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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Could `Occupy Wall Street' Cause A Run On The Banks? - Has The CUSP Arrived?

An internet buddy from the UK contacted me yesterday about the OWS (Occupy Wall Street) movement  (without directly saying it) asking if it was happening where I was (in Georgia). I tried to convey in my answer as to how `everything' was JUST starting to happen beyond NYC - and I mean JUST.

It really seems as if a sizable portion of the population of America, represented by someone in the OWS community, - might finally be getting the attention of the MSM (Main Stream Media). Issues that are felt by widespread communities to be extremely important, but are almost NEVER covered as such by our near worthless MSM. (See Examples Below)
Found on
And, the above is just for starters.

Indeed, links like this one are on Reddit today:
Peter King (R-NY) says "we have to be careful not to allow this [Occupy Wall Street] to get any legitimacy" because if it does, it might affect policy. (

submitted 13 hours ago by cos to politics
As you can see from Mr. King's typical politician response to people having any say over policy - the politicians think they still have something like TIME on their side - in all of this `commotion'.  That is, the politicians are hoping that is the case; because, as you can see - the spreading of the commotion - is NOW the real story that the media is only beginning to report - this story is an example - Wall Street Protest Spurs Online Dialogue on Inequity - here's a tease:
What began as a small group of protesters expressing their grievances about economic inequities last month from a park in New York City has evolved into an online conversation that is spreading across the country on social media platforms.

Ramin Talaie/Bloomberg
Getty Images

Demonstrators rally on Wall Street in lower Manhattan in New York, U.S., on Saturday, Sept. 17, 2011.
Inspired by the populist message of the group known as Occupy Wall Street, more than 200 Facebook pages and Twitter accounts have sprung up in dozens of cities during the past week, seeking volunteers for local protests and fostering discussion about the group’s concerns.
Some 900 events have been set up on, and blog posts and photographs from all over the country are popping up on the WeArethe99Percent blog on Tumblr from people who see themselves as victims of not just a sagging economy but economic injustice.
“I don’t want to be rich. I don’t want to live a lavish lifestyle,” said a woman on Tumblr, describing herself as a college student worried about the burden of student debt. “I’m worried. I’m scared, thinking about the future shakes me. I hope this works. I really hope this works.”

The online conversation has grown at the same time that street protests have taken place in several other cities last week, including Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington. A Web site, Occupy Together, is trying to aggregate the online conversations and the off-line activities.
“We are not coordinating anything,” said Justin Wedes, 26, a former high school science teacher from Brooklyn who helps manage one of the movement’s main Twitter accounts, @OccupyWallStreetNYC. “It is all grass roots. We are just trying to use it to disseminate information, tell stories, ask for donations and to give people a voice.”
While people in New York are still dominating the conversation on Twitter, almost half of the posts were made in other parts of the country, primarily in Los Angeles and San Francisco, Chicago and Washington, as well as Texas, Florida and Oregon, according to an analysis of Twitter data on Friday by Trendrr, a social media analytics firm.
Current DateTime: 12:53:05 08 Oct 2011
LinksList Documentid: 44820575
Call For Nationwide Boycott Against BanksOccupy Wall Street: Who the Protestors AreOccupy Wall Street — What's It Really Like?
Mark Ghuneim, founder and chief executive officer of Trendrr, said the Twitter conversation was producing an average of 10,000 to 15,000 posts an hour on Friday about Occupy Wall Street, with most people sharing links from news sites, Tumblr, YouTube and Trendsmap.
“This is more of a growing conversation than something massive as we have seen from hurricanes and with people passing away,” Mr. Ghuneim said. “The conversation for this has a strong and steady heartbeat that is spreading. We’re seeing the national dialogue morph into pockets of local and topic-based conversation.”
In Egypt, the We Are All Khaled Said Facebook page was started 10 months before the uprising last January to protest police brutality. The page had more than 400,000 members before it was used to help propel protesters into Tahrir Square. Occupy Wall Street’s Facebook page began a few weeks ago and has 138,000 members.
But it represents only a sliver of the conversation taking place on Facebook about the group’s anticorporate message. Unlike in Egypt, where people found one another on one Facebook page, geographically based Occupy Facebook pages have cropped up, reflecting the loosely organized approach of the group. These Occupy pages around the country are being used not only to echo the issues being discussed in New York about jobs, corporate greed and budget cuts, but also to talk about other problems closer to home.
And, here's More Details and with internal links that work to this important article.
You'll note what appears to be the first specific call for action of the OWS movement (highlighted in red above) - you may recognize it as the same call made by Ariana Huffington at the beginning of the year and by `activists' for some period of time already.

