So, I found some exchanges where ScotCoin (the Scotland Coin) and KarmaCoin specifically were traded - having bought those in Coins-e -- so, I then traded/sent them to my newest Exchange I'd like Barfstars to check out Bluetrade. Bluetrade seems to have the BIG coins you see at all the exchanges but carry some of the NEWEST and promoted coins... that have virtually NO value and can be `bought' for the 1000's for pennies. SOME, that aren't crappola coins. (Some that are.)
So, I've been THERE about a week or two and finally dug a bit deeper and put like 15 USD worth of Bitcoin into the site for trading - buying ScotCoin, some DogeCoin (again) and making a few other trades. THEN, today I bought - the BlueTrade Coin - which PAYS interest to those that `hold' them (sounds like a bank?) every four hours and also based on how many trades are going on at the Exchange (which encourages folks to bring others into the gig). So, today I bought 2 of the BlueShares coin and lo and behold.... they make a very small deposit of MANY of these NEW coins directly into your account. In a sense you suddenly have a new portfolio of coins. Dental Floss Tycoon Baby. The Bluetrade #'s are growing daily.... you are almost still an early adopter if you get in now.
So, click the above link - and use some of that FREE Bitcoin you are getting from QoinPro to TRADE around some (after you let the bit by bit build up) - heck even buy a share of BlueTrade. Yes, it's all better if you already have a Bitcoin Wallet online - like at Coinbase - the one that PayPal trusts.
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