....No one seems to know where this impossible quantity of squirrels apported from, or how they all came to be traveling en masse(squirrels are generally solitary animals that do not travel in herds or packs). There were no reported natural disasters nearby such as an earthquake or forest fire, but such an event wouldn’t create a mob of squirrels in such impossible numbers anyhow, nor would it cause them to march together in a specific direction with seemingly unified purpose.
Attempts to stave off their attack were chaotic as people began flailing wildly with all manner of implements, and even shooting....
While I doubt this is the beginning of an urban legend - what an easy way to BS, right? I've never heard of this before as an Ohioan and a Georgian all my life ... and I HAVE heard stories about Newport.... I assure you. I bet more from this same blog will be on The BS soon.
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Flashing Youngsters - The Slippery Slope
Softball Fundraiser Exceeds Expectations

Crusty Bits Of BS
CNBC Details How The Rich Can't Even Spend Their Money Now - But Get Richer
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How Iceland's Auroracoin Is Now The 3rd Biggest Virtual Currency
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Fed Taper To Cause Severe Recession?
Those bitcoins look better everyday.
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Crusty Bits Of BS
CNBC Details How The Rich Can't Even Spend Their Money Now - But Get Richer
And why it won't be trickling down anytime soon.
How Iceland's Auroracoin Is Now The 3rd Biggest Virtual Currency
Any VC in your portfolio? Oh, you can GAMBLE (roulette) in VC with two links in the left sidebar - take a look.
Fed Taper To Cause Severe Recession?
Those bitcoins look better everyday.
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Bitcoin Beginner's Guide: Everything You Need To Know To Become Rich With Bitcoins (Bitcoin Mining, Bitcoin Trading, Bitcoin Guide)
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UFO Image? Or, BS.
I call these structured Orbs... but, what the hell?
Speaking of ParaNormal - Wouldn't This Be A Great Time For The RV Folks To Say Where Flight 370 Is?
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