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Showing posts with label Mazacoin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mazacoin. Show all posts

Friday, February 27, 2015


As Barfstars know.... Barfstew has been covering somewhat extensively the `nation' branded coins - with the current ultimate example of which is the Maza Coin - a coin designated to be representative of a nation. (Lakota nation.) And, via my connection with Payu Kimitsu on Facebook... I've been aware of some videos that add to the fabric of how awareness builds about CryptoCurrencies.

The first example below is simply someone who wants to encourage the whole movement... who understands that THIS is the time to get in on a new currency standard. (BTW... at Bluetrade's chat box yesterday I again read the 1 bitcoin worth 50,000 idea by NEXT year.... if crypto took over just a small fraction of world commerce. - Something I'm simply repeating here, as you know, some say a million a coin is possible ultimately.) It's from an Indian familiar with this groundswell.... listen to how sincere his anticipation and desire is.

IF such an urgency translates to the masses and overcomes the built in inertia of folks in 2015... the revolution is at hand.

But, the real gem of a video today is again from the Maza Coin team... again lead publicly it seems by Payu Kimitsu (goes by Payu Harris too) who almost single-handedly is leading the efforts to bring MAZA Coin to the masses for usage via real business transactions.

In the video below you see Payu talking with a local developer in South Dakota.... a developer who didn't really know what the question direction was going to be (you can see him begin to squirm at the 14 second mark) ... who had VERY little awareness of Crypto's (let alone bitcoin or Maza Coin)... and who all of a sudden was answering a question about WHETHER he would take Crypto Currencies for a property.... You will LOVE his answer at 21 seconds as he simply lumps crypto currencies in with all TRADe-ABLE CURRENCIES.

Then, as Payu tells the developer that he'd be the FIRST DEVELOPER to do something like this, (take crypto for building properties).. you can almost sense the guys pride and fear at being so positioned.
"..we feel good about being in a global market... with currencies that are tradable and movable"
Published on Jan 2, 2014
Maza Coin Project Founder Payu Harris talking with Hanni Chaffi about the future of Dream Designs acceptance of Bitcoin and the upcoming Mazacoin crypto currencies

The guy being interviewed is the kind that is the future of certain cryptos.
While the shake out is happening every single day - the huge shakeout and consolidation of bitcoin brands is coming IMO.

And, one can assume that Payu is behind this too:
The Designators Designated driver service in Rapid city SD signed on today as the FIRST driving service in the midwest to accept Mazacoi as a payment option, if not the entire US. Designators owner John said..."Im happy to accept Mazacoin, it costs me nothing to have a mzc wallet so why not accept it and help support this new tech?" you can find them on FB @
How much MAZA Coin do you have in your wallet?
So, I assume you noticed the ADULT screen I've placed on this blog at least for now in response to Google getting WEIRD about censorship again. While this blog prior to being a Bitcoin blog was known for being VERY controversial .... and was literally BANNED by GOOGLE for over 100 days.... my feeling was that it was the political edge that got the ban... but... this blog also featured pretty girls and women in photos... never ever nude but sexy often.... and that along with the LURID side links and Sexy Sunday and Sexy YouTube... leads me to believe that it's possible that Google may make this blog private on March 24 (against my will) - and restrict access to ONLY those who have been invited by myself the moderator/webmaster.

I'll explain more as this evolves - but - if you want to visit this blog after 3/23 - then you may have to give me a working e-mail. Sucks I know.

More on this soon.
A few more bitcoin related links and thoughts.
This is how Payu responded..... as I said, coins will be dependent upon PR in this upcoming phase. Payu on top of his game.
Keep your bucks I mean Bitcoin in America is never a bad thought.

For Example
the MYCoin saga.
Great Articles
the store has an onsite Bitcoin ATM and offers a discount to Amazon Prices if you pay in Bitcoin. And, is Bitjam the tip of the iceberg for a new peer to peer world?
The Future Continues Its Slow Advance
Various Analysis OF Bitcoin Marketplace
The bottom line is that it looks like BTC is headed to at least 300.
thanks for your support

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Will Hourly Indigenous Labor Ultimately Prove To Be Crypto-Currencies Real Strength?

In my post on January 29th I mentioned a company (BitWage) currently involved with the local Philippines workers... that converts their American dollars paid for their local work... into Bitcoin ... saving huge amounts of transaction fees for each worker. The idea is of course a natural for `indigenous' people anywhere in the world.... all that needs to happen is to have the idea REALLY take off... unencumbered by TPTB (the powers that be).... and let the awareness of a connected Internet take it's course of power.

And, at least one crypto currency person is at least making a rumble - in the direction of serving the SAME niche that BitWage is - for the American Indian (at least a tiny section of it but what if this worked... it could easily galvanize the many many other tribes) - his name is Payu Kimitsu and he is one of the main players for the MazaCoin.

