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Showing posts with label the Obama Recovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Obama Recovery. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Top 10 Barfiest Links Of 2012

Hello Barfsters. Once again, the top 10 most barfworthy links of 2012 are below, to wallow in once more. And, as usual, the memories are atrocious. You are welcome.
`The Obama Recovery' - Barf Stew remains committed to bringing you the very best of the Republinuts Great Recession and the Democraps `Obama Recovery'. This year we saw The Obama Recovery produce this information - Our Nations YOUTH Are Joining The Homeless, not wanting to mooch off of parents already smashed with hugely lower net worth figures off 40% In Just The Last Three Years. More Obama Recovery news includes how Americans are `Sharing' their home and cars for cash flow, you know, turning into capitalists - like the mothers who are becoming Phone Sex Workers. And, the Obama Recovery has given us a surge in Binge Drinking - in addition to `Buy Gold' shops.

A Chemtrail conspiracy - Nano Objects Are Controlling Us humans. The disinfomation of the conspiracy folks knows no boundaries. Makes the ignoring of the lines in the sky by the MSM even more suspicious?

Is Bigfoot DNA results gonna rock the world? Is/was Bigfoot a hybrid human/alien? Were TWO Bigfoots shot and killed? Does it matter that the `DNA' research is being done by Bible Nuts? More barf or stew? Or, did you prefer the Wholly Mammoth Video Hoax?

How is it - that a major European country fitting the very definition of What A Depression Is (Spain) NEVER has that word associated with it? Or that the common man is Foraging For Food in Spain already? How convenient for the media to keep this downplayed for us, right?

And, what is it about cops? Such as these that thought the public interest was served by Strip Searching A Mom And Pulling Out Her Tampon on the side of the road? Barf and Stew worthy. The rights that have been given up for `security' should concern everyone.

In perhaps the funniest police link of the year - 18 Police Rescue Drowning Sex Doll - as they pull it out of the river, the gathered crowd shielded the sensitive children's eyes. Classic stuff. YES, 18 police. Or, is this one the funniest - as it seems a new law in California will require the police to Be Paid To Watch New Porn Flicks - looking for violations of the law of course - to keep us safe.

And, in what was one of the only glimmers of hope - do you remember the Vermont Farmer who crushed 7 Police Cars With His Tractor over a pot arrest. Do the police realize how they incite this crap by supporting the stupid and worthless politicians? Meanwhile, new data shows that Pot Smokers Make Our Highways SAFER. Meanwhile the citizens in surveys call for Drug Testing Government Offiicals and CEO's.

In perhaps the BSy'est paranormal link of the year - An Entity Flashes Into And Out Of A Mall - remember this one? Or, is this real? Orb nearly crashes into a car!

And, some things you simply want to forget you found out in 2012 - like the Steven Hawking Sex Club Black Hole. Correct? See, you had pushed that out of your mind you thought! Or, how the marketing at TARGET outed a girl who was Pregnant To Her Father - talk about sleuthing information pieces together.

Do you remember that the FBI lost President Obama's Dossier? Or that the presidential security staff routinely uses foreign prostitutes? The BS truths of 2012 - Unforgettable.

Need More?
Top Sleaze Stories of 2011 on Barf Stew and here's the 2011 Top Barfable Stories.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Obama Recovery - Homeless Youth

Barf Stew has been keenly following the supposed `recovery' from the Great Recession. The worthless media has been reporting the end of the GR since 2009 - perhaps for the extremely wealthy. Everyone else knows that NOTHING has improved at all - now with millions more empty homes and more and more of the nations youth in a worse position than any other younger generation. More Youth In Streets in 2012.
Meanwhile, the worthless politicians keep playing on the Fiscal Cliff - wasting TRILLIONs on bombs and military force over just the last decade. And NO ONE is saying that those that build bombs for a living in America - or - build drones - should go look for REAL WORK. Oh, that's right - we are being kept SAFE. Right. Say that to the HUNDREDS of `collateral damage' (read human deaths) caused by our leaders usage of Drones on `targets'.
Seems that Google is not happy with BS anymore and has slapped us once again. Nonetheless, BS will push ahead in 2013 with Sexy Women, ParaNormal links and more disgusting politics and political opinion.Please show your support for BS during this latest Goggle slap. Thanks.
So, as far as sexy women - how about this Sexy String Bikini or how about this Ankle Tattoo? You were looking at the tattoo, right? And, this was one man's lucky gift picture from his Girlfriend.
Have you heard about the Skinwalker Ranch? Here's a BS tale, perhaps, of the 2004 Monsters Story - were people killed?

