Americans are lucky we have a free press. A real free press - The National Enquirer. The only media outlet that continued to push a major politician to be real. Honest. Something other than a lying, slimy, fake, worthless politician with a bloated ego.
Evidently, only the Enquirer cared enough about the truth to do a stakeout, an investigation. And, if you `heard’ between the talking head statements last evening —– `insiders’ in the democrap party knew Edwards was a liar months ago — as did mainstream `journalists’ (a word I type while laughing). The only ones NOT in on the fact that another major politician had NO integrity was THE PUBLIC.
It must be part of the whole concept that the public `CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH’ — you know, like that `other issue’ we all have to just sit back and watch the media fumble `ufo disclosure’. Except that this was a `media coverup’.
The big media spin machine would have been happy to allow a lying, fake politician to take power. Doesn’t matter to them, they control the information. They can make that politician look any way they want (and they can’t say a word because they know the media knows them to be liars) - quite a handy system. A corrupt system.
I’ve heard other stories about how the media knew the surviving Kennedy brother to have been a raging drunk at the time he ran in 1980 - the man with his finger on the button would have been a raging drunk - but would the media tell us? And, I won’t even get into the cocaine rumors that surrounded Clinton before coming to office.
Get our drift?
The media LITERALLY has a disregard for the public and the TRUTH. It is all an information spin game which they `control’ (to them). To them, the REAL information is KNOWN within media circles and government circles (and we can assume the extremely wealthy) - the rest are just peons who can’t understand. The ones that need to be led around by their nose - the general public - the ones paying the bills for the government. The ones buying the advertised goods that keep the `information keepers’ in business. In the business of control, and spin.
Who cares about what happened in Stephenville? Who cares what Edgar Mitchell says? The big spin machine controls the agenda and presents the world as a magazine that they bring you between advertisements. Literally a `page’/slice/segment of reality with NO THICKNESS - no real analysis. After all, those not in the know are sheep.
Perhaps those who look for ufo disclosure - those who have ONLY blamed the government for where the world stands in regard to the issue - have been blindsided. Perhaps it is the REAL POWER brokers in the chain, the information brokers - the media. The ones that KNOW the truth about the GOVERNMENT and can expose them - and therefore controls them, indirectly.
Because, certainly, if the media feels we have no right to know that a man who wants his finger on the atomic button - COULD BE BLACKMAILED BECAUSE OF HIS ZIPPER - than that SAME media couldn’t be trusted to be honest about `what’s really known about Ufo’s’.
Perhaps, if the media disregards the public - the same respect from the public should be returned. DO NOT BELIEVE THE BIG SPIN MEDIA or you will be a believer in images and lies, not real things and truth.
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