Sunday, August 29, 2010
Spoon Bending Demonstration
Just some quick entertainment from Barf Stew today:
Mind Bending Spoon Trick Magic Bender
From spoons to BS Entertainment Humor: What's the hardest thing about being you?
The Peoples Court Board Game
Sexy Entertainment - BS Style -
And, finish with some `Paranormal':
Barf or Stew - You Decide.
Please Visit The Sidebar for More Entertainment and Videos.
Do You Have Your Barf Stew Shirt Yet? See Sidebar.
Or, Support This Website To Be Listed On The Barf Roll - Coming In September.
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Saturday, August 28, 2010
Not Even ONE McMansion In The COUNTRY Sold In June Or July
And, with the Obama recovery (do realize that IMO the republinuts would have us in the same condition) in full steam ahead mode, comes this bit of real data - I'm sorry BS readers, but this is totally over the top and a must read - Barf Stew spreads the Stew about the real economic situation.
Mcwords: Mctwist, Mcdojo, Mcjob, Mcmansion, Mcdonaldization, Mcondo, Mcworld, Mcwords, Mcchurch, Mcbrother - this might make a good gift for someone.
Or, is this the right question - "Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?": America's misguided culture of overwork -
Barf Stew Does Economics.
Need some UFO news from the MSM - here's a review of the 2006 Chicago O'Hare incident - with video - Stewable.
Speaking of UFO's or ORB's - here's a great account of multiple sightings of an Orange Orb and the effects that happen when one sees one. Great writing by Regan Lee who also writes at The C Influence - that cool new paranormal blog by paranormal bloggers - Orange Orbs: Then and Now - Stewable.
One of the blogs I monitor for you - that is on the sidebar is called Strange State - and here is something that I have been wondering myself about the supposed `Black Eyed Kids' stories now afloat - could they all be made up? Barfy Stew here.
Here's my comments this week at TCI, The C Influence, about our seed post called parapsychology Stewable. Look around, lots of discussion about the paranormal here.
Hold the presses - I've got a BLOGFIND for you - - paranormal, horror, and high strangeness. Stewable. You will spend the next hour here.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (35th Anniversary Edition) [Blu-ray]
From horror to beauty - Ice Hockey Girls - SEXY -
OR, perhaps a motorcycle girl is your desire -
One of the first blogs to carry a link to Barf Stew was one concerned with Paranormal and Conspiracy - indeed, this is a very stewable blog - but, see if you can find the Barf Stew link on this page -
Finally for today - one last BLOGFIND - an EVP site with tons and tons of words from the dead - Barf or Stew - Up To You.
EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomenon: Massachusetts Ghostly Voices
Starter Ghost Hunting Kit with "Ghost Tech"
Sexy Video For BS readers - look around BS for many more sexy pictures and sexy videos.
Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back!
BTW - The Barf Stew Sidebar ROCKS ---->
Finally, many times BS has ads for Psychic Readings, take a chance - have some fun with it. I dare you.
Mcwords: Mctwist, Mcdojo, Mcjob, Mcmansion, Mcdonaldization, Mcondo, Mcworld, Mcwords, Mcchurch, Mcbrother - this might make a good gift for someone.
Or, is this the right question - "Were You Born on the Wrong Continent?": America's misguided culture of overwork -
Barf Stew Does Economics.
Need some UFO news from the MSM - here's a review of the 2006 Chicago O'Hare incident - with video - Stewable.
Speaking of UFO's or ORB's - here's a great account of multiple sightings of an Orange Orb and the effects that happen when one sees one. Great writing by Regan Lee who also writes at The C Influence - that cool new paranormal blog by paranormal bloggers - Orange Orbs: Then and Now - Stewable.
One of the blogs I monitor for you - that is on the sidebar is called Strange State - and here is something that I have been wondering myself about the supposed `Black Eyed Kids' stories now afloat - could they all be made up? Barfy Stew here.
Here's my comments this week at TCI, The C Influence, about our seed post called parapsychology Stewable. Look around, lots of discussion about the paranormal here.