Speaking of WORTHLESS drone builders - especially those building drones to spy on Americans - did you know that some are saying that they are building Tiny Drones that will hover over your home and Rape Your Mind? - Don't you think that people who make such things should be in JAIL?
Cool Entertainment - Barf Stew

More sexy women? Who knew that white Kneesox could look so HOT! - or Recycled Jeans? ...... Finally, a young sexy Jailbait Girl. Now, send BS to a buddy to help build our audience 
Check out this E-Book for 1.69
Unspeakable - Chemtrails And Economic Collapse (Best of The Heavy Stuff)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Debt Collectors Cash In as Students Struggle to Repay Loans In The Obama Recovery

As most folks know based on surveys that clearly indicate the nation is on the `wrong track' - the Obama Recovery does have its bright spots. And, the booming segment of employment for debt collectors for government sponsored debt is a great legacy to leave our children. And, as the Article Says it never goes away. And, you might want to read about what a dismal failure the latest program about the student debt is already becoming.
How about a 1934 Depression Era Cartoon to stir your senses? BS does politics. Oh, that's right, the MSM has declared us in recovery for YEARS already.
Speaking of cartoons - could this beauty Be Your Assistant?  perhaps wave in some traffic to your store? More hotties in the archives. IF you see big blank spaces on this page it is being banned by google - a bit over the edge even when a PG rating.
BS entertains. You can share us on your facebook page with the share buttons below you know.
If you like to enjoy the best of UFO blogging in 2012 you must see this site which only has the 2012 UFO Stuff - Videos, Pictures And Analysis.
A part of 9-11-2001 that you've never heard about may be very important at a level that is amazing!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Japanese Ball Drone

What will the J's think of next, right? Could this deliver a pizza? A 40/0 Positive to Negative ratio of opinion on this one.
As you know, BS loves to spread the nearest thing to the truth - numbers. Such as the numbers involved in this latest research that shows that since the crash of 08 - that the jobs lost were middle income level and that those created have been lower income level. The Obama recovery - Read all about it right here via this CNBC link.
IF you are a BS regular - I know you have been waiting for the Beautiful Girls Photo's, Right? - And how can you beat Blue Eyes Matching A Low Cut Top? -------- Want more? The archive has beauty nearly everyday - 700 posts worth.
Philip Chen has been featured on these pages before for his edgy novel called Falling Star. And, I've even featured this blog he runs too - he's posted his first Positive Review From 1958 when he was a mere lad. (This guy has very cool original cartoons on this blog - but, it is slow loading a full page unlike loading just one with the link provided.)
BS does Politics as the slide downward continues.
So, they've run some `replication' studies on some preliminary PSI tests -------- seems the future may be harder to grasp under some conditions than Others. BS is not for lightweights.
I call this one Jealous Look - perhaps the best Disney Image Ever. You will bookmark this I bet.
The sky noise phenomena of 2012 - and the fakes of the snp of 2012. How localized is this sound for others to not have made note of it?
OMG. And along the same lines - This. Nasty slippery slope stuff for sure.
September arrives and Neither MUFON or Greer Has Shown The UFO/Alien Proof which both send were pending as early as August 3rd according to this post. Are you surprised?
Good 2012 UFO stuff is found at this Link BTW.

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year"

Well, of the year 2009 when Santelli stepped to the forefront of being the voice of the people: Over a million views on this baby and an 8/1 positive to negative ratio of opinion:
Yes, the time has come for the coffee shop to be titillating - just call it the Obama Recovery.
BS does Dictator Politics - pretty funny, don't you think?
BS is a Non-Nude Site but that pushes the boundaries don't you think? == And, this is just a totally nasty and Sexy Picture, is that a coloration? And, one last Busting Out should do the trick. Want more? Tons are in the archive.
You are here for the `paranormal' stuff? Like a article asking Why Do People Believe In UFO's? - a relatively naive article I must say. Oh, if you want Strange UFO videos - I updated the blog of the same name today with a man who claims that NASA video provide all the proof about UFO's that you can Handle - 51 total videos at the link. Quick loading. Well worth your click.
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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Family NET WORTH Drops Almost 40% In Three Years While Media Promotes Two Party System

