census data shows that the MOST segregated communities in America are In The Northern States - as it has been FOR DECADES NOW - isn't it funny about the Black Kettle? Now, the funny thing about this is that MOST folks KNOW that what the MSM says about the south is ..... well..... bullshit. That is, everyone but the on-the-take MSM of the politician dollars.

But, when you have a president whose Social security number is traced to a dead man it might be hard to muster up faith in the system - don't you think? A MSM starting to catch up slowly with the reality of Young Women And Young Men having NO income differences as a group. In a system that lets Federal Agents Swarm Homes Do To Unsecured Wi-Fi Connections? With a MSM that runs the other way when Obama's `Long Form' Birth Certificate Seemed Phoney? - and it wasn't even a long form? A MSM that doesn't seem to care that his stories and `facts', normal to most folks, don't even add up? (The BS theory is that it is so that a `President' can be easily removed if desired by TPTB.)

And, with the police crashing into homes on Pot Raids, shooting miniature dogs, and people, --- is it any surprise to anyone, but for the MSM, that the People are more scared of cops than criminals? --- Are these talking heads that read the `produced news' on TV even HUMAN? How can they read the stuff with straight faces? Indeed, to Today's B.S. - the zenith of the Glamorization of SWAT teams came in 2011 with the ATT (big brother of course) `Hey Marcel' Ads -- is it only TBS that thinks this is total crappola?

Now, if it makes you feel any better - estimates are that 1/5th of the Russian `Defense' Budget Is Stolen Yearly - yet the applause is highest for those `looking to be stronger'! Could that be why 1/2 Of Americans Think The Economy Will NEVER Recover - is that what happens when the system wipes out Trillions while paying Billions to those who helped it collapse? And the MSM looks on? Being a mouthpiece for the Obama Recovery?

Make sure that barf bag has been opened and is on your lap - please. Barf Stew will NOT be responsible for any mishaps beyond this point.

A Fed so strong that they issued a No Fly Zone Threat To Texas - IF They Ignored TSA requirements? - Is that the kind of country the MSM is interested in representing? As Barfsters know, BS predicts that Texas and other states joining Texas - will pull out of the USA at some point before the collapse. A media that stands down while Texas is threatened by the Feds - but says little to nothing of getting oil from a country that has Pubic Beheadings On Fridays to keep its citizens inline and intow.

Do you feel like a Sheep yet? Or, perhaps a little piglet?

A society run by worthless politicians, covered by a worthless, bought MSM, in which computer experts testify that the now paperless elections are run by Software designed to make the vote 51-49 under oath. Why should the MSM be interested in lottery OR voting security, right?

Funny who RUNS both (the lottery and voting) - probably a co-incidence, right? But, no one believes the MSM - after all - to them the housing market bottomed years ago, when the Obama Recovery began - so, housing experts who say that the housing market won't recover for 20 Years - Due To The Fraud - who cares, right? Being a mouthpiece for government is much more important obviously. Not surprising that half of America thinks the USA is Headed For A Depression, right?

And, you know the MSM has given up on any semblence of reporting about `Justice In America' - when the Forclosure Fraud mess - of which not one important person is in jail for - when NEW YORKERS in foreclosure may have up to 60 Years To Live In Their Homes Without Paying do to the paperwork backup and the laws on eviction.  Does it seem fair to you to pay one more cent to fraudsters? In a land where CEO's of Of Three Billion Dollar Frauds get the same sentence as Someone Lying On A Food Stamp Application? The MSM has an incredible blind eye and short memory on such matters, right?

Yes, sticking a finger in your throat to quicken the outcome may be desired at this point.

And, it's perhaps of all the above that Google Predicts A USA Crash - a BarfStew original finding. But, as mentioned before - some folks are striking back - and - even using SARCASM and the MSM Too to fight back at the evolving police state. What a brave guy in that video, right?  Indeed, folks are SO CYNICAL in 2011 that even GOD had a 52% `Approval Rating' - but, is that surprising in the environment BS describes above about 2011?

A world in which a NEW non-government MONEY is getting off the ground perhaps in the form of BITCOIN? Which is certainly needed when to evade laws 2,000 corporations have the same address - at a common home - in Wyoming? And a world where Rick Santelli calls Social Security A Ponzi Scheme? As everyone but the MSM knows it is? A world where hackers used social media in September to report a Fake Terrorist Attack In NYC?

And, who can blame the HUGE surge on Credit Union Accounts Being Opened (not reported directly by the press) - when you have a system that didn't jail or even FIRE ONE Person Associated With The Bernie Maddoff Ponzi Game? - Hey some folks at the SEC who had been hearing of the ponzi scheme had their pay cut and some were suspended for ONE MONTH. - You can't make this crap up. Justice in America.