I am friends with Payu on Facebook.... and wanted to share a post that is only a few hours old that he made and my response:

Talk of boycott swirls around local Indian community...but what would a Mazacoin backed Boycott look like? ok well it's going on 2 weeks since the beer throwing incident and no arrests...the States Attorney is looking at dropping pursuit of charges based on "the children were in no immediate danger" As the Native community fumes and seethes in rage over this clear message we're left to wonder what other options do we have as a community? Enter the Mazacoin Option: if the naive community  got solidly behind Mazacoin and switched 10% of their daily purchases and savings to Mazacoin it would spell a staggering $183 Million loss for the state of South Dakota...the native Community in South Dakota Alone account for $1.83 Billion a year in Tribal GDI (Gross Domestic Income). 10% of that removed from the local economy would be $183 Million lost...But where would it go? Well it wouldn't really be "lost" it would simply be removed from a fiat based economy like the state has currently and re allocated to a Native american based digital system. Since the State refuses to recognize any native american based currency as "Legit" it falls on the tribe as far as taxation and all taxes would revert to the tribes themselves.
But How would the Native Community go about such a feat? that is surprisingly simple... The Kimitsu group is currently looking at a idea to develop a inter tribal Payroll services co that would be able to do just that whereby clients could allocate a % of their payroll into Mazacoin automatically...and the more vendors, and small business merchants that accept Mazacoin as a payment option the more viable a solution Mazacoin becomes as a means of putting financial pressure on the state of south dakota and other states to get off their asses and actually do something to address the recent racially motivated attacks on the Native community...
Now, as you read above, Payu is simply using this as a tool to retaliate for the obscene public incident and lack of moves by TPTB. But, the move away from fiat and into a local based alternative is more than a reaction to injustice at one moment of time... it could be the beginning of who knows what and a reclaiming of economic power.

So... my response to Payu:
Rick Phillips Indeed Payu... why bother waiting for BitWage to do it for you. You are a man of action Payu.... well done and your math and theories about the actions also are dead on.... absolutely this is the way to push the envelope of change IMO. Begin smallish at about 1-5-10% based on the persons comfort level and then watch the multiplier effect take hold within the community as that money NEVER LEAVES the area.... and is allocated better too..... That said, as we know about how BitWage is helping workers in the Philippines it may be good to talk up that idea as one that is a symbol of change for those people at controlling their own money better without banks becoming involved. Bitcoin and the alternatives are the way to avoid their inclusion in everything. The real fantasy is that the entire economy of the tribes gets switched over... imagine these coins EASILY having a similar or greater value to the previous fiat currencies being traded for the last century. And, finally for now... since Maza coin is the 2nd base currency for that group that deals with the United Nations NGO's (non government organizations) - that represents the indigenous people around the world... what IF the tribal folks simply made THIS local experiment work.... then the whole world will of the indigenous may just be starting to be realized. It provides ONE community the direct chance to bring change. Man oh man.
Much like when in the movie `The Graduate'  the word `plastics' was positioned - Maza Coin may be the secret word for 2015... and Payu may be just the person for the job. Don't believe that Payu is the person that puts his actions behind his mouth and words? See below... yes, they accept Maza Coin.
Dig into seconds in the archive.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

`Native' American Crypto-Currencies Tomahawk Higher

You could do worse than reading this blog which featured the MazaCoin Over Five Weeks Ago very early in the switch-over to a bitcoin blog as it and Navajo Coins have been SOARING like an Eagle in the clear blue sky..... MazaCoin, the coin of the Oglala Lakota Nation, is following the path upward in value being laid by the NavajoCoin. Indeed, my next update at Bitcoins In Trade may shock you with what they've done to the value of my accounts at Bittrex and Cryptsy. I told you that the ONLY coins with potential legit value were coins that could be viewed as sovereign coins. And the run has only just begun IMO. Why Their Could Be A Bull Run With The New President John Steele - who is big on sovereignty. 
Bitcoin News, Views, and Spews

Below is the Founder of MazaCoin Payu Harris talking with a local city council representative about bitcoin technology and bringing to the area. As with most in the political realm she is of low awareness about the technology but is seemingly more than willing to learn if it will help the community.

Bitcoin Winner - Payu Harris

The Spew
says it wasn't North Korea
More Soon
Stay Tuned

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Is Bitcoin About To Tank Or Spike?