The MSM in America is beyond worthless as this VERY important news story was put onto the 3 hour news cycle and vanished in order. Find out why you ARE much poorer now that we all endure the Obama Recovery. THE BS.
Seems not everyone is quite into the Queen in England:

BS political humor - The George Washington Connection. As the Police State Intensifies.
Time for some sexy ladies? Arcade Girl or Teenage Hotties.
BS likes to cover the paranormal too - as in this review of the new UFO show on National Geographic and speaking of UFOs - this UFO book is FREE for the next three days (Thurs-Friday-Saturday) and is currently NUMBER one on the charts for UFOs.
Have you played the game below? IF you like it, make sure to see the offer new the bottom of this page.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Obama Recovery -> Sharing-for-Cash: A New Way to Finance Retirement

It's something to read story after story of the downgrade of the American standard of living on CNBC. Find out what is being `shared' these days as more and more people turn into Capitalists. You'll love the `renting' of cars half a decade old for more than their value in 9 months. Strange trendy article full of things to stew over.
So, you saw no real coverage of OWS on Mayday, right? Must have been because no one shows up any more, right?

BS does Politics.
BS does Political Cartoons
Imagine walking up upon this Sexy Scene - yowser.
Politics, Pictures, must be time for some `paranormal' - Joe Capp is back with a post from his heart about UFOs. There is something here! -- Or, go here for the very best 8 UFO pictures of 2012; some of these are mindblowing and this is a direct link.
Oh, did you hear the BS about a NEW Titantic? An exact replica? Titantic II's Details and you could be cruising on it within the decade easily.
MORE BS Politics, another cartoon I bet you forward.
Tis the season.
For those still looking for Bigfoot Evidence, especially vocalizations.
Finally, the April winner for most beautiful and hot girl on BS - Stacked Beauty.

Family Travel Deals

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Obama Recovery - Widest Job Gap EVER

While President Obama stands calmly at the podium reading about our `recovery' off the monitor - those results of HIS recovery abound and are often covered here on BS. You'll enjoy the facts of this CNBC link pointing out such morsels as The lowest level of employment of 18-24 year olds since records began. BO might indeed have a bit of a hard time convincing those voters this time - even if the Republinuts put up disgusting candidate as they do constantly. BS does politics and economics.
Sometimes, on Sunday's we get a little artsy: And Coop The Artist - fits the bill. Below is an example of his work that is featured on the link that I also provide. That will take you to his Squidoo site - Where you get a better overview of his talents.

Sunday also means more politics and economics - such as a `picture graph' of the REAL debt crisis in Europe - country by country and then you will be able to finally make sense of The Nonsense.
Speaking of pictures worth your eyetime - One Click Chicks - you'll have to register for more. BS connects.
Speaking of BS connecting - did you look in the sidebar at the top? There is a link I've placed there to a REAL survey firm that gathers on an on-going basis `answers' from the panel they form about Politics, Products, Brands, and often Movies (including movie trailers). Anyway, people earn `points' that they accumulate over time and then cash in for things like `movie tickets' or cash value.
So, it's not a scam in any way and isn't some get rich quick or anything like that. (Indeed, they send a survey about every couple of weeks.) So, find out more by checking it out if you like to provide imput on things like movie trailers.
Finally, how does BS combine both politics and the paranormal? Well, give a link to what David Icke thinks about the OWS Movement - high strangness indeed.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Obama Recovery - Binge Drinking SURGING

With the source none other than the CDC - it is declared that the binge drinking phenomena is especially increasing with the `wealthy'. Not only that, the stated national percentage of folks supposedly drinking 8 drinks (yes EIGHT) in one sitting FOUR times or more a month Is 17% - 38 Million Adults - other hard to swallow perceptions at the CNBC link.
Meanwhile..... The Global Trade in Sex Slaves - Amazingly Informative Article. 
The politics, The Sleaze, must be time for the sexy pictures - Too Sexy For Class? - perhaps a bit different than you remember your high school class?
The Barf Stew Mix
And, Barfsters know that the ParaNormal is also a key ingredent in the STEW - so, I've found you a cool site that really digs into Real Demonic Attacks and Possessions - - and here is the real Heavy Stuff.
How about TBS finishes up again today with some Sexy YouTube? Call this Russian Miniskirt.

