And, all that rambling was to point out that that was the actual case in Malaysia..... and the Pilot Of 370 was literally reported (ONCE and only once) by the MSM to have been at the trial and verdict of an opposition leader only 5 hours before the flight...... a pilot.... but also a person in a position to bring focus upon a political system ... with the commandeering of an airplane, perhaps..... so that the WORLD will have a look at what's going on in this corner of the EARTH.
It is certainly NOT beyond the realm of chance in any way - and yet - the MSM hasn't mentioned anything in this regard - how is it that the MSM doesn't understand that actions like this are what are needed to get the MSM's attention at the total corruption of the political system in many locations? Oh, and, how is it we hear of the pilot of 370 making a phone call minutes before the takeoff - and yet - a month later we don't know WHO he called or what the conversation was? Was he calling someone to report exactly what I've said above? - That HE was going to bring change? Attention?
Or, how about the near obvious thing that the MSM isn't mentioning one word about? Such as .... what would the USA do if they knew a passenger jet was headed for DC with transponders turned off,..... like what happened on 9-11 in Pennsylvania when many folks say WE shot down that passenger jet? Well, the 370 flight was headed to China's main city in the middle of the night with the same situation.... don't you think that they too would perhaps SHOOT IT DOWN?
The BS - Because Some Things Are Evidently Unmentionable
Okay, let's rip the 1% a new a..hole
The BS does Politics
And, Pretty Women

Is this the NEW ParaNormal? The Black Swan Index Hits 132!

and this is the link to the story about the NEW Paranormal -- you know, using indexes like this to predict when the SHTF or when it seems more likely. BTW, the word is that anything above a 130 index is noteworthy.
Old Time Sexy Pics?

BTW - The BS had nearly 200 pageviews yesterday - thanks for the comeback.
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