Hold the presses - I've got a BLOGFIND for you - - paranormal, horror, and high strangeness. Stewable. You will spend the next hour here.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (35th Anniversary Edition) [Blu-ray]
From horror to beauty - Ice Hockey Girls - SEXY -
OR, perhaps a motorcycle girl is your desire -
One of the first blogs to carry a link to Barf Stew was one concerned with Paranormal and Conspiracy - indeed, this is a very stewable blog - but, see if you can find the Barf Stew link on this page -
Finally for today - one last BLOGFIND - an EVP site with tons and tons of words from the dead - Barf or Stew - Up To You.
EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomenon: Massachusetts Ghostly Voices
Starter Ghost Hunting Kit with "Ghost Tech"
Sexy Video For BS readers - look around BS for many more sexy pictures and sexy videos.
Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back!
BTW - The Barf Stew Sidebar ROCKS ---->
Finally, many times BS has ads for Psychic Readings, take a chance - have some fun with it. I dare you.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Earth's Helium Could Be GONE In One Generation
Amidst the on-going stupidness of our bloated government and near worthlessness of one party politicians - we find out this:
humanity is squandering the Earth's supply of the second-lightest element in the known universe, helium, at a rate that could deplete our reserves in only three decades..... You see, back in 1925, the government decided to stockpile all available helium in a giant underground well near Amarillo, Texas. The US National Helium Reserve, as it's now called, is now by far the largest store of helium left on the planet, containing nearly 50 percent of the world's reserves.... In 1996, Congress, in its infinite wisdom and apparently seemingly infinite supply of helium, decided to sell off the entire reserve by 2015 to recoup some financial losses -- all of it! Following the law of supply and demand, a concept that was apparently not well understood by the political class of the mid 90s, that resulted in an artificially low price for helium....In effect, Congress' decision to dump its helium onto the marketplace has had a worldwide effect. "You might at first think it will be peculiarly an American topic because the sources of helium are primarily in the US, but I assure you it matters of the rest of the world also," ....helium is quite useful in all sorts of operations like cooling nuclear reactors, detecting infrared radiation and MRI scans ......So why not just make more helium, right? Because helium is a non-renewable resource, one that cannot be manufactured by man. That seems an important thing to emphasize.
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, right? AND, want to re-elect those same decision makers again and again, RIGHT? - Total Barf Stew folks -
And speaking of voting for worthless politicians - it was 90 years ago yesterday that women got that `privilege' - AFTER protests like the one below.
(click to enlarge -
And, speaking about the police being able to `see inside' - comes this - Politican worried about vans that can peek into cars and homes - 500 fucking vans are already out there - the barfy police state looms.
And, speaking about advanced science - Bruceleeeowe once again brings you a REAL winner of a science link - almost all of which is stewable. - Bruce is also a writer at The C Influence.
And, at the edge of science - comes this - Is Remote Viewing Good For Viewing UFOs, Ghosts, and Sea Monsters? - Barf or Stew; it's up to you.
And, speaking of UFO's and High Strangeness - UFOs Seen in Alabama - this is a GREAT Barf Stew read.
Indeed, you may not even have caught a wiff of this story - but - believe it or not - some parts of the MSM have turned their attention to UFO's during this slow news period - Stories in Pictures: Where are all the UFO Photos? - Barf Stewish.
Sexy Photos? Yep, it's time - here's an `open' invitation - OR,
Finally, is this Barf Stew science - or not.
The Starchild Skull -- Genetic Enigma or Human-Alien Hybrid?
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Facebook Blocks Ads For Pot Legalization Campaign
Some ideas that aren't even radical get censored in America routinely - this is but yet another example of such - read all about it as Barf Stew spreads the spew -
Facebook For Dummies
The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World
Facebook: The Missing Manual
Here's yet another example about Pot news being suppressed by the MSM - The Growing Evidence of Cannabis’ Cancer Curing Properties - - as you know, the MSM would much rather talk about pink ribbons. Barf Stew.
