Showing posts with label libertarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label libertarian. Show all posts

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sexy Sunday

Hey Barfsters - rainy days mean lots of pics in the Gallery today for your browsing...... as usual there will be other suspects:
The BS Gallery
you may want to bookmark the BS right now don't you think? There are TONS of pictures like this on The BS, 1000 posts worth - If you are new you have missed 1000's like this. It's why there are so many Barfsters. So, newbie, sit back and click a few ADS too - (after the girls of course).
Looks Pretty Evolved To Me
THE BS - does Politics
The BS of the USA
The BS Entertains
The Talk Is Always Of American Ingenuity 
along with a get out of the way attitude?
bs humor
On the other hand, the bank fraudsters who inflict their fraud on the world.... wonder aloud what has happened to the American spirit of being an entrepreneur - because as you see in this Story that being in business for yourself has never been a smaller percentage of the total business scene:
(an excerpt)
Americans started 27 percent fewer businesses in 2011 than they did five years earlier, according to data from the Census Bureau. As a share of all companies, startups have been declining for more than 30 years.
Or is the above BS as proven by Paypal and it's figures not even being considered largely?
BS's Shocking Pic
can petting zoos be x rated?
Feeding Time?

the bs is screaming good
One More Picture? You Glutton! - (Make Sure To Find Something To Click In The Sidebars Or Below
Now, Go Virtual And Leave The BS Alone

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Top 10 Libertarian States In 2012's Presidential Election - Or - What The Media Failed To Tell You Once Again

These figures are the official figures as found in Wikipedia - 2012 Presidential Results:
* candidate was previous office holder in * state

NEW MEXICO* - 3.5%
MONTANA - 2.9%
ALASKA - 2.4%
WYOMING - 2.1%
INDIANA - 1.9%
KANSAS - 1.7%
.99% Of Americans voted Libertarian for President in 2012 up from .40% in 2008 
Top Libertarian States In 2008
INDIANA - 1.0%
GEORGIA* - .7%
UTAH - .7%
TEXAS - .6%
IDAHO - .5%
KANSAS - .5% 
The Democraps got 69,498,516 votes in 2008
The Democraps got 65,899,660 votes in 2012
The Republinuts got 59,948,323 votes in 2008
The Republinuts got 60,929,152 votes in 2012
2008 Libertarian vote - 523,715
2012 Libertarian vote - 1,275,804
The increases in Indiana and Kansas can't be comforting to the mainstream power players.
No Rand Paul effect in Kentucky?
If you are new to the stew - these were the top 10 Barfiest Links Of 2012 (where you can find links to the best of 2011, 2010 etc.
the sticker above is priced at 4.25

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Two Debates - Not One Mention Of Federal Reserve Or Medical Marijuana

When one effectively locks out other points of view that are on enough state ballots to win the election - such as the Libertarians - the headline is the outcome. (Especially when the media hosting the events are living off the gravy of the advertising.) Sickening. BS does politics.
But, let's let BS get right to the Pretty Girls as Barf Stew is honored to have so many come each day to enjoy the non-nude hotties. Ready for some more? Busty Club Girl.
BS Humor - did this ever happen to you? (Fun Gif)
Hey, did you see stoner Micheal Phelps sink that 153 foot putt?

BS Entertains - tell a friend. Dig into the archive.
BS does Politics - The Oldsters Speak Up
Want a detailed science read about a Noble Gas you may have never heard about (Xenon)? Then you are in luck - find out where scientists think the Missing Gas is Located
Want a very cool first person paranormal story? It's about a person as a 2 year old Taking on another identity for about 15 seconds - that most likely lived a couple hundred years ago.
IF you wonder who BS endorses for the upcoming Presidential Election - it's this Guy - let's see YOUR candidate have this much faith in his supporters.
above is Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson
Please explore BS via the sidebar - and please check out our affiliates too.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Obama-Romney ANAGRAM `Maybe A Moron'

Has Barf Stew found the PERFECT slogan for the Libertarians this time around? Certainly it can't be CHANCE that the combined current last names of the two likely nominees adds up to `Maybe A Moron' - can it? And, isn't that about what the majority of folks feel about the way the nation is being run - BY MORONS?
BS does politics.
The Archive Has Tons Of Stuff - Dig Deep Into The Stew For The Treasures In The Broth!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Ron Paul's Amazing `CORE' Supporters

The MSM in America is slowly getting cooked in its own stupid verbiage; because as everyone knows - they have ignored Ron Paul's run for the Presidency once again. (Do remember however that RP has been on the `run for President' train since his first Libertarian run in 1988 when he placed third in the popular vote with about a half million - one of them mine.) As they did in 88 and in 08 - and `supporters' of his aren't surprised that he is getting ignored this time either. Or, the issues that he represents - as they are a direct threat to the portrayal of America involved with the world as a Positive Attribute.