What does one do with a full bag of puke, right?
But, 2011 wasn't all fun and games and cat and mouse between the MSM and the citizens of the country. And, not all Barfable Stew in 2011 was about a corrupt system or people acting out in horrible manners - some of it fit the whole concept of Barf Stew in different ways. Such as these NON American sources:
A few events also warranted the Barf Stew coverage that were from the anomalous category:
And finally - some is simply hilarious!
Cash For Books, Free Shipping, Free Quotes - Sell Used Books Online!CLICK ICON PLEASE FOR MORE INFO
Barf Stew also thanks our readers for at this point 116 Purchases off of Amazon this year via blogs associated with BS. Thanks. Below, are just some of what was bought:

 Five of these Lujan Matus Books have been purchased already. Lujan gets information from the Don Juan of Carlos Castaneda books via his dreams. Very intense stuff with any of his material.
As well as books such as the one below:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Georgian Herman Cain Ad Catches Fire -- Or -- Blows Smoke?

For those of you wondering - here's the take in Georgia of the above:
In that sense, the grainy 55-second video has been a raging success, generating more than 1 million hits on YouTube by tweaking liberal outrage at the taboo cigarette habit -- and libertarian delight in liberal outrage.

Cain has said there is no "hidden message" in the ad, which focuses on staffer (and cigarette-puffer) Mark Block extolling Cain for running a "campaign like nobody's ever seen," and urging listeners to "take back America."
But veteran political operatives aren't buying it. The use of the cigarette was a calculated ploy, said Marty Kaplan, a professor of entertainment, media and society at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at the University of Southern California.

"Smoking is a dog-whistle to libertarians, Ron Paul supporters, people mad at the ‘nanny state,' " said Kaplan, who was deputy campaign manager for presidential candidate Walter Mondale in 1984.
The full article is Right Here --- and just what is TBS's point of view on the ad? ---- HEADLINE worthy! Brilliant Marketing.
Herman Cain, like the OWS and Ron Paul folks, is something the MSM is simply incapable of dealing with as defenders of the status quo and the mouthpiece for BOTH parties. (Obviously, the parties are among the biggest advertisers for a good part of every year.)
Oh, meanwhile in Georgia comes this OVER THE TOP blowing smoke story about sightings of BIGFOOT in the north Georgia mountains, oh say about 70 miles from my home in the exo-suburbs of Atlanta. bruce-barraclough-eyewitness-account of bigfoot sightings - and here's a tease:
They took pics headed back to camp ate lunch then split into 2 teams. Two members stayed at base camp and the other 2 groups split up. Bruce’s team headed towards the area with the tree formations, the other group stayed on the trail. About a mile down the road the other team did tree knocks. Silence. Bruce did tree knocks, again, silence. They did a rock knock then and they got a loud response. On the hike they noticed what appeared to be mountain lion tracks. Bruce being sick with the flu realized he couldn’t descend the hill any further. He stayed behind with a 45 mm weapon as the others continued down the trail. They realized there was heavy movement in the canyon below. Bruce continued on back to base camp. He then heard something heavy being thrown. He then experienced violent tree shaking. He quickened his pace. He felt and heard footsteps assuming he was being followed.

Not being embarrassed he then began talking to his guest. He offered a drink from his canteen to the unknown stalker and left his canteen on the middle of the trail.
He radioed the other group and asked them to retrieve his canteen when they returned. A while later they radioed him and asked him if he had left a turtle shell on top of the canteen!
He joined them to see for himself and discovered the canteen had a turtle shell on top of the emptied canteen!
He believes that the forest visitor left him a gift.
Seriously, this is just a PORTION of what occurred. A must read story to understand the strange state of Georgia and what happens when one beckons the Unknown.

And, you might have thoughts about other types of stuffing when viewing these two hotties who are TBS's daily sexy picture Ball Headstone Classic - future pole dancers? - And, why not a weekend Double D's Shot. ---- Want more pics? Go into the archive for many more. Barf Stew is like a treasure waiting to be found.
Politics, check. Sexy, check. ParaNormal, check. The Barf Stew Mix.
Double shot of ParaNormal? -- The Art Shaman on Squidoo Trippy Girl With Some Cool Ideas - even sympathetic magic.
According to this website I'm the 75,857,923,338th person to have lived since the beginning of history and the day I was born I was the 2,614,154,543rd person on Earth. Find your

 Birthtime Order Number Here.
More people realize daily that the MSM is worthless and only is in the pocket of the politicians they serve and collect ad money from as part of their business plan.
TBS does politics.
You can't tell me that you'd wait THIS LONG for the SLEAZE? Well, let that patience be rewarded immediately:
Sunday Moyo, Zimbabwe Man, Caught Having Sex With Donkey, Claims Animal Was A Prostitute - A True `Sunday' Story - other gems in this story include the fact that 20 states have no laws against animal ...... intimacy.
Oh, and
 this is the 2000's.
Today's B.S., hardly another website like it - bookmark and return for more entertainment. Please support independent blogs when you search the internet.
here's your hot read for the coming cold winter months.

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