And, with some VERY cleaver wording --- this link title is NOT BS - http://disinfo.com/2013/06/shamanic-weather-control-tower-discovered/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+disinfo%2FoMPh+%28Disinformation%29
Combine Shaman and Weather Control - can you go wrong? (it's actually a piece on archaeology)
The BS........... does politics........... as you know, parts of Europe have been in a DEPRESSION for sometime now with little hope of escape....... so, those still NOT in depression are repressing what is going on when such a state of affairs is continued by worthless politicians. Bloody Turkey...... As Barfsters know, pot has tons of positive attributes..... that are unmentioned by the media..... did you hear the latest.... It reduces traffic fatalities...... ready for some more political BS?..... how about the ratio of contractors to solders in Afghanistan? 1.6-1,,, what the HELL are they doing?...............
But all that hardly matters when you are here to see the barely dressed Barista Girls .... or.... perhaps a Kitchen Clutch?......
Barfsters Info
IF you don't think the system is totally broken - note the quote below:
So much is obvious. Moreover, this wealthiest of all wealthy nations has been steadily falling behind many other nations of the world. Consider just a few wake-up-call facts from a long and dreary list: The United States now ranks lowest or close to lowest among advanced “affluent” nations in connection with inequality (21st out of 21), poverty (21st out of 21), life expectancy (21st out of 21), infant mortality (21st out of 21), mental health (18th out of 20), obesity (18th out of 18), public spending on social programs as a percentage of GDP (19th out of 21), maternity leave (21st out of 21), paid annual leave (20th out of 20), the “material well-being of children” (19th out of 21), and overall environmental performance (21st out of 21).
Oh, the sleaze
(with 103 comments)
Now you can barf stew!
the below are ALL amazon links