Have you played the games on this page yet? Use that 25 dollar coupon if you want to buy one of the games. It is a no brainer to save 19 bucks off your next tab at a restaurant isn't it?
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Obama Recovery - Mothers Becoming Phone Sex Whores

Around here at TBS - we've been highlighting those wonderful changes to our society ever since the MSM declared an END to the `recession' in mid-2009. Despite EVERYONE knowing it is complete BS. Indeed, in the tags below this post you will see `the Obama Recovery' if you want more to read more Lurid Examples Of The Obama Recovery - just hit the tag or search the site in the google box. And, I bet you will want to read more after this tease of the story:
Thousands of mothers in the United States are currently earning extra income by working as phone sex operators and a rapidly increasingly number of moms are following in their footsteps, earning between $10 and $50 per hour to entertain the sexual needs of men over the phone, Good Morning America reported in a segment on working moms in the phone sex business.

The number of mothers pursuing sex work has increased by 400 percent over the past 18 months alone, according to Rat Race Rebellion, an organization that specializes in finding jobs for mothers who need to work from home
Makes you just feel all warm and fuzzy inside doesn't it?
Economics and Sleaze - Important Ingredients In The B Stew.
And, yes, BS's pictures are another reason to visit the New Barf Stew (do you like the new design?) - Such as this Future Pole Dancer - Yowser.
Oh, if you liked the above - the daily Sexy Picture is ..... well, almost daily -- so, dig into the archive for more if you wish - second helpings are free around here.
Meanwhile.... did you catch the `strange' story about a 'Space ball' drops on Namibia - and that these `hallow space balls' have been known to drop in Africa before? Space Ball Picture and Story. --- More Strange `Sky' Phenomena?
How about a touch of nefarious? Could Chemtrail-like substances be used for A Blue Beam Scenario? - (with interesting links and MUFON UFO report too).
Speaking of GREAT MUFON Reports - The UFO Disclosure Clock yesterday had some to knock Your Socks Off - Including Government Orb Explanation - great stuff.
Do you believe that the SHTF in 2012? (or soon after?) Then this is a great Overview Site and link to what a ONE week disruption to commerce in the world would do.
Please visit the sponsers you see on this blog - thanks. Support free blogs in 2012.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Obama Recovery - Pawn Shop Christmas Shopping

OR selling. Merry Christmas. The Situation In Atlanta - The Obama Recovery Aided By The Worthless Republinuts.
Hey that TBS buddy over in the UK, John W., is doing another paranormal site if you have an urge To Talk Or Read About The ParaNormal.
Speaking of which, - here's a good `Message From Beyond' story that just hit the MSM Today - I must admit, these are some LONGSHOTS.
Politics, ParaNormal - must be time for the TBS daily sexy picture - like these Three Pierced Belly Button Sexy Teens.
Dig into the archive for more.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Is This A Jesus Portrait?

Today's B.S.'s lead story is months old and I haven't heard a word about it since (or even at the time to be honest). The link, and picture, was forwarded to me months ago by a UK fan of Barf Stew (thanks John). Anyway, here's the picture:
(Click Pic To Enlarge)
debate over whether these booklets are genuine and, if so, whether they represent the first known artifacts of the early Christian church or the first stirrings of mystical Kabbalah will undoubtedly rage for years to come. The director of Jordan’s Department of Antiquities, Ziad al-Saad, has few doubts. He believes they may indeed have been made by followers of Jesus in the few decades immediately following his crucifixion.
Much more about the 70 BOOKLETS and details of their age and location can be found By Clicking This Article.

Ready for TBS's sexy picture? How about dozens of 'em? All non nude, all sexy? Some Very Hot Athlete Pics.
TBS Entertains. Oh, make sure to get to the VERY bottom of this page today - I've put a link on to a Forex Platform that will literally GIVE you money to boost your jump into the trading field. You owe it to yourself to check it out. You can get `started' for very little. This can be much better than going to a casino. Thanks. Again, the bottom of this page.
Oh, thanks for the person who bought THREE items off of my blogs yesterday - TWO of the items were OLD ELVIS remakes including CLAMBAKE.