In other news about the powers that be flexing their muscle - 'Pain Beam' to Be Installed in LA Jail - you see - it was deemed too harsh for wartime use on enemies - total Barf here - read all about it as you are unlikely to find the MSM talking about this much -
Oh, do you see the `award' that Barf Stew won for one of the top paranormal blogs (top of sidebar) - well, 3 of the sites on the listing feature writers on that cool new blog called The C Influence. TCI features ONE seed post a week and then the paranormal bloggers talk about the seed - cool idea, huh? Anyway, here's the latest seed post idea - Parapsychology Very Stewable.
Digging Inward:
An Introduction to Parapsychology
The Parapsychology Revolution: A Concise Anthology of Paranormal and Psychical Research
You say that you come to Barf Stew for the paranormal stories? Well, wait no more - Lair of the Beasts: On the Trail of the Houston Batman -
And, while the Houston Batman can disappear for 50 years, - US military's top secret X-37B shuttle 'disappears' for two weeks, changes orbit - - very stewworthy.
Batman the Escape Rollercoaster, Astroworld, Houston, Texas, USA , 48x72
Time for the sexy stuff at Barf Stew - how about a waterpark hottie? OR, a hot tennis girl?
Barf Stew Entertains.
Some come to BS for the girls, some for the paranormal, and some for the UFO stuff.
Sell Textbooks For Cash - Quick, Easy, Free Shipping, Free Quotes
Lots of BS readers have used the above service - they buy more than Textbooks too.
Facebook For Dummies
The Facebook Effect: The Inside Story of the Company That Is Connecting the World
Facebook: The Missing Manual
Here's yet another example about Pot news being suppressed by the MSM - The Growing Evidence of Cannabis’ Cancer Curing Properties - - as you know, the MSM would much rather talk about pink ribbons. Barf Stew.
In other news about the powers that be flexing their muscle - 'Pain Beam' to Be Installed in LA Jail - you see - it was deemed too harsh for wartime use on enemies - total Barf here - read all about it as you are unlikely to find the MSM talking about this much -
Oh, do you see the `award' that Barf Stew won for one of the top paranormal blogs (top of sidebar) - well, 3 of the sites on the listing feature writers on that cool new blog called The C Influence. TCI features ONE seed post a week and then the paranormal bloggers talk about the seed - cool idea, huh? Anyway, here's the latest seed post idea - Parapsychology Very Stewable.
Digging Inward:
An Introduction to Parapsychology
The Parapsychology Revolution: A Concise Anthology of Paranormal and Psychical Research
You say that you come to Barf Stew for the paranormal stories? Well, wait no more - Lair of the Beasts: On the Trail of the Houston Batman -
And, while the Houston Batman can disappear for 50 years, - US military's top secret X-37B shuttle 'disappears' for two weeks, changes orbit - - very stewworthy.
Batman the Escape Rollercoaster, Astroworld, Houston, Texas, USA , 48x72
Time for the sexy stuff at Barf Stew - how about a waterpark hottie? OR, a hot tennis girl?
Barf Stew Entertains.
Some come to BS for the girls, some for the paranormal, and some for the UFO stuff.
Sell Textbooks For Cash - Quick, Easy, Free Shipping, Free Quotes
Lots of BS readers have used the above service - they buy more than Textbooks too.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Gender And Porn: Where Men And Women Look First
The findings did not fit the Barf Stew norm of the MSM:
Researchers hypothesized women would look at faces and men at genitals, but, surprisingly, they found men are more likely than women to first look at a woman's face before other parts of the body, and women focused longer on photographs of men performing sexual acts with women than did the males.
More interesting stimulation at the link -
A Little Death In Dixie
The Suburbs
Dexter: The Fourth Season
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Researchers hypothesized women would look at faces and men at genitals, but, surprisingly, they found men are more likely than women to first look at a woman's face before other parts of the body, and women focused longer on photographs of men performing sexual acts with women than did the males.
More interesting stimulation at the link -
Now, one story that BS does not want to be late on - would be the Second Coming - as this story asks - Barf Stew.
The above picture (click to enlarge) is of Coney Island in 1905 - Goat Cart Rides - the days before PETA.
