Did you hear this one.... after 40 years a dad (in his 80's) and son - who barely speaks.... are found in a Vietnam forest.... Seriously -- see sidebar for story of the girl raised by monkey's.
The BS Sexy Gallery

Yes, we have pulled out a few older favorites of Barfsters
In Other BS News
Girl 10 Arrested For Raping Child 4 - Mother Says Just Child Play
In other sleaze!
Crotch Shot

what you lookin at?
The BS - The Slightly Inappropriate
Today I Learned
Average Black Family History In America Is Nearly TWICE As Long As Whites
The BS - does `paraNormal'
The Duck(like) Creature Photographed On Mars
Speaking of Mars and of settling in early - seems that 100K Humans Are Up For A One Way Mars Visit
The BS Entertains
In Other BS News
Girl 10 Arrested For Raping Child 4 - Mother Says Just Child Play
In other sleaze!
Crotch Shot

what you lookin at?
The BS - The Slightly Inappropriate
Today I Learned
Average Black Family History In America Is Nearly TWICE As Long As Whites
The BS - does `paraNormal'
The Duck(like) Creature Photographed On Mars
Speaking of Mars and of settling in early - seems that 100K Humans Are Up For A One Way Mars Visit
The BS Entertains