But, THIS time, its the NON Paul folks that are seeing the obvious IGNORING of Paul's IDEAS. Made even more remarkable when one considers that the other 7 or 8 candidates sound virtually identical on most issues - especially where Paul stands alone. And, as you know, those `core' supporters of Paul's that the media somehow turns into a negative -- is growing into a MUCH larger CORE, as those that used to listen to the MSM find their words a bit hallow. A growing core that is so tired of real issues being ignored as to be almost beside itself.

Even ordinary people are asking - IF Ron Paul's support KEEPS GROWING - when he says he wants the USA to get out of the affairs of over 150 countries ---- HE'S NOT KIDDING. At all. OR, when he says he would actually SHRINK THE GOVERNMENT. ----------- Obviously, fighting words to the MSM who ignores such ideas routinely in their quest to be a mouthpiece for the official government line.

Indeed, ask yourself, how could the MSM NOT have tons and tons of folks --- representing the 20% of America and growing -- who think that bringing our `influence' to focus on getting things right in America first - is perhaps a good idea --- talking at your face as a talking head day after day? Where is this growing viewpoint in our so-called Free Press represented?

Nowhere of course. They are all worthless Republinuts or Democraps. All of them. They say so themselves. And, they try to manipulate the middle folk who are beyond disgust with both the parties antics into thinking they have NO choice except for bum A or bum B. They do NOT want people to be FOR a candidate (like those RP core). It is worse than the one party rule we have all grown accustom to having - it has no become the NO party rule. Literally a system that hasn't even shown the mandatory budget on paper for years to the public. It is all smoke and mirrors. But, the MSM keeps playing the drums for the crumbling `two parties' - the same ones who everyone wants gone except the MSM (who will be depending on their political advertising dollars to make their own profits next year).

Of course, only OUR media could turn being a SUPPORTER of a candidate INTO A NEGATIVE --- "don't worry about THEM" they say about Paul supporters - he just has CORE supporters. ----- Let me give the MSM a heads-up, that's a lot more SUPPORT than either of the major parties have. And, somehow, I think that is what the MSM hopes will occur - a replay of 1992.

In their heads, when RP is denied the Republican nomination by their powers that be, the MSM secretly hopes that RP will Run as an independent - splitting the vote - so that President Obama can slip on by. But, the MSM may be playing with fire. What if those core supporters refused to stop believing? And, what IF the LEFT - yes the OWS crowd, buoyant from an `American Spring' run their own set of candidates?

Could the outcome be something like the below?

  • 2012 Election Outcome
  • Ron Paul 29%
  • Barack Obama 29%
  • Mitt Romney 24% (Republican party no longer qualifies for matching funds I believe.)
  • Oprah Winfrey 15%
  • Others 3%
With not one candidate even near 270 electoral votes? And, with all four candidates having some electoral votes do to proportional representation within some states. What then?

Perhaps the MSM would have been better off actually taking the RP supporters and ideas SERIOUSLY - and let him have a real chance to represent the Republinuts. Then you might indeed have President Obama slip by as the MSM makes a mockery of the Republinuts in an effort to sway those in the disgusted middle from even voting. As they would do an about face from 2008 when they were all for `change' - as the `change' RP would represent would simply be `too much'.

Beyond hilarious. Makes you feel all warm inside right?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

SURVEY Says - Nearly Half Of Public Say Iraq And Afghanistan Wars A Waste

And, the vets feel largely the same way (slightly less so) - find out more about veterans feelings including their feelings about President Obama. Results of the separate surveys totally nearly 2,000 respondents each indicate Found "isolationist inclinations" among post-9/11 war veterans - and is Today's B.S. lead story.
What level of disservice to the community does a TV station do by making ALL `military' stories assume full support for the actions the troops are sent to do? IF 20 or 40 percent of a population don't see a war viewpoint - why do they not get 20-40 percent of the stories associated with the war effort? But, that would mean a free society and a free press --- sorry, I forgot again. (After all TV stations have `happy' images to uphold.)
Rantology - It may be only beginning!