So, what is it like to run a Psychic magazine? Find out that barf here - Last Psychic News editor reveals all -
Digging Inward:
And, speaking of Psychics - here's a great read from Micah Hanks - The Mindreader’s Gambit: Psychics and the Science of Perception - - Removing the Barf from the Stew.
In the above link Mr. Hanks talks about the illusions of various Generals and such when it comes to NASA or UFO's - Now, here's the Huffington Post - swallowing it whole? - UFOs 'On The Record': Generals, Pilots And Government Officials Talk About What They Know (PHOTOS) - - disinformation, rules Barf Stew land.
How about a little dirty sexy soccer girl? OR perhaps a toe-ring MILF?
Barf Stew Entertains.
BS Humor - The Angry Pharmacy! (Caution, probably NSFW due to language.)
Amazon and America's Top Sellers:A Little Death In Dixie
The Suburbs
Dexter: The Fourth Season
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Costly FREE SPEECH - Philly Requiring Bloggers To Pay $300 For A Business License
Those nasty bloggers who don't repeat the verbatim lines of our horsemanure politicians - will be required to pay 300 bucks for that privilege in Pennsylvania. The over the top bloated government workers will stop at nothing to preserve the ponsi scheme - disgusting Stew -
Digging Deeper into the Stew:
Shouting Fire: Stories From the Edge of Free Speech
Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech
And, with free speech under fire, PETA scores a big thumb nosing by Chrysler - Dodge Removes Ape From Ad After Controversy - Barf Stew.
PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals T-shirt, (Many Colors) Funny T-shirts, XX-Large, Black
Digging down for today's paranormal link? Thomas M's NDE 3958 - would 3,000 plus Near Death Experiences do? - Stewable.*J4UvpW5Nhzd2iCpj3gSIZmwBK62gJ2WvxJTkDWp4yKQzZdgTs5AyOXVECEYuVA2q3Gw-/x_61b05b16.jpg
The above is a new crop circle in Germany.
Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries
Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles
In more signs the Obama recovery is in full robust mode - More US Workers Tapping 401(k) Funds Early: Fidelity - Barf Stew.
Today's Sexy Photo - Secretary Wears White -
Barf Stew Entertains.
Sexy Tease Videos are Barf Stew too.
Barf Stew does Sexy Tease Photos or Videos nearly everyday - take a look around BS for more.
Please - Check out the Blogroll too.
Digging Deeper into the Stew:
Shouting Fire: Stories From the Edge of Free Speech
Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech
And, with free speech under fire, PETA scores a big thumb nosing by Chrysler - Dodge Removes Ape From Ad After Controversy - Barf Stew.
PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals T-shirt, (Many Colors) Funny T-shirts, XX-Large, Black
Digging down for today's paranormal link? Thomas M's NDE 3958 - would 3,000 plus Near Death Experiences do? - Stewable.*J4UvpW5Nhzd2iCpj3gSIZmwBK62gJ2WvxJTkDWp4yKQzZdgTs5AyOXVECEYuVA2q3Gw-/x_61b05b16.jpg
The above is a new crop circle in Germany.
Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders and Mysteries
Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles
In more signs the Obama recovery is in full robust mode - More US Workers Tapping 401(k) Funds Early: Fidelity - Barf Stew.
Today's Sexy Photo - Secretary Wears White -
Barf Stew Entertains.
Sexy Tease Videos are Barf Stew too.
Barf Stew does Sexy Tease Photos or Videos nearly everyday - take a look around BS for more.
Please - Check out the Blogroll too.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Cut Mortgage Rates on Fannie, Freddie Loans: Gross
Here's something with way too much common sense to make headway in the MSM or with our near worthless politicians of both parties (one party to me) - anyway; the idea of Bill Gross is to let those who are current on their mortgage to automatically be re-financed at the lowest rate available. As I said, too much common sense - still Stewworthy - Barf Stew does Economics.
And, speaking of the US economy - makes one wonder how this information is not more talked about - the rise in licensing and the fall of unions - very Stewable. Occupational Licensing: A New Fusion, A Genuine Proposal - BS readers know, this website has GREAT graphs and sound logic.