My God, these folks think it is actually time to force the money issue in America. These folks actually think it is time for people involved in the fraud against the American economy and those that profited from it TO GO TO JAIL. (Like the S&L bankers of the late 80's.) AND, for SOME POLITICIANS TO GO TO JAIL ALSO. And, these folks have waited years for justice to be served - and are F'ing PISSED.

The media is speechless.

The politicians are realizing that the `sliver' of the population (how the politicians will attempt to portray it in the upcoming days or weeks) in the streets may actually motivate the masses to actual action. Like the SIMPLE move to end banking relationships with the BIG BANKS.

Literally something that can be done in LESS THAN ONE HOUR DURING BANKING HOURS.

And, since the system doesn't seem up to `punishing' the big money boys - it turns out that it might just be `the people' who give the `spanking' that is deserved. The `justice' for committing FRAUD and decreasing every homeowners home value regardless of involvement. EVERY Homeowner. Costing TRILLIONS more in individual `mental equity' losses.

Not to mention the TRILLION the banks blackmailed the system for when the first collapse was almost upon everyone in 2008.

No, Today's B.S. would NOT be surprised at all if A RUN on the banks slowly begins in the next week or so. (And, you don't want to be at the end of THAT line, I assure you.) Well, not so much a run as simply an internet click or two - and perhaps an in-person visit to a Credit Union (if someone isn't a part of one already).

People may simply decide that `they' (the big banks) don't deserve to `have it'.

And, guess what happens if that begins to be a trend? The ONE action being positioned to CHANGE things!

Yep, IT will be Peter King's worse nightmare - and all politicians - as then the REAL crisis will be beginning. You'll note other `demands' (above graph) of the nearly unheard 99% - like VOTING SECURITY (yeah stolen elections and obvious election fraud gets a bit old) and THE END OF THE TWO PARTY VOTING SYSTEM. (Gets kinda hard to keep the pack in a straight line when the MAJORITY don't believe in the politics of EITHER party - something the MSM simply refuses to EVER bring up. Then again, all forms of the MSM are addicted to those easy political bucks for their own welfare - all coming from the advertising budgets of the politicians they are supposed to `cover'. Yeah, it's that obvious of a joke.)
In Today's B.S. opinion - the coming `run' - at whatever level it occurs - will BE the breakup of the big banks - the speed of which it happens may determine the ultimate playout of these many political demands.

But, one thing is for certain.

To have ALL your eggs in the BIG BANK nest - is probably NOT a good idea. And, those on Wall Street - including INDIVIDUALS who MADE OVER A BILLION DOLLARS LAST YEAR (generally hedge fund managers) - or those who authorized a system which allowed such payments as earnings - had better wish that the time behind bars doesn't exceed their lifetimes - as the consequences of their FRAUD may indeed take generations to clean up if they are allowed to exist much longer.

Indeed, against all odds, in a country supposedly `obsessed' with the pure horseshit of `Casey Anthony' (told to us by the MSM)(much more important than real justice in America on a grand scale for ratings - or - could the MSM be suppressed and not in on the scam(?) - it appears that `something is happening here' - and what it is is BECOMING CLEAR.

IN Today's B.S.'s opinion - there will be a body count IF the run on the banks becomes a story.

Something, that IF it is REALLY the first DEMAND - jail justice for those involved in the fraud that lead to the CRASH of 2008 and beyond - and IF it is ignored - MAY lead to the ultimate fear of wall street - the end of the HUGE money game and Jail Time.

Will it break the system itself?

Is Justice Denied enough of a reason to bring the system down?

IF it is a matter of a few clicks - will people be allowed to do so? (Would making people show up at the bank show the RUN even more so?) Do you really believe that people can't be persuaded to do so by the protesters? Would you want to be the last to respond to that idea?