B.S. LOVES street protesters against the current political system - with two worthless parties that no one believes in at all. However, mark B.S.'s words, this may all lead to our own Tienanmen Square. You read it here first.
Today's IN-Depth Read - Social Science Discovers Experience-Loving, Hard-Thinking Libertarians -
 Politics, check. Sleaze? -- Let's take care of that right now - today's most recent search term to come to B.S. - candid tease - so, how about a little bit of that - Thong On Display - hmm.
Today's B.S. Entertains.
Dig into the sidebar for more content today.
T-BS thanks the purchaser of the Glee episode a day or so ago from one of my blogs. Cool.

Monday, September 5, 2011

How The Lamestream Media Created The Tea Party - By Ignoring Libertarians And Independents

For years, if not decades, when given the chance via `public surveys' - the Citizens have told of their utter disgust with EACH of the two parties that supposedly represent them. Consistently, the Republicans and the Democrats who run each of the bodies of government, routinely have support of under a third of the citizenship and sometimes even much less.

Meanwhile, while stuffing their pockets with the money of the Democraps and the Republinuts, the lamestream media would tell us all that it will be the `independents' - who would decide the elections - by picking between the two worthless candidates that represented the Jackass and the Elephant. Always acting like the parties are trying to coax some untamed middle America.

All at the sametime, the lamestream media would tell us all that should someone actually run with an NON Republinut or Democrap tag, that the voting for  such `a third party' was a `wasted' vote (as if voting for something one hates isn't) - "after all the `Libertarians' never get more than 5-10% of the vote" - even if they usually are offered as an alternative on ballots.

Those `crazy' libertarians, who want the US Government out of wars in foreign countries;  who want to stop the prison industry in it's tracks by de-criminalizing many activities by adults that the government pokes it's ugly head into, - and other `crazy' ideas - like having a limited government.

But, now, we have the Tea Party.

One has to wonder what would have happened to the dialogue in this country, IF the Libertarians had actually been given even the 5-10% of the `face time' on the MSM they clearly deserved for decades now. What if once a day or so you actually saw and heard a Libertarian interviewed; or god forbid,  debating with one Republinut or Democrap - giving an ALTERNATIVE to the `standard' party line of the two worthless parties.

(Well, not worthless to the MSM, as you well know like every American, - as the advertising dollars of the political system is vital to their ultimate bottom line. Which results, of course, in the LSM `supporting' the politicians worst heart tugging `nightmares' - like The Drug War and Terrorism and such. The constant need for more police, for our `safety', of course. And so on and so on.)

What is supposed to happen, in an actual real free society (one not had in America) , with an actual freepress - the real independents who challenged the two parties would be given HUGE amounts of time as representatives of ideas NOT within the confinements of the rhetoric of the fat Elephant and the stubborn Jackass. An EAGLE view of independence. -------- You'll note the MSM's total lack of interest in folks like John Anderson John Anderson (Wikipedia) (for those too young, look up the election of 1980) and Ross Perot who challenged the two parties structures. Two candidates that before the media slam had support in the 25% plus range. Two candidates who you NEVER saw on the TV screen afterwards ----- like they didn't exist.

And, by ignoring Libertarians and Independents, the Lamestream media created the Tea Party Monster they deserve.

For years, the `liberal' side of the LSM has occasionally given the faintest of praise of occasional `Libertarian' views of a few conservatives, obviously Republicans - such as fighting for restricting government surveillance of citizens. Those few who would stand up for the people, folks like Ron Paul or even Bob Barr - while the LSM would remain silent on why Democraps wouldn't step forward. Indeed, many Republinuts often would attach themselves to having `Libertarian' principles - with power `liked' being closer to the people and futher from the Big Government. States and localities rather than the Feds.

Even the bloated liberal heads of most MSM recognized the above as a truth, - local is better.

But, the MSM, again the LSM (lamestream media) - ignored the small people in favor of the dollars from the politician clients. Anyways, remember, (to the LSM) the Libertarian candidates didn't have any dollars or skipped on their bills to the MSM. (Many politicians skip out on research bills and the like.) Dollars that represented a BROKE America, that the MSM, - via the parties, - seemed to not care less about.

And, because of the MSM's CONTINOUS IGNORING of ANY alternative views to the Republinuts and Democraps,  it was about to become the birth parents of something even more dangerous than Ross Perot's angry crowd.

This crowd was NOT going to be ignored THIS time around - and hence, the Tea Party came into existence.

Really, TTP is nothing more than an updated version of Ross Perot's concerns and graphs in the 92 campaign. People who actually MEANT that they will REDUCE a budget - not just reduce the increase that was going to occur anyway. Single minded - as political movements need to start as.