Speaking of what the MSM likes to portray as `happening' - occasionally - you find a barfy study like this that refutes it - New Study Claims 'Cougars' Do Not Exist -,8599,2011796,00.html?xid=aol-direct - no, not the four legged types. Barf Stew.
Cougar Town: The Complete First Season
Cougar: Ecology and Conservation
Meanwhile - The mystery of mutilated seals - and what may be killing them is gaining attention -
Now, I know the BS reader wants at least one great ParaNormal link each day - so - here is a great one recently on Lon's site Phantoms and Monsters. New Mexico 'Furry Ones', 'Skin-Walkers' and 'Shadow Man' - includes videos - Barf Stew.
Did you know that the late Carl Sagan's wife is the President of NORML? - Read all about it - Barf Stew.
Meanwhile, Family of woman killed in botched drug raid to receive $4.9 million - - cops even planted pot at the scene. Barf Stew.
Writer John Carlson has joined that hip new paranormal esoteric website called The C Influence as a contributor - here's his first piece about his influences about the ParaNormal. - - in the sidebar at TCI you can catch the link to John's blog and the other writers too. Stewable.
Today's BS post started with a good idea by Bill Gross - now, here's another idea/product that is amazing - a SMALL device that eats normal plastic garbage --- and makes it into OIL and gasoline too. Will garbage dumps become valuable? Will you make your own gas?
The sexy picture is down here -
Barf Stew Entertains.
Textbook Buy Back at <--- Quick Service.
And, speaking of the US economy - makes one wonder how this information is not more talked about - the rise in licensing and the fall of unions - very Stewable. Occupational Licensing: A New Fusion, A Genuine Proposal - BS readers know, this website has GREAT graphs and sound logic.
Speaking of what the MSM likes to portray as `happening' - occasionally - you find a barfy study like this that refutes it - New Study Claims 'Cougars' Do Not Exist -,8599,2011796,00.html?xid=aol-direct - no, not the four legged types. Barf Stew.
Cougar Town: The Complete First Season
Cougar: Ecology and Conservation
Meanwhile - The mystery of mutilated seals - and what may be killing them is gaining attention -
Now, I know the BS reader wants at least one great ParaNormal link each day - so - here is a great one recently on Lon's site Phantoms and Monsters. New Mexico 'Furry Ones', 'Skin-Walkers' and 'Shadow Man' - includes videos - Barf Stew.
Did you know that the late Carl Sagan's wife is the President of NORML? - Read all about it - Barf Stew.
Meanwhile, Family of woman killed in botched drug raid to receive $4.9 million - - cops even planted pot at the scene. Barf Stew.
Writer John Carlson has joined that hip new paranormal esoteric website called The C Influence as a contributor - here's his first piece about his influences about the ParaNormal. - - in the sidebar at TCI you can catch the link to John's blog and the other writers too. Stewable.
Today's BS post started with a good idea by Bill Gross - now, here's another idea/product that is amazing - a SMALL device that eats normal plastic garbage --- and makes it into OIL and gasoline too. Will garbage dumps become valuable? Will you make your own gas?
The sexy picture is down here -
Barf Stew Entertains.
Textbook Buy Back at <--- Quick Service.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The 1964 Bentley
Quicky today - Great Video. When you finish, take a look around on Barf Stew!
Much more starting here
Much more starting here
Friday, August 20, 2010
Could The Paranormal Be `Parallel Perception'?
Is it possible that the reality we `see' is just a learned perception structure? Might paranormal experiences be a breaking thru of a `learned perception structure'? Are structures of perception a much more likely idea and explanation for paranormal events than depending on those same events as `existing' in some independent phenomenology structure on a permanent basis?
This is the website of a guru who maintains the above is indeed true - that the understanding has brought him access to a new realm of being - and that being under his tutelage can bring one the same state of beingness. And, oh, did I tell you that most of this knowledge that came to the guru - Lujan Matus - came from Carlos Castaneda's book character and possible person named Juan Matus - an Indian Sorceror - and that it comes in his DREAMS?