Hard to beat an Elvis AND Jesus picture on TBS on the same day - ain't it? Let alone dozens of sexy pictures.
You here for UFO stuff? Yesterday at UDCC the look was at a specific man in Pine Hills, NY who ROUTINELY films amazing ORB displays He has a website too - here, see his amazing June 30th UFO video.
As more towns run out of money - Smithfield NC may be forced to have police ignore 911 calls - More About The Obama Recovery Here. Is this better than four years ago?
Here's another example of The Obama Recovery - States Already Running Short On Tax Revenue with NY looking to TAX Groupon for the money it saves others - sick.
TBS has changed the way our links work (mostly) - NOW, nearly all links will open in their OWN window. Enjoy the new easiness in using TBS links.
Looking for the TBS SLEAZE? Look no further - 33 Year Old Ex-Teacher Convicted Of Sex With 5 Boys, Some On Football Team -- A Tease:
Stacy Schuler was sentenced to a total of four years in prison for the encounters with the Mason High School students at her home in Springboro in southwest Ohio in 2010. She can ask a judge to free her from prison after six months.
Amazon Naughty Teacher Figurine
Under 15 Bucks.
99 cents, I kid you not.
Meanwhile...... Insanity Of Comic Book Pentagon Mentality - Today's B.S. radical side - Flying Humvee's - they do indeed look like comic book vehicles. See how your money is to be spent by the endless American `Defense' Machine.
BS - Does Politics.
Oh, did you know that we have entered a NEW era in KLOUT scores? Never heard of it before? Mine was 10 - What's Yours?.
Need More BS? The sidebar is like a treasure waiting to be found. Go ahead, waste another 10 minutes. And, remember to check out the Forex link at the bottom of this page too.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Sexy Woman Doctor Examining (Fe)Male Patient

As Barfsters know, TBS can be totally serious OR frivolous - today's lead `story' would be the later. The headline is the search phrase that sent FIVE folks to TBS yesterday - were they looking at pictures such as the ones below?

The Professor at The Big Study website has put together another extremely readable post about TLP And the crater Plato (on the moon).
Another search term that TBS has been overly associated with lately is Mature Stockings:
More evidence of The Obama Recovery - Economy Alters How Americans Are Moving - remember when Americans were mobile? Some States Saw 90% Changes In Moving Patterns - read about this amazing new American situation.
TBS's sexy picture of the day - Two Teen Blondes In Bikinis (Sideview) - hotties for sure.
Meanwhile.... Anonymous exposes pedophile ring - hacks Lolita City -
Dirty yet?
One weird product.
Now, go explore the sidebar <--------- over there.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Conservative "Liberate Wall Street" group plans to "Infiltrate and Humiliate" Occupy Wall Street

Today's headline comes from a subreddit dedicated to the Occupy Wall Street folks - is it true - I haven't the slightest idea. Is it worth your read - Yepper! . Several hundred comments, and it links in directly to the front lines of the movement that is developing - and, is Today's B.S.'s lead story.
B.S. does Politics no one in the MSM is gonna cover.
Meanwhile..... More evidence of the robust Obama Recovery as Topeka Kansas Facing Cuts, a City Repeals Its Domestic Violence Law - Thank You, Can I Have Another Sir? - perhaps whatever resources Topeka directs at marijuana prosecutions should be re-directed - or other senseless prosecutions.
Oh, in more Obama Recovery news - Harrisburg PA became the latest city to be nearly bankrupt. At least the city council wants it that way.
In other OWS news - Occupy Dallas faces the first `police' presence: - To be expected - but, interesting example of OWS news flow.  And, one can start the office or dorm pools right now picking the date of the first official `casualty' of the Occupy movement:

Will Crosby Stills Nash And Young do another call to action at that moment?
Today's B.S. says after that political BS above on this page that you deserve Today's Sexy Picture - 49th or 50th State? - More sexy stuff in the sidebar if you dig deeply enough.
A Barfster Book.
My other blog that has girly pictures too - MRH - and other worthwhile reads. Nearly daily.
Finally, one of the FEW blogs to dare to link directly with the mix of material you find here on TBS is dbdonlon's site. A great site that is somewhat positioned between all of my blogs - great thoughtful subjects and opinions - and here he discusses How `Intelligence' May Not Even Be Material. Great read.
Sell Books Online at