Obviously, TPTB (the powers that be) - are probably praying - while shitting in their pants about now. Hoping that the general ignoring of the protests by the MSM, normal operating procedure,  will work as it has always worked in the past (where is that missing 10 month old?) (Is another blonde DEAD in Aruba?). Hoping, with fingers crossed,  that the laziness of the people - the majority of the people - continues, -  that the realization of ending the money flow to the big banks is the true peoples powers - the real justice to be served.

I'd say Peter King has reason to be worried - once things spill over from the CUSP - they unfold VERY quickly. MUCH more quickly, generally,  than politicians can think or act. In other countries with uprisings - they simply replace the politicians - (could something THAT significant actually happen).

And the CUSP is here (Civilian Uprising Stirs Politicians) - and, there's a man with a gun over there.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Trending - Home Invasions, Rural Ohio, Bondage and Hair Removal For Victims

Fake story? Think again. An unbelievable special consensus of religious thought gone amok and certainly Today's B.S. lead story. Violent Amish Sect.
The Politics of Love: The New Testament and Non-Violent Revolution
The Ultimate Pothead Halloween Costume - Unacceptable Drug Humor.

 More Costumes.
Oh, BTW:

Waiting for some Sexy Pictures for the weekend pleasure zone? Here you go - `Spread' Pole Dancer? --- wow, huh? And, this one is sure to please too - New HS Dress Code? - yeah, a bit different than you remember.
And, here's Today's B.S. sleazy story - 18 Year Old Female Uses Doggy Door For Robbery - Blames Addiction To Porno - lurid details just a click away.
DEEP ParaNormal of interest - a feature of Today's B.S. - Charles Tart - And Away YouGo - you may want to bookmark this webpage.
And, finally, over 100 DEEP posts about Aspects of the Event Horizon - and more. lol.
The Sidebar Beckons.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Prediction - Occupy Wall Street, American Autumn, To Result In U.S.A.'s Tienanmen Square

There's something happening here, what it is isn't exactly clear..... Yeah, it's a somewhat disgusting prediction and not one that B.S. takes lightly. BUT, I can already sense the direction the MSM will be taking during American Autumn's uprising. Certainly, I hope, folks aren't so stupid to think that the powers that be (TPTB) are going to take this lying down, right?

Without question,  the MSM will try to marginalize this `movement' while it still has time - which is becoming VERY short IMO. The use of FORCE will soon happen during the next bridge take over or something similar. As per usual to the MSM, it will be `unclear' as to whether the police acted appropriately, or `who' started the `violence'.  (Such as planted police officers designed to provide a reason for a dramatic crackdown.)

It's becoming clearer by the day that the real thing the OWS (occupy Wall Street) folks want is literally the ENDING of the two worthless political parties - a new F-ing start of the system and a clean out of the old fraudsters. The power players, the shot callers.

AND, a cleaning out of the MSM too.

Yes, it also needs to be thoroughly cleaned of the Wolf Blitzers and the Shawn Hannity's. It needs to have actual people on the airwaves who agree with NEITHER party. OMG what would that be like huh? Would someone be brave enough to call it freedom of the press?

But, ultimately, perhaps after the first snowstorm in NYC has reduced those 24-7's of the occupation movement to a few hundred - would be the time to move in for THE EVENT. Our Tienanmen Square. `Dozens Dead' and an empty square - could save TPTB - and send America into another listless winter of accepting the primaries - and SAVE the two party system from any real challenges in 2012.

What do you think?
Things are heating up - as this video and link show:
"My Little Nightstick Is Going To Get A Workout Tonight"

hattip to - The Debris Field and the source -
Yeah, Today's B.S. does Politics.
AND, sexy girl pictures - what a stew of entertainment - Sexy Blonde.
And, inappropriate DRUG humor - Just Say NO - bet you forward this one.
For Today's ParaNormal - lets turn to one of Bruce Duensing's recent gems which generated lots of comments too - Part One of Through The Looking Glass: Backwards As Forward - The Event Horizon Discussion - hurry on this one as all BD links do not remain active (some have been dead when I went to post them).
Oh, if you wanted today's news or more sexy pictures - I just updated MRH today - right here News And Views.
That's enough to mull over for Today's B.S. - hope to see you tomorrow. Send Barf Stew to a friend and let them enjoy the BS Mix.

 - Since you were wondering where the sleaze was today.

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