Anyway, this is his newish webpage (early material from an earlier site too) which features those who have been making a trek to see Lujan and the impact they felt to their lives after visiting and learning with him. Also, the book that LM has written, IMO, was one of the best three esoteric books I've read in the last decade. Stewable, amazingly.
Again, here is the Barf Stew site -
Digging Much Deeper Into Mind:
The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus
Carlos Castaneda: Juan Matus, Genaro Flores, Elias Ulloa, Julian Osorio, Sebastian, Lujan, Rosendo, Santisteban (French Edition)
The Art of Dreaming
Meanwhile, we finally have a new `Nessie' - this one off the coast of the UK - Lair of the Beasts: A Monster of the Sea - Barf Stew.
Barf Stew Politics? Sure - Israel Places Order For 20 F-35s; U.S. Picks Up The Tab - - with the Obama recovery in full swing we can afford it, right?
And, once again, Bruceleeeowe has a great article at Weird Sciences - Robonauts Are Ready to Explore Space!! - - read about the robot going to the Space Station and see the pictures - Stewable.
A "robonaut" locks onto a four-wheel bed and can be operated remotely Photographic Poster Print by Mark Thiessen, 36x48
Meanwhile, Wasps punish fake fighters - here's some Barf Stew research that involved painting the faces of Wasps - stewworthy read -
The Wasp Factory: A Novel
Sexy Time? Barf Stew Entertains. Caution, this one is addictive.
Would you like to LISTEN to the Sun? Music of the sun recorded by scientists - Barf Stew.
Speaking of music from weird locations - Radio, RIAA: mandatory FM radio in cell phones is the future -
Amazing BS Basketball Shot:
Want More? I do this same type of stuff on too.
Need Fast Cash? Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back!
This is the website of a guru who maintains the above is indeed true - that the understanding has brought him access to a new realm of being - and that being under his tutelage can bring one the same state of beingness. And, oh, did I tell you that most of this knowledge that came to the guru - Lujan Matus - came from Carlos Castaneda's book character and possible person named Juan Matus - an Indian Sorceror - and that it comes in his DREAMS?
Anyway, this is his newish webpage (early material from an earlier site too) which features those who have been making a trek to see Lujan and the impact they felt to their lives after visiting and learning with him. Also, the book that LM has written, IMO, was one of the best three esoteric books I've read in the last decade. Stewable, amazingly.
Again, here is the Barf Stew site -
Digging Much Deeper Into Mind:
The Art of Stalking Parallel Perception: The Living Tapestry of Lujan Matus
Carlos Castaneda: Juan Matus, Genaro Flores, Elias Ulloa, Julian Osorio, Sebastian, Lujan, Rosendo, Santisteban (French Edition)
The Art of Dreaming
Meanwhile, we finally have a new `Nessie' - this one off the coast of the UK - Lair of the Beasts: A Monster of the Sea - Barf Stew.
Barf Stew Politics? Sure - Israel Places Order For 20 F-35s; U.S. Picks Up The Tab - - with the Obama recovery in full swing we can afford it, right?
And, once again, Bruceleeeowe has a great article at Weird Sciences - Robonauts Are Ready to Explore Space!! - - read about the robot going to the Space Station and see the pictures - Stewable.
A "robonaut" locks onto a four-wheel bed and can be operated remotely Photographic Poster Print by Mark Thiessen, 36x48
Meanwhile, Wasps punish fake fighters - here's some Barf Stew research that involved painting the faces of Wasps - stewworthy read -
The Wasp Factory: A Novel
Sexy Time? Barf Stew Entertains. Caution, this one is addictive.
Would you like to LISTEN to the Sun? Music of the sun recorded by scientists - Barf Stew.
Speaking of music from weird locations - Radio, RIAA: mandatory FM radio in cell phones is the future -
Amazing BS Basketball Shot:
Want More? I do this same type of stuff on too.
Need Fast Cash? Sell Used Books - Ship Your Books For Free And Get Fast Cash Back!
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