Women in the "aroused group" said they found both the unpleasant tasks and the sex-related tasks less disgusting than women in the other groups. They also completed the highest percentage of the activities, suggesting that sexual arousal not only decreases feelings of disgust, but directly affects what women are willing to do, the study shows.
Oh, the three groups of women also lubricated a vibrator - you might want to know more about this research by clicking the Huffington Post article here - Arousal Overcome Disgust - scientific yet somewhat sleazy BS as only the HP can do it.
===============================So, did you hear of the robbery of 1/4th of Canada's Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve? - What, you never heard of why Canada has a MSR? They say it's a sticky inside job.
Speaking of sticky and sleazy - and it is Sunday.....
BS's favorite hypno girls.
BS as Barfsters know - is famous for strangeness, sleaziness and sexiness - such as this picture that Combines Both - don't miss the one girls `hand' (must be Halloween). Boys know that girls tease by showing Tiny Bra Straps, and a bit of cleavage. And finally - how about using a Sexy Body to protest societies uptightness? BS, new ways of sexy Sunday.
How about the back story about the new Alien Photo From China? Picture below:

We'll take the above photo to be in the BS category.
Does this picture prove that the 1970's Never Died? BS does politics.
Entertained yet?
The latest post by Erich Kuersten is about the 2012 that didn't occur and also has his top posts from 2012 - not a bad combination.
Couple more sexy pictures to make sure our college boys read to the bottom of the page - Going Down? --- And, mix that in with a Cannabis Cheat Sheet and One Final Handbra hottie and I think BS is done for today.
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