Now, the LSM, could have ALL ALONG had Libertarians talking of reducing spending by having the government live up to doing ONLY it's obligations of the constitution - and such. But, the MSM is so in the pocket of their political cronies, that doing so was too dangerous to the stability of the political system itself. Ideas like LIMITING the government (the politicians, again, one of their very important big money clients) by allowing a third parties views AIR TIME - simply was NOT in their interest.

But, instead of having the Libertarian view of `limited government' and individual adult rights - one that is actually based on principals - the LSM gave us a one dimensional vision of the plurality of America's views --------- that the two party system is now worthless at moving the country. That when fewer than 25% of the adult population can be said to be in EITHER particular parties camp of ideas - that a NEW, better system is needed. Perhaps, god forbid,  one with MORE than JUST Republinuts and Democraps.

But, we didn't get that, did we? We got `The Tea Party'. A clever simplification by the media. A party that would STILL support having troops and military presence worldwide (afterall, they formed in the Republicans). A party that has NO intention of taking on the MIC (military industrial complex) - of which, the USA spends 46% of all Military dollars in the world; dollars that we do not have, dollars all spent by the congress which is nearly 100% comprised of Democraps and Republinuts.

(So, again, to emphasis - BECAUSE THE LAMESTEAME MEDIA WOULDN'T LISTEN TO LIBERTARIAN VIEWS - WHO WOULD HAVE ATTACKED THE SPENDING BY ATTACKING THE MILITARY INVOLVMENT and dollars --- INSTEAD OF A LOGICAL way to attack our countries indebtness ---- instead of THAT --- we got the TEA PARTY. Thanks a lot you worthless F-ing media.)

The parties that most Americans view as near worthless.

But, are NOT worthless to our near worthless MSM. The LSM of all sides (laughable) - of the political spectrum that is dependent on them as advertisers (and you don't piss off advertisers BTW).

Instead, we get a Tea Party - that doesn't GET the idea that REAL Libertarians would want the END of the Drug War and all that political spending and on-going restriction of rights and policeifacation of our society. (For example, ATT using the SWAT team busting doors for advertising their public image in the Hey Marcel Ads.)

It's kinda funny really. The `liberal' side of the MSM probably would have LOVED for a political party to have arisen within the Democraps, for a  - ultimate BUDGET, no more spending increases, Party - where  the `Defense' budget was slashed to continue with the socialization of America.

But, they were too greedy to hold onto power for the mainstream Democraps; - only the Republinuts Teapartyers had the political courage to challenge the system as set up.

And, THAT is hardly going to get the deep defense cuts the Democraps would have favored. Or that the Lamestream slightly demofavored media would have favored.

But, why would the Republinuts of the Tea Party GIVE THAT AWAY (defense reduction) ? What would the Democraps offer in return for that non-starter? Correct - Barf Stew.

So, instead, the LSM have now created the image of  Jackbooted Tea Folk, who simply will NOT entertain ideas of increased spending forever; while forcing the Democraps to do their bidding, (forcing Obama to cave, of course, on the debt ceiling `debate'.) providing smoke and mirror spending `decreases' with no new `taxes'....... And, leaving the MIC as forceful as ever.

So, by suppressing the actual politicians willing to say they are/were Libertarians in actual campaigns; by IGNORING, the fact that in RUN-off races that the candidates, in a real political system, would look for support of a third party Libertarian Party (who say got 7%) and would entertain some Libertarian ideas perhaps. The actual way change sometimes happens in `TWO' party systems. (BUT we have a ONE party system really.)  That we would have a real discussion on issues not of concern to the republicans or democrats.

But, not in America. Our MSM, LSM, never requires such moves by the Republinuts or Democraps, NEVER HOLDS THEIR FEET TO THE FIRE - even when the balance of power is elsewhere like with the Libertarian voting block.

Why upset your advertisers? Right?

Never forget over the next year of political BS that you will endure about the Worthlessness of the Tea Party - that it was the creation of a Lamestream Media that has repressed political thought for DECADES - and it has come home to roost.
Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party America
Boiling Mad: Inside Tea Party AmericaWhat It Means to Be a Libertarian
The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America
The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Obama Recovery - And the Booming Need For Street BoardSign Men, Gold Buying Shops, and, Thrift Stores

A few days ago BS brought you the real deal about what might happen if the US Congress does not pass some sort of debt ceiling deal - - any number of things, but, NOT missing a payment on our debt interest - evidently. But, today, BS would like to comment on the obvious, that the media avoids at almost all cost, when talking about the current economic mess - what BS now calls The Obama Recovery.