Monday, October 10, 2011

NYT- The Depression: If Only Things Were That Good

Yep, the NYT pointing out the excellent things that were going on in the Depression of the 1930's - compared to today's Great Recession (yes, some want to use the term New Depression). As more and more it becomes evident that no quick fixes, or briberys of the big money boys, is going to fix the fraudulent mess that is what is called at Today's B.S. - The Obama Recovery. Anyway, here's the CNBC repost of the NYT details - quick read to get you up to speed. TBS's lead link.
Digging Deeper - Don't miss this in-depth economic read about Is US Economy Flirting With 'Modern-Day Depression'? - and, a tease:
”Simply put, an economic depression occurs only once it becomes painfully obvious that the markets and the economy are failing to respond to repeated bouts of policy stimulus,”  - and more details like Ominous Signs Abound.
-----------------------As Americans know, the OWS (occupy wall street) certainly made the Sunday talk show circuit (talking ABOUT them of course) - with some commentators: ie:politicians - making asses of themselves. Such as Herman Cain's blanketing them as `union organized' to `distract' folks from how bad a job that the Dems and President Obama is doing. ---------------- Which is so offbase as to be near laughable IMO. ------------- Here's a heads up Herman -- the protestors think EACH PARTY is WORTHLESS and only a sliver of the protestors have any connection to UNIONS most likely about the same percentage as exist in America.
As Barfsters know, Today's B.S. has already predicted that the OWS folks days are numbered before strong action and perhaps America's own Tienanmen Square event. Sadly.

Mainly, it will be in response to literally try to save the politicial system itself from self-examination. The awaiting for the Democrats and Republicans who have been elected to ADMIT that the COMBINED support for their two parties don't even represent a majority of the adult public interests in politics. The MAJORITY want BOTH parties replaced. (I've had the link before to a poll that showed the MAJORITY of Americans wouldn't pay ONE DOLLAR to have the party representing them be of the `party' of their choice - meaning - the American people don't see ONE DOLLAR of difference in our supposedly free parties to chose between.)

BTW, the loud sucking sound your hear is the vacuumn created by the worthless mainstream media who has NEVER ENTERTAINED THE IDEA that the parties are worthless, not representative, and need replacing. Never choosing to present legitament gripes about government policies on an on-going basis. Always considering the movements for change to be outside of the majority of citizens since the two parties didn't want change.

So, anyway, here's the first `pepper spraying' associated with the beginnings of `leaderless demonstrations'. - Choosing First To Pepper Spray Those Against DRONES As Part Of The War Machine - and here's more coverage of the OWS - Man Rallies Crowd With Comparison To Arab Spring - and you'll note how in this previous link how tranquil the relations are with the cops. Finally, the `conversation' seems to be spreading Wall Street Protest Spurs Online Dialogue on Inequity - What Inequality?.
Barfsters - Not Lightweights.
Oh, BTW, you think the above pepper spray incident had anything to do with this? Computer Virus Infects Predator Ground Stations - Seems some hackers are grounding the Drones.
And, it was also revealed this week that Corporation Internet Attacks May Be A Conspiracy - that dangerous internet again, maybe that whole thing needs to be restricted. BARF.
Get your politics fix at Today's B.S.
Here Comes The Sleazy Section Of Today's B.S. - Click At Own Risk.
And, after all that - you deserve some Inappropriate BS Humor - Pickin On Religion Today or, how about an Absolutely Inappropriate Picture of Two Sexy Girls Kissing At A Party? which will qualify as Today's Sexy Picture.
Yes, BS Entertains Doesn't It - Here's some CAMPY music:

The Blob / Saturday Night in Tiajuana, 1958, 45 Rpm Vinyl Single 7", 2 Songs, Columbia Original, Maroon & Silver Labels, Cat # 441250
True CAMP from the 1950's
And, finally, some real time travel - to the good old days before the polluted skies we now breathe: Yeah right - Today's BS clears up another mystery: Pittsburgh 1905

(click the above picture to enlarge and thicken the smoke)
Thanks For Barfing

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cash-Short, U.S. Weighs Asset Sales - Wanna Buy An Island?

