Regardless of how impossible it is to review two months of changes to the blockchain tech and it's adaption and rebuff my the mainstream...below you will find many Bitcoin links that attempt to bring you up to date in a sense at will also find many links of a NON Bitcoin may want to bookmark has a lot for you.

While China has closed its exchanges... Japan just ENDORSED 11 of them for it's citizens to be at the forefront of Crypto.
Meanwhile Dubai will become the first nation to issue its OWN crypto coin...for payment of government services. Hmm. The link also points out that some property is now being sold in Dubai priced in Bitcoin for payment.
Hey...forget countries getting involved in about the real power players ... like McDonald's who is now teasing that they may be taking the coin that Jamie Diamond hates...
From the'd think that all is rosy in the Bitcoin garden right?'s a very LONG (but worth it) detailed Reddit read that will totally shake your confidence that the value of Bitcoin will rise it is now close to be being controlled by some not so cool decide.
Speaking of forces not under you know...the MSM (mainstream media) has had a hard hard time "explaining" the motives of the Las Vegas shooter last week...let's devolve into some of the conspiracy stuff out there.... such as this link about what a couple of Australians claim to have seen...
Here's another take on the 2nd Gunman idea from NBC and here's the "down the rabbit hole" link for you of the best of 16 Questions about the shooting that the MSM leaves best untouched generally. Tons of links to other theories on that last link to check out.
Speaking Of Being Spoon Fed Our Truths
Speaking Of Being Spoon Fed Our Truths
Speaking of ever hear the one about ELVIS and aliens? Didn't think so.
I think that will do for today...please bookmark and return for more...and again...the archive...will keep you busy the rest of the hour...give it a shot.