As of today the outcome of the latest plunge in Bitcoin prices is yet to be determined... is this the ride down to at least 85 if not 50? OR, is it a new base... a new take off point for a rally the likes which haven't been seen in over a year. How will those who stuck with it react if the price goes to 1000 again? Finally, could ANY COIN step in as the `reserve currency' (for trading and such) if Bitcoin confirmations begin to falter in any manner. And, what about that rumor of Stellar Coin and a FB giveaway?
bitcoin links for today
The Barf
The price too low and the difficulty too hard means that some... indeed up to 11% of the bitcoin mining is about to Be Paused is this the OMG moment.
The Stew
Seems that an American Wall Street firm is willing to team up with a Bitcoin trading exchange... and they see The Bitcoin Technology and not the coin as what is most threatening to the current state of affairs ... below is a quote.
"We are impressed with Buttercoin in many regards notably that it provides reliable, trustworthy and excellent trade execution, and most importantly that it has a US banking relationship. We see cryptocurrency technology as disruptive to the financial services industry as the internet was to communications."
The Winners
More bitcoin News, Views and Spews
A new President and new mining equipment point to a renewed interest in MazaCoin and the recent rise in prices should be NO surprise IF this info becomes more widespread.
More Soon
Spread The Crypto Word

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

MazaCoin - The Awakening Of The Worlds Potential?

As Barfstars know - I've been featuring my continuing move into the `nation' coins as one of the refuges of where value may ultimately be found in the digital world of currency. The MAZA Coin is one of the ultimate examples of such... and yes, the Dental Floss Tycoon has made my first accumulation of MC.
MazaCoin - Only 2.4 Billion EVER

MazaCoin Description

MazaCoin is an all new fork of the ZetaCoin project that branched from BitCoinMazaCoin is the Official National Currency of the Traditional Lakota Nation.
As a Crypto-CurrencyMazaCoin is uniquely qualified to hold and preserve the wealth of a sovereign nation. The forward looking and courageous decision of the Traditional Lakota Nation to adopt a Crypto-Coin as their national currency will pave the way for other countries in the world to abandon out-dated and dysfunctional forms of fiat currency. MazaCoin will create an economic foundation upon which the Traditional Lakota Nation can build lasting wealth and prosperity for their people. And MazaCoin will take it’s place in the world of Crypto-Currency as a solid Alt Coin backed by the unique legacy of an ancient culture and nation.MazaCoin is another historical first in the grand renaissance of money that is the Crypto-Currency revolution. The entire world will benefit from MazaCoin, and all are welcome to join our community.
First Sovereign National Crypto-Coin In History
Crypto-Currency in general, and MazaCoin in particular – is extremely well suited for the purpose of a national currency. Unlike precious metals or even some sort of fiat, which would entail huge resources in mining and/or minting with a devastating amount of damage to the environment – Crypto-Currency offers a clean, democratic and environmentally sound monetary system


Bitcoin News And Views And Spews

There are ALL kinds of positionings in the new Virtual Currency World - Dobbs Coin however is a bit unique

(BOB) comes to JUSTIFY your sins; to UNMASK the Conspiracy, and to get us back the SLACK they stole away!


Coins Are Now Positioning Themselves To Fill Niches

making TPTB a bit more comfortable I bet
tribal meetings below
Find One In Your Area
A Israeli man buys Bitcoins at the first Bitcoin ATM machine installed in the Middle East on June 11, 2014 at the Town-House TLV hotel in the Mediterranean coastal city of Tel Aviv.
Now as you know, when YOU talk the Bitcoin to other non-awares clinging to the old trading of sea shells - their faces often DO the below
this was the biggie, Second Market Wins

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Native Americans adopt bitcoin clone as official currency

Before The BS was banned.... (almost a badge of pride now)... Barfstew was one of the original websites that brought you the important news about Bitcoin.... and in that regard... as you can now see, an American Native tribe is putting its trust NOT in the good old greenback... but in the MAZAcoin - a tease:
“I think crypto-currencies could be the new buffalo. Once, it was everything for our survival. We used it for food, for clothes, for everything. It was our economy. I think MazaCoin could serve the same purpose.
The BS has other crypto currencies in the wings to cover - be here or be square.
But, you are here probably to see teen girls acting .... slutty.
The BS - Nothing Like It
Female Team Athletes
The BS Entertains
Speaking of Sports And Entertainment
Hmm.... interesting that DC's team has such a high price... oh, that's right... some of the richest folk in America live there.
And, speaking of BS.... has your browser been locked by the FBI scam? ..... Here's supposedly a way to remove the virus. Click only if needed.
The BS Gallery
And, finally Today's ParaNormal BS - or is it - a great story about being followed home by a breathing black mass - here's the link to the Reddit Story which at the end of the story comes complete with the PICTURE of the entity.... or is it. YOU MUST read the comments for the full story... THE BS or not.
From the category Data Is Beautiful
The Masturbation Exploits of One 18-19 Year Old American Male
  • Longest session time: 150 minutes
  • Shortest session time: 5 minutes
  • Average time: 44 minutes, 29 seconds
  • Average time without a session: 1 day, 16 hours, 37 minutes
  • I have spent 1.83% of the past year (in seconds) masturbating
  • Then, assuming 8 hours of sleep a night, I have spent 3% of waking time (in seconds) masturbating.======================================================
and, clicking this link gives you access to special graphs showing the length of each session ETC...
The BS Entertains

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