Now, remember, BS hates BOTH parties - yet has NO interest in vacilating with the `great independent majority' between the two (actually one) parties either. As NEITHER party is worth the symbol that represents them - a Jackass and a bloated Elephant - well, come to think of it, perhaps they are worth those symbols. Indeed, if NOW isn't the time for the MSM to call the bluff of the worthlessness of the politicians and the two political parties, when is? (Since when should America be governed by parties with at most 25% individual support by the people? How can there NOT be another voice?)

As evidently everyone but the MSM knows, the only recovery since 2008 has been to the bankers and those retail stores of desperation - gold buying shops and thrift stores; then again, there has been a 4000% increase in the streetwalking billboard people, usually trying to get you to sell your gold, or for the going out of business furniture store (or similar). And, everyone knows, even though the MSM hardly mentions it - that the Obama Recovery was nothing more than saving the state governments asses during the downturn, with money to keep the state workers still collecting money instead of getting cut, and unemployed, like everyone else,  like they needed to be in 2008.

Now the new MSM term is a `jobless recovery' and the new worry of `slipping back' into a recession ---- hey MSM, get a f'ing clue - there has been no recovery. What a worthless MSM. Wouldn't NOW have been a good time to feature some folks who are NOT republicans and NOT democrats? Like a few Libertarians?

But, in about a year or so - both of these worthless parties will ask for your votes - on the government mouthpiece - the MSM. Please; BS asks you to -  for ONCE --- don't waste your vote by clicking ANY republinut or democrap. PLEASE. And know that as the MSM tells you that you waste your vote by NOT voting or voting for a third party - that the REAL waste is voting for the same worthless parties over and over.
Frankly, I'd have the debt ceiling raised,..... oh, perhaps 500 billion dollars - so that it would sink in how the congress is overspending - again and again. Until we get some representatives who AREN'T repo's or demo's. To BS, every few months going thru the same charade may actually do some good at enforcing how worthless these members of congress actually are.
Can the day be far off when the oil and energy producing states say ------ SEE YA -------- to the US Government? Why should those states support states like California? Wouldn't a `new country' comprised of Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and such be much more stable? Maybe the south itself should break off again? How long before the US `aquires' Canada and the oil producing areas of Mexico?
Indeed, how bad are things really? -- Well, read this -----> - yes, THAT worthless.
Here's a tease:
Even the $4 trillion “grand bargain” on debt reduction hammered out by President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio)—a deal that collapsed nearly as quickly as it came together—would not have gotten the U.S. where it needs to be. A June analysis by the Congressional Budget Office concluded that keeping the U.S.’s ratio of debt to gross domestic product at current levels until the year 2085 (to avoid scaring off investors) would require spending cuts, tax hikes, or a combination of both equal to 8.3 percent of GDP each year for the next 75 years, vs. the most likely (i.e. “alternative”) scenario. That translates to $15 trillion over the next decade—or more than three times what Obama and Boehner were considering......
Thanks for Barfing Today
Damned Lies and Statistics: Untangling Numbers from the Media, Politicians, and ActivistsLies, Sex and Politicians: Communicating the Old Testament in Contemporary CultureSex, Lies and Politics: Gay Politicians in the Press
Why Leaders Lie: The Truth About Lying in International PoliticsScandal! Politicians, Athletes, Television Producers and Televangelists Who Lie, Cheat, Steal, or Engage in Other Dishonest or Unethical BehaviorLies the Government Told You: Myth, Power, and Deception in American History
How long has it been since you've read a political book?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Get Ready For 24-hour Living

Foster envisages a world where it's possible, or even routine, for people to be active for 22 hours a day and sleep for two - Let us bow our human heritage to what is possible via science - right? Barf Stew, very hot, be careful.

Do “libertarian leanings” constitute a significant political movement? - Nearly all Barf.

Australia's cane toads face death by cat food - As you know, in Australia the cane toad has become an huge menace - find out how ants may be its demise or at least control. Barf Stew (BS).

Could an inland lake in PA. have a lake monster? With pictures. Stew this one up carefully.

Woman, 61, arrested for asking ‘why' - Barf Stew.

Professional Rock Stacking ART, by stacking rocks. Great Pics. Stewable.

Ohio Man Builds Four-Room Igloo, With TV, Cable - Only in Ohio. A new slogan. BS. Must see book. BS.
Sexy blonde in bikini - Barf Stew for you. Have you told a friend about Barf Stew Yet?
  Sell Textbooks For Cash - Quick, Easy, Free Shipping, Free Quotes

See you tomorrow, right? Please bookmark.



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