Or, perhaps a landing strip (smugglers take note) or maybe a public Courthouse is more your cup of tea? See What's For Sale - Today's B.S. top story. TOR, The Obama Recovery, ......... continues.
B.S. is all over the `unmentionable' Great Recession (remember, it ended years ago to the MSM).
Been a day or two since the B.S. Gallery of sexy pictures, right? See some College Hotties Here - B.S. Entertains. The sidebar has a secret way to see hundreds of pics like these. Like this girl dressed Too Sexy For Public.
Meanwhile..... Protesters Dump Trash at Bank of America President's Beacon Hill Home - Bank Fraudsters Getting A Bit Worried. My god, what if they went to JAIL?
Today's B.S. Does Politics.
Ever wonder what kind of words or phrases this website gets search engine traffic from? Wonder no more - "telepathic weed smokers clubs" - Tripping into the Barf Stew.
If you were told that FEMA had put out a game in which people are involved with UFOs, would you believe it? Believe It.
And, while this may be a bit overblown when being billed as the greatest Orb photograph ever - it's a fun video seen by over 80K as of today.

Wondering where Today's Sleaze is? Hooters Restaurant Sues `Twin Peaks' - how's this? A must click if only to see the hot Hooters chicks. Could those `shorts' be any tighter?
I think that's gonna do it for Today's B.S.
Check around the sidebar for more content

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Economic Fears Help Psychics BOOM In The Omaba Recovery

Today, yet another indication of the expanding economy we keep hearing about from the Obama administration - seems that Psychics are benefiting from the Desparate Economic Conditions and, as Barfsters know, it's all part of TOR - The Obama Recovery. (Hit the term in the tags for more sectors of the society booming during TOR).
Regardless of the above - Barf Stew Entertains with a sexy picture - Honey, The Maid Is Here - can you say BUSTY?
Politics, check. Sexy Pic, check. Must be time for some `paranormal' ...... Dan Aykroyd talks UFOs, recounts phone conversation with Britney Spears interrupted by Men in Black (yes, really) - and that story is right Here almost stewable.
Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America
 Click picture or link for info.
Yes, a small vacation from BS and a return with a new look and even a new name in a sense. That said, while some changes will be coming, the evolution will be slow, ...... so slow as to have some say that there is no such thing as evolution.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Obama Recovery - Pawn Shops DOUBLE In Florida In Just Past Year

Not only that, now they are expanding ONLINE for those that want to use the `pawn shops' for how they were originally intended - pawn items you want to keep, but want a lower cost/less hassle loan alternative to banks. Yep, some jobs are indeed being created in this booming economy. 10,000 Pawn Shops part of growing industry. BS.

(BTW, for all those die hard Bush haters who KNOW that it was the `Republicans' who caused the problem - BOTH parties spend the money and pass the laws in congress. BOTH parties are beyond worthless. BOTH parties voted to go to war with Iraq and so on and so on. Wake UP - BOTH parties are F'ing Worthless. The structure is fixed and hopeless if folks continue to vote R or D. Got it? -------------------------- So, why do I seemingly BLAME the economic situation NOW on Obama you ask? ---- Because HE made key decisions that have NOT improved things in any manner economically and he over promises to the point of being a straight out liar - like BUSH was.)
Decision PointsThe Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream (Vintage)My Life
Politics are Headlines at Barf Stew - BS Does Politics.
And, in this about to be underplayed story, Housing Crisis Is Worse NOW Than Great Depression  - yepper, NONE of the so-called, over promised, `solutions', offered by the Obama brain trust, has stopped the New Normal caused by the banks and our worthless politicians. For which, still, NONE have been jailed (compared to 1,000's of S&L bankers who saw the other side of the jailbars). NONE. (And that certainly must make the innards of the Omaba lovers warm and fuzzy to think about. You know, the democraps endless rants about `Justice'. Laughable.)
The worthless of these two parties is simply difficult to comprehend with a MSM bought and paid for to dispense each parties line of BS.
And, now, the unthinkable. BS dares to challenge the US policy towards Israel ---- a tease from this story:
In the past 10 years alone, Americans have given Israel the equivalent of approximately $200,000 per Israeli family of five. In addition, there have been weapons subsidies, loan forgiveness programs, special trade preferences, and other generous gifts from American taxpayers to Israel. In fact, despite being one of the world’ smallest nations, Israel receives more U.S. tax money than any other country.
Makes one wonder how Americans would have fared with such help, right? -------- Again folks, this is but a drip in the F'ing Bucket compared to the waste and abuse going on at the Pentagon and more. Worthless Politicians who want you to vote for their party (what choice do you have, right?). You do have a choice -- don't vote for any D or R anymore. Anyway - here's a boatload more of why America is in total collapse BS.
Total Collapse: The Financial Crash of the MillenniumCollapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed: Revised EditionCollapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed: Revised Edition
